1st Corinthians Chapter 6: Part 2 | I Don’t Get the Bible

Navigating Legal Disputes and Love: Understanding 1 Corinthians Chapter 6

Paul, Church, Love

In a recent discussion on 1 Corinthians Chapter 6, Shawn and Delaney delve into the Apostle Paul’s advice on resolving disputes within the church community. Paul emphasizes the importance of handling conflicts internally rather than seeking judgment from secular courts, which may not align with the church’s values. This raises questions about the role of faith-based guidance versus secular advice in resolving personal and legal matters.

Shawn and Delaney explore the Greek term “Ecclesia,” which refers to the church or the called-out assembly, and discuss how this concept applies to resolving disputes among believers. They consider the implications of seeking advice from secular professionals, such as therapists or lawyers, and the potential pitfalls of relying solely on Christian professionals who may exploit their faith-based identity for personal gain.

The conversation also touches on the broader theme of faith and love, as taught by Jesus and Paul. Shawn and Delaney discuss the challenges of living by faith, which often involves selfless and sacrificial love, and the difficulty of applying these principles in a world that may not always reward such behavior. They emphasize the importance of understanding the context and principles behind biblical teachings, rather than rigidly adhering to specific rules.

Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexity of interpreting and applying biblical teachings in contemporary life, encouraging a thoughtful and nuanced approach to faith, love, and community.


Podcast Transcript:

