ActsActs 10:1-11 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseCornelius / cultural barriers / Gentiles / inclusivity / visionAugust 7, 2016
1st John1 John 5:16-21 Bible TeachingVerse by Verseblasphemy / faith / forgiveness / prayer / SinAugust 7, 2016
1st John1 John 5:7-15 Bible TeachingVerse by Versefaith / prayer / scripture / Spirit / WitnessJuly 31, 2016
ActsActs 9:23-43 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseApostles / conversion / excommunication / miracles / persecutionJuly 31, 2016
1st John1 John 5:4-6 Bible TeachingVerse by Versefaith / love / overcoming / Spirit / victoryJuly 24, 2016
ActsActs 9:15-22 Bible TeachingVerse by Verseconversion / faith / prayer / suffering / transformationJuly 24, 2016
ActsActs 9:6-22 Bible TeachingVerse by Verseconversion / faith / obedience / prayer / transformationJuly 17, 2016
1st John1 John 4:19 – 5:5 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseAgape / anointed / believers / commandments / loveJuly 17, 2016
1st John1 John 4:7-18 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseAgape / fear / forgiveness / love / SpiritJuly 10, 2016
ActsActs 9:1-5 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseApostolic Church / Christianity / Gospel to Gentiles / persecution / Saul's ConversionJuly 10, 2016
ActsActs 8:29-40 Bible TeachingVerse by Versebaptism / Holy Spirit / music / prayer / silenceJuly 3, 2016
1st John1 John 4:1-13 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseAgape love / Christian Principles / discernment / False Prophets / spirit of GodJuly 3, 2016
1st John1 John 3:17-24 Bible TeachingVerse by Verseaction / compassion / faith / love / selflessnessJune 26, 2016
ActsActs 8:24-28 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseBitterness / bondage / prayer / silence / WarfareJune 26, 2016
ActsActs 8:14-23 Bible TeachingVerse by Versebelief / conversion / faith / Holy Spirit / spiritual giftsJune 19, 2016
1st John1 John 3:11-19 Bible TeachingVerse by Versebrotherly love / envy / love / righteousness / selflessnessJune 19, 2016
1st John1 John 3:4-10 Bible TeachingVerse by Versemusic / prayer / righteousness / silence / SinJune 12, 2016
ActsActs 8:1-13 Bible TeachingVerse by Versefaith / gospel / miracles / persecution / prayerJune 12, 2016
ActsActs 8:1 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseChristian faith / Gospel to Gentiles / Jesus teachings / New Testament narrative / Paul's conversionJune 5, 2016
1st John1 John 3:1-3 Bible TeachingVerse by VerseAbide / anointing / Holy Spirit / love / truthJune 5, 2016