The Truth About Tithing | Check My Church

The teachings on tithing in the Christian Church today are virtually unanimous, but are they true? Go to to learn more about what the Bible really teaches about tithing. It may surprise you to find it’s not at all what your church or pastor have taught you. #jesuspaiditall #jesuspaidyourtithingonthecross #pleasedonotfeedthewolves #checkmychurch #cultsurvivor #thetruthabouttithing #christianchurches

Sarah Young Avatar

The teachings on tithing in the Christian Church today are virtually unanimous, but are they true?

Go to to learn more about what the Bible really teaches about tithing. It may surprise you to find it’s not at all what your church or pastor have taught you.

#jesuspaiditall #jesuspaidyourtithingonthecross #pleasedonotfeedthewolves #checkmychurch #cultsurvivor #thetruthabouttithing #christianchurches

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Sarah Young
Sarah Young

A black sheep working to protect sheep from wolves in the institution of the Christian Church.

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