Heart Of The Matter

Heart Of The Matter is a live call-in show about the intersection and deviations of Mormonism from the perspective of Biblical Christianity. Host Shawn McCraney presents a message and then takes calls at the end of the hour. Shows are hosted live every Tuesday at 8PM MT.

Any and all are welcome to join us at the address below. The show begins promptly at 8PM MT each Tuesday evening. Or you can watch LIVE on YouTube on our channel @hotmtv, linked below.

137 W. 4640 S. Murray, UT 84107 

Heart of the Matter is a live television broadcast that boldly confronts the intersection of Mormonism and Biblical Christianity, originating from Salt Lake City. From 2006 to 2021, host Shawn McCraney offered entertaining and insightful perspectives on Mormonism and the essence of being a Born-Again Christian. Transitioning to YouTube in 2013, Shawn expanded the show’s scope to address broader issues within Christianity and Evangelicalism. On May 7th, 2024, Shawn will revive the show with a fresh approach titled “Heart of the Matter: Full Circle,” airing live on Tuesday evenings at 8 PM MT. This new series aims to expose institutions that constrain believers and provide spiritual insights for independent faith.