Faith without religion.
Topical Bible Teaching
RERUN: Satan, Part 1
RERUN: Sacrifice: A Christmas Gift
As we celebrate Christ's birth, we reflect on His sacrifice and victory over sin. This Christmas, let's seek a deeper knowledge of God and His Son, Jesus.
RERUN: One Plural God: On the Plurality of YAHAVA
Shawn McCraney challenges the Trinity, introducing YAHAVA, a "Plurality of One" concept, suggesting God as a duality, inviting open dialogue on this fresh perspective.
RERUN: The Name of God
In a session, we explored God's true name, moving from Genesis 39 to YHVH, pronounced "Yahavah," aligning with divine attributes, challenging traditional beliefs.
Let’s Talk About Blood Bible Teaching
We explored blood's symbolism in scripture, from Moses to Yeshua. It signifies life, sacrifice, and covenant, highlighting a shift to a spiritual kingdom.
On the Plurality of YAHAVA
We explored God's profound nature, focusing on His plurality and the name YAHAVA. The teaching emphasized God as a singular entity with dual nature, impacting faith and love.
Explaining The Name of God
In a session, we explored God's true name, moving from Genesis 39 to YHVH, possibly "Yahavah," linking it to life, love, and breath, challenging traditional views.
A CULT Christmas Gift for All Trinitarians
Celebrate Christ's birth, reflecting on His sacrifice and love. This Christmas, embrace genuine devotion and strive to know God deeply, beyond rituals.
From Type To Reality Bible Teaching
Solving the Freewill Problem Bible Teaching
The Two Ages: Romans 8:1 Part 2 Bible Teaching
In Romans 8:1, Paul states there's no condemnation for those in Christ, emphasizing freedom and a spiritual kingdom. God's rule is about love and Spirit-led living.
The Fourth Dimension Christian: Romans 6:12-13 Bible Teaching
We explored Romans 6, highlighting the Gospel's transformative power. Believers are urged to live in Christ's light, embracing a Spirit-enriched life.
Introduction to Tri-Binary Model of Christian Praxis
In a teaching session on 1st Corinthians 11, we discussed Paul's instructions and their relevance today, using the Tri-Binary Model to apply biblical narratives to life.
Introduction to Tri-Binary Model of Christian Praxis
We explored 1st Corinthians 11, focusing on cultural context and principles like prioritizing others. The Tri-Binary Model shows a shift to love-centered faith.
Freedom to Choose Bible Teaching
In a teaching session, we explored freedom as a divine gift, emphasizing that genuine love and worship of God must stem from free choice, as shown in Genesis.
Freedom to Choose Bible Teaching
In a teaching session, we explored freedom as a divine gift, emphasizing free will's role in our relationship with God, as shown in the story of Adam and Eve.
Illustration of Christ Pt 2 Morning Bible Teaching
An Illustration of Jesus Bible Teaching
An Illustration of Christ Part 2
As we enter a new year, let's reflect on Jesus Christ's teachings. Through Him, we become children of God, guided by the Spirit and Word, striving for spiritual maturity.