Faith without religion.
Numbers 34-36 Bible Teaching
In a Bible session, Shawn McCraney explored Numbers' end, focusing on the Promised Land's division and cities of refuge, symbolizing Christ's spiritual refuge.
In a Bible session, Shawn McCraney explored Numbers' end, focusing on the Promised Land's division and cities of refuge, symbolizing Christ's spiritual refuge.
This teaching covers the leadership transition from Moses to Joshua, spiritual events in Numbers 27-31, and Paul's view on spiritual resurrection, emphasizing trust in the Holy Spirit.
This teaching on Numbers 26-27 explores the Holy Spirit's presence before Pentecost, challenging views on its indwelling and highlighting a shift post-Christ's resurrection.
Explore Numbers 20-21: Moses' disobedience, brass serpent, Israelites' journey. Shawn McCraney highlights Yeshua as the true path to God, not Law or Priesthood.
Explore Numbers 20-21: Moses' disobedience, brass serpent, Israelites' journey. Shawn McCraney highlights Yeshua as the true path to God, not the Law or Prophets.
In a teaching session, we explored Numbers: Korah's rebellion, Aaron's affirmed priesthood, the red heifer's purification, and Christ as the foundational Rock.
Numbers 15-16 highlight God's laws on offerings, rebellion consequences, and the importance of sincere observance. Korah's rebellion warns against defying divine order.
Last week, we explored Numbers 13 and the giants in the Promised Land. This week, Numbers 14 shows the Israelites' fear and desire to return to Egypt, highlighting faithlessness.
In the second year post-Exodus, Israelites in Paran faced a decision. Twelve spies, including Joshua and Caleb, explored Canaan. Caleb urged faith in God's promise.
Numbers 11-12 teach lessons on human nature, divine provision, and happiness. They highlight the futility of material desires and the value of humility and selflessness.
Our study explored Exodus and Numbers, focusing on leadership, complaints, and divine intervention. Themes include Moses' leadership, Jethro's advice, and parallels in Acts 6.
In Numbers, Israel's wilderness journey teaches profound lessons. The Levites' purification highlights dedication, while Passover shows reliance on divine guidance.
Numbers, the fourth book of the Pentateuch, details the Israelites' journey, focusing on the census, Levites' unique role, camp arrangement, and rituals like the Nazarite vow.