
3 Nephi 27 – 4 Nephi

??TIMESTAMPS?? 00:00 Introduction 01:02 3 Nephi 27 12:17 3 Nephi 28 23:29 3 Nephi 29 25:30 4 Nephi Script – ?Talking to Mormons YouTube – Website – Facebook – Instagram – Podcasts Come Follow Me…

3 Nephi 12-16

??TIMESTAMPS?? 00:00 Introduction 01:11 3 Nephi 12 18:27 3 Nephi 13 26:56 3 Nephi 14 37:48 3 Nephi 15 43:28 3 Nephi 16 Script – How are the Sermon at the Temple similar and different from the Sermon on…

Helaman 7-12 | Come Follow Me Podcast

Script – How are Nephi and Lehi’s experience in prison similar to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego of the Old Testament? Who was the most notorious Book of Mormon leader of a band of robbers and murderers? The Book of…

Alma 43-52

Script – ?Talking to Mormons YouTube – Website – Facebook – Instagram – Podcasts Come Follow Me iTunes – Spotify – Google – Talking to Mormons iTunes – Spotify – …

Alma 23-29 | Come Follow Me Podcast

How are Book of Mormon proclamations similar, to modern LDS proclamations? What group of people became conscientious objectors to the Nephite-Lamanite war? What does Alma the Younger wish he could be, that was turned into a modern LDS song? Script…

Alma 17-22 | Come Follow Me | Ammon

Are altar calls of the 1800’s reflected in the Book of Mormon? Why couldn’t Ammon marry King Lamoni’s daughter? Are horses and chariots on wheels an anachronism in the Book of Mormon? Does the Book of Mormon teach the Christian…

Alma 13-16 | Melchizedek Priesthood

How does the Book of Mormon justify there being many “high priests” of the “high priesthood” when that clearly contradicts what the New Testament teaches? Did Abraham pay tithing of all he possessed to Melchizedek, or tithing of all from…

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