Collection Printed Books

If My Kingdom Were Of This World, Then My Servants Would Fight

Coming to a saving knowledge of the Truth – meaning a true “knowing” of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – has without question been the most rewarding and beneficial experience of my earthly existence. What I didn’t realize, however, was that while my mind is being renewed each and every day by the “washing of the Word,” and that while the Holy Spirit is serving to open my eyes and ears and heart to Him with greater and clearer intimacy, God has allowed me to retain my highly abnormal characteristic of independence and has now encouraged me to readily recognize similar totalistic methodologies that exist in the general Body of Christ – and to redirect the focus of my attentions to these things (which I believe are doing far more harm the faith than good) instead of on Mormonism.

Don’t F**k With Jesus

He has been maligned, abused, used and misunderstood not only by the world-at-large but especially by those who look to Him in faith. Jesus. Yeshua. The Lord, Savior and King. This short book gets right to the heart of how He and His message have been misappropriated for nearly two millennia and how people today (especially our young and alienated) are in a position to change the course of errant Christian tradition.

Knife To A Gunfight

Ever wonder why there are so many different interpretations of the Bible? A book that apparently has all the answers but winds up being understood in a thousand different ways? Could it be that it was never meant to provide objective solutions to the world but to instead serve individual believers as a map for their respective walk? Have we misinterpreted the purpose and place of the New Testament today? This book suggests that yes, we have – and it’s high time to see the Bible for what it is – a gift from God to bless individuals and not a knife to kill one another.

The King’s Colt

Taking artistic liberties with a biblical tale about the donkeys Jesus rode into Jerusalem, The Kings Colt personifies the animals in the story as a means to teach an important lesson to willful children about their loving Master.

The Sabertooth Man

This is the story of one couple’s arduous search for authentic living amidst a world of corporate corruption, greed and manipulation; a tale undergirded by principles and world-views often ignored by the masses who are collectively willing to sell their souls for a mess of potage.

Revelations on Revelation

Revelations on Revelation is an abstract of a much larger work that will be part of a detailed translation of the entire Apostolic Record (or New Testament). Because of this some of the footnoted citations (CLA citations in particular) are not included here but will be part of the final production of the finished work. In the meantime, we hope this will serve as an outline to support your study of this fascinating revelation from, and of, our Lord.

I Was A Born-Again Mormon

Born-Again Mormon is for those Saints who long to praise Jesus Christ with all their heart but who rarely hear Him discussed in church. It is for those who yearn to please God but somehow sense that they are lacking or failing in their authentic efforts. Born-Again Mormon claims that whatever church with which a person chooses to affiliate after personally becoming born again through Jesus is an intimate decision that should be made between the individual and the Lord. There is plenty of Christian work to be done in every denominational pasture.

Where Mormonism Meets Biblical Christianity Face To Face

Where Mormonism Meets Biblical Christianity Face to Face is a 650 page comparison between what Mormonism teaches as true doctrine and what the Bible says relative to each subject presented. Topics, arranged in alphabetical order, include areas such as Pre-mortal Existence, Priesthood, Race, Polygamy, the Bible, Grace, Apostasy, and Zion and are supported by LDS quotes and biblical citations.

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