okay all right second cor 1 Corinthians
chapter 6 part two I’m Sean that’s
Delaney and I don’t get the Bible
chapter six part two okay um we left off
I’m not sure which verse but we’re he
continues on Paul to say if you have
legal disputes about such matters why go
outside judges who are not respected by
the church so he had just told these
people you shouldn’t be going to secular
sources to solve your disputes like
through legal suing and stuff and then
he said they they will be
judging eventually like can’t they solve
their disputes themselves if they’re
going to be judges and now he’s saying
why I go outside um
so not like he’s saying not respected by
the church what I’m curious like what
exactly the church means here it means
the called out the
eaia and it means the bride Church bride
eaia it’s all the same thing like in
Greek it’s the same word yeah okay um
church is uh men is our word for
Ecclesia eklesia sorry eaia eklesia is
the is the church that’s how you say it
mhm thought’s eaia
too um and what would be not respected
by the church like what if you have
legal disputes about such matters why go
outside why go to outside judges who are
not respected by the church like what is
it that they’re not respecting the laws
of God the Jews they had both a civil
government a moral government a societal
government give by God this is a
carryover from that it’s like we let God
and the people who believe in God and
follow God Jesus and we let them work
off these principles the secular courts
they don’t okay um and that would be
things like forgiveness and oh yeah like
things love longsuffering patience
kindness and I don’t know how much of
the Old Testament law Paul would have
included in judgments in the church like
eye for eye tooth for tooth I don’t know
Jesus taught completely differently so I
don’t think he would have appealed to
that kind of thing okay yeah okay
um I could see
this playing out today too
with just like even going to outside
like out like
therapists I’ve gone to or something
like people take it all the way make
sure it’s a Christian therapist make
sure if you’re going to have to get a
lawyer get a Christian lawyer and all
these things I don’t like it so that’s
not applicable at all like I I could see
it to some degree like I don’t I I don’t
want advice from people who don’t relate
to what I’m going toward like but what
do you think of that well I personally
don’t care either way because if I’m
going to somebody for a secular advice
I’m going to them for advice that’s
pertinent to this world I see and I
don’t need their religious slant to tell
me what to do if I’m going to go see a
psychiatrist it’s because I chemically
am not functioning right I don’t need
the psychiatrist to include what God
wants I know what God wants that’s a
spiritual thing but just like if I go to
my doctor if I blow my knee out my
doctor doesn’t need to be a Christian I
trust that other licensed professionals
can do it but that’s the difference
between and people who love Christian
Community they say I want to make sure I
got a really good Christian this a
really good Christian that have very
good Christian account for me what that
opens us up to is letting those
Christian professionals take advantage
of you because they guise thems as
Christians that’s true for sure and I
don’t think it’s be the like because
they’re Christian doesn’t I don’t think
means anything to me but like I’ve gone
to a therapist
to like LED like very much
encouraged me to do things that were
really self-oriented and I don’t that
doesn’t seem therapy is a unique thing
therapy’s almost on the edge of well you
know you know the law of God I see yeah
but law that governs the land and stuff
and accounting and stuff oh yeah
therapist is kind of a fine line
therapist was the thing I went to I kind
of only cared about like all the other
stuff is super irrelevant like who cares
about a yeah even like a Christian
lawyer it’s like they’re fighting the
law like that has nothing to do with you
kind of want a bad law a bad guy lawyer
if you’re going to have a lawyer like
why would you I don’t know but like
therapy the the the problem is is that
if you get a therapist who isn’t stable
in their understanding of the faith they
could ER on the side of having you be
compassionate in a place where
compassion is not needed yeah you know
and so it gets really dicey when it
comes to Christian this Christian that
you know I I F I’m really uh angered
when I see people put like the sign of
the fish on their um gardening uh you
know van and plumbing it’s yeah I I I
really resent that because every time
time I’ve engaged with Christians they
always charge me the highest prices yeah
it really I mean for you to not be for
that be for that to be like the opposite
of how you work is very specifically
difficult today because that is the
reason people go to businesses is their
alignment with everything else outside
of that business and I’m I’m like I
appreciate that
about your way and like yeah I don’t
know it it seems like it would be the
opposite and Christians really have a
hard time with that yeah everyone does
christians also really hate people who
do do that liberals who only support
each other’s businesses Christians
really hate that but they only do it
with each other so
um he says following this up I am saying
this to shame you that struck me like
what the is that okay yeah well for him
it was in that day and what his call was
but and I don’t know if shame means the
exact same thing as it means to us today
you know I’d have to do a word search on
that but Paul was pretty straightforward
he didn’t he didn’t care about laying
down the
truth he cared about laying down the
truth yeah he cared about laying down
the church right he cared yeah he didn’t
care about coming off yeah how he came
off I’m curious what that actually
says I can’t I don’t know which verse
that is
exactly unto your shame I speak
oh that’s so different it is very
different that’s why you got annoying me
that’s why be careful of just straight
up English interpretations of all this
yeah like that is unto your shame I
speak yeah you have done something
that’s shameful and I’m speaking to that
versus I’m shaming you yeah that’s why
this is not the law this is really yeah
for real and there are so many
pontificators over each word yeah each
verse and depending on the mination
interpretation different yeah the spirit
is everything Faith and
love okay isn’t there anyone in all the
church who’s wise enough to decide these
issues but instead one believer sees
another right in front of
unbelievers even to have such lawsuits
with with one another is a defeat for
you that seemed to drive in the point of
like their example to other people
you’re given a bad witness the these
Christians they sue each other why would
I want to be a part of that okay um why
not just accept the Injustice and leave
it at that that’s pretty big I mean and
I I really try to live by
that you just you know every time you
talk to somebody when they get hurt it’s
I got to get a lawyer I’ve gone the
lawyer route with a few things and you
always end up losing you might this the
Injustice your you’re definitely money
yeah like yeah I mean I don’t I it would
really be hard to sue somebody unless it
was like an egregious wrongful death
yeah but in my mind his advice is really
good because you have peace why not let
yourself be cheated yeah and said you
are the yourselves are the ones who do
the wrong and cheat even your fellow
Believers it’s funny you say that
because I think it’s also really
applicable but it also seems like really
temporary advice to them to keep the
body together yeah and it was and I’m
not sure it’s applicable now but that’s
where principles are subjectively
absorbed you can use that as something
to your benefit or not but if someone
says you shouldn’t be suing anybody read
that that’s when you get in the trouble
yeah it’s good advice yeah if we just
take the whole chapter or the whole book
even it’s like he’s saying he’s giving a
lot of reasons as to why you wouldn’t
Sue but really that it gets to the root
which is like why not just accept the
Injustice and leave it at that which is
something that we could apply to
ourselves today and like Jesus said if
someone sees you give him your coat for
your cloak give him your coat too I mean
that’s a direct quote from him yeah so
Paul is kind of massaging that a little
bit I’m realizing maybe we’ve talked
about this but do you think what Jesus
was saying was
also to those people specifically or was
it are they un more Universal it depends
many things he said have no application
to us at all okay yeah that’s the
problem with reading Matthew Mark Luke
and even John sometimes and assigning it
to our day because it was to Jews but he
also said like really broad things right
and those principally we can live by
it seems like this is becoming a
redundant conversation though like
is if you were to be talking about this
chapter yourself like what would you be
focusing on the time the purpose and the
principle if it’s applicable to you
today okay so what we’re talking about
seems like a good use yeah discussion of
this chapter okay it shows people how to
better read the Bible than to just say
okay now don’t you go suing somebody in
the it’s you know that just doesn’t it’s
this these chapters in particular are
very strange though
like there he’s really flipping back and
like he’s a
flipper yeah in a way that it helps to
like kind of get into the details
because yeah anyway um do you realize
that those who do not wrong you will
inherit will not inh oh my gosh help
me don’t you realize that those who do
wrong will not inherit the kingdom of
God don’t fool yourselves yeah okay so
if they’re in your B if they’re in the
body don’t sue them don’t you realize
they’re not going to inherit the kingdom
of God just appealing to what really
matters Eternal view always that with
and so
here I couldn’t not ask the question of
like doing wrong there’s like thief on
the cross he that’s the thing that’s so
hard about these chapters it’s really
about doing like what’s right and what’s
wrong in terms of actions and the way to
define that in the best sense is what is
right is what Jesus told you to
do that’s Faith so you place faith and
how he told you to do it that is right
and the only right and wrong that you
really have to worry about is not having
faith and not loving okay yeah the
are so would okay those who do wrong
doing wrong could be summed up by saying
you don’t have the faith that loving the
person will be the best way that’s right
is that correct I would I would
summarize it as that so you it is
correct for you to say that
Faith like you you can have faith you
you touch on this on hard the matter
like your faith can be
in people can have faith that isn’t in
God like faith is like a thing yeah that
people can have so the faith in God is
that showing love is going going to be
the best and it’s a faith because it’s
really hard to see in the moment that
it’s the best would you say that and
it’s unrewarded it’s not yeah absolutely
it’s and the faith is that it will be
rewarded later yes in the promises of
God okay he promises to reward you if
you will do that it’s hard because we
don’t get rewarded for it so there’s a
like it’s Anonymous to say faith in God
so like faith in his will we pray pray
like we like try to let go I’m trying
I’m okay personally I’ve like had a
focus on the idea of love for a long
time because of this sort of like
translation I make but it has to be that
love is associated or like directly tied
to your faith in God and faith in God is
letting him do work not your self and so
or doing things the way he’s telling you
to okay which is always going to be in
love okay doing things the way he’s
telling us
to is hard for me to hear because I want
to think of it as letting him do things
the way he wants to through me and it is
both because you’re letting him act
through you his spirit is telling you
Delan forgive that person right but you
have to acquest to that there is a me of
there’s a two-way street there’s always
an element of you but the only element
of me is not doing anything it’s letting
him not your flesh doing it but letting
his Spirit move you in your flesh to do
it yeah I I sort of just phrased that as
him doing it and hence you can see the
connection between faith in the Living
God and love okay right and that’s
that’s what I’m trying to like unpack
kind of so the only thing if you have
faith in God which is opening it up so
he can work and you doing the things he
wants the only thing that would come
from that is you loving someone and that
is selfless and sacrificial yeah in
insufferable definition insufferable
Agape right and remember though okay
there’s a fruit of that love that’s
patient long-suffering kind merciful
right but it’s also shown in other ways
like sometimes it is insufferable and
sacrificial for you to speak the truth
somebody because you suffer a loss for
doing that yeah for sure so love is is
defined by how Christ evidenced his love
Yeah and how he did it is he’s the one
who gives us the image of how God wants
us to be so we say I trust in what he
displayed for us I will allow him
through his Spirit to move through me to
do it that way even if I don’t want to
especially if I don’t want to and that
will manifest in the kind of love that
is selfless sacrificial and insufferable
that is a really important point because
I’ve understood agape love until now as
things that would make everybody like me
basically and like that is Twisted to
think of it that way yeah cuz it no yeah
and that that’s I haven’t understood
like why exactly that’s
wrong other than the like there’s a loss
of self in the wrong way like there’s no
it’s a loss of self for other people not
for God or something so you’re saying
you lose some of yourself when you speak
up in a way that people don’t want but
you do it with a loving way right of
love for them right in for their better
best interest the fact of the matter is
if agape love would be appreciated by
everybody it would be selfishly
employed you would choose agape love as
a selfish person to get your way you see
yeah I think I was doing that for a long
time it’s it’s really not
doing what most people want to happen
it’s deontologically doing what God
wants you to do doing it because he says
to do it and you do that in faith and it
usually thankless yeah I think this is
the difference
in like we you keep coming back to or I
keep coming back to the difference in
spirituality and faith and I think
that’s the a a big character difference
because they spirituality talks so much
about love and like that’s the supposed
motivator and you’re like well why is
that wrong but like that’s the re like
it’s a love for that is really selfishly
motivated like they think they’re making
the world better for that like it’s like
yeah yeah and a love for for God and
because of God toward other people
is maybe has nothing to do maybe the
world gets worse from it for some reason
like in order to get his will out there
I don’t know I know and so that starts
to answer trusting in Him even in
difficult times yeah and it’s why like
if I see a homosexual at a pride parade
I don’t berate them for homosexual
activity I berate them for
pride and it doesn’t fly in this world
you know so you don’t add homonym the
person or their sin I’m guilty of sin
too too MH but pride is the problem
there because if they were broken and
humble before God as homosexuals God
would love them and work with them and
let them be or whatever it doesn’t
matter it’s the pride and so you speak
that you can’t in this world you can’t
it’s really tough because it comes off
as proud to call someone out for being
proud right like you sound like you know
better and it’s like not because you’re
proud it’s cuz you
are also struggle with pride we all
struggle with pride like it’s not saying
we don’t but it’s to call it out is
still important and be like that’s why
the delivery of the person with the
pride message has to come from the fruit
of the spirit listen I understand that
there’s a history of homosexuals being
person I understand at school you were
probably picked on choose humility
before your maker you say it kindly and
then that onus is taken away from
yeah good stuff 21 minute these go by so
fast they do we’ll see you next time
though bye bye

I Dont Get The Bible

I Dont Get The Bible

Debuting in 2023, I Don’t Get The Bible is a podcast hosted by Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney. Together, they approach scripture with curiosity and candid discussions, questioning traditional interpretations and exploring the Bible’s relevance in a post-religious context. Episodes range from tackling specific passages to broader explorations of faith, always with a focus on making scripture accessible and relatable to modern seekers.

Articles: 141
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