1st Corinthians Chapter 6: Part 3 | I Don’t Get the Bible

Understanding the Spiritual and Physical Connections: Exploring 1 Corinthians Chapter 6

1. Sexual sin, 2. Body as a temple, 3. Spiritual intimacy

In this engaging discussion, Shawn and Delaney delve into 1 Corinthians Chapter 6, exploring the Apostle Paul’s teachings to the Corinthians. They uncover the nuances of Paul’s message, particularly focusing on the idea that the Corinthians had written to Paul, seeking guidance on various issues. This revelation adds depth to their understanding of the text, as they realize that Paul’s letter is a response to specific concerns raised by the Corinthians.

The conversation takes a deep dive into the list of behaviors Paul warns against, such as sexual immorality, idolatry, and greed, emphasizing that these are not just occasional lapses but consistent practices that can lead one away from the kingdom of God. Shawn and Delaney discuss the importance of