Why Is Mica Miller’s Former Church Hiding This Sermon? | Part 1 | #JusticeForMica

This is part 1 of an EXCLUSIVE review of the sermon hidden from the world. Solid Rock Church at Market Common Church in Myrtle Beach, SC deleted this sermon shortly after the news of Mica Miller’s death went nationwide. I believe they did that to hide Pastor JP Miller’s body language and behavior in this…

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This is part 1 of an EXCLUSIVE review of the sermon hidden from the world. Solid Rock Church at Market Common Church in Myrtle Beach, SC deleted this sermon shortly after the news of Mica Miller’s death went nationwide. I believe they did that to hide Pastor JP Miller’s body language and behavior in this sermon and to hide from further scrutiny given his other questionable behavior, both before and after Mica’s death.

Thanks to a whistleblower, however, we have the full deleted sermon. Please join me as I walk through the sermon JP Miller preached the morning he announced his estranged wife’s death. We’ll look specifically for red flags of deception, manipulation, and other behavior that might shed some light on the tragic death of Mica Miller.

Information Control Graphic is from Cult Expert Dr. Steve Hassan’s website at https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/

#justiceformica #micamiller #jpmiller #solidrockchurch #christiancults #churchabuse #churchtoo #christianchurches #sermonreview #redflags #deceptiondetection

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Sarah Young
Sarah Young

A black sheep working to protect sheep from wolves in the institution of the Christian Church.

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