Faith without religion.
Errors and Inconsistencies in the Bible | B.R.I.C.K. #06
Welcome to B.R.I.C.K.s: Biblical Revelations in Christ’s Kingdom! In B.R.I.C.K. #06, we address a common question: why should we read and study the Bible if we know there are inconsistencies and/or errors? Through an analogy with a math textbook, we explore how the Bible, despite its imperfections, serves as a tool to teach us about…
Welcome to B.R.I.C.K.s: Biblical Revelations in Christ’s Kingdom!
In B.R.I.C.K. #06, we address a common question: why should we read and study the Bible if we know there are inconsistencies and/or errors? Through an analogy with a math textbook, we explore how the Bible, despite its imperfections, serves as a tool to teach us about YAHAVAH and His truth. The key takeaway is that the Bible points us to Yeshua, the true Word of God, and helps us understand the Spirit and truth of YAHAVAH, rather than letting the bible itself become an object of worship.
As always, Yeshuans, agree or disagree, seek and follow YAHAVAH, not me!