What Is a B.R.I.C.K.? | B.R.I.C.K. #01

Welcome to BRICKS: Biblical Revelations in Christ’s Kingdom!

In this series, I’ll be sharing short, focused lessons that are 5 to 10 minutes long (usually), each covering a specific biblical topic or religous belief. These “bricks” are foundational pieces of understanding that, when combined, help us see and comprehend the Kingdom of God, the new heavens, and the new earth created through Yeshua’s finished work.

Some topics might be eschatological, while others will cover basic biblical concepts like the Tanakh or Torah. The goal is to build a solid foundation of biblical truths that enhance our understanding of God’s Kingdom.

I hope you find these lessons valuable. If they resonate with you, praise Yahavah! If not, just focus on following Yahavah. Let’s get started on laying some bricks together!

As always, agree or disagree, seek and follow YAHAVAH not me!

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