Faith without religion.
Who is Grady – Part 03| REALITY Open Forum Bible Study 10/23/2024
R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Open Forum Bible Study: (with live chat for discussion and questions) This week we’ll discuss… Who is Grady and Cheryl Risley Part 3. A little background on ourselves, what YAHAVAH has us doing and how YAHAVAH brought me to the realization of Victorious Eschatology an much more… Resident Yeshuans Bible scholar Grady Risley goes…
R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Open Forum Bible Study: (with live chat for discussion and questions)
This week we’ll discuss… Who is Grady and Cheryl Risley Part 3. A little background on ourselves, what YAHAVAH has us doing and how YAHAVAH brought me to the realization of Victorious Eschatology an much more…
Resident Yeshuans Bible scholar Grady Risley goes live on Yeshuan’s YouTube channel for an Open Discussion about past teachings offered by Yeshuans and The Great News Network, or anything theological!
Watch live on YouTube, to chat and talk with Grady.
(R)ealizing and (E)njoying the (A)pocalypse of the (L)oving, (I)mmutable, and (T)riumphant (Y)eshua
Please join us as we examine Scripture and history to better understand the REALITY of Victorious Eschatology in which we live due to the finished work of Yeshua. We will explore how Yeshua’s triumphant victory over Satan, sin, death, hell, and the grave has, once and for all, established a spiritual REALITY where all can seek YAHAVAH in Spirit and Truth.
We’ll examine weekly how, in this Victorious REALITY, our focus shifts from the constraints of law, religion, and earthly mediators to each individual personally following the Spirit as they seek, worship, and love YAHAVAH in Spirit and Truth. Faith and love are the cornerstones of REALITY, where the ultimate victory has already been accomplished by Yeshua of Nazareth, the Word of YAHAVAH made flesh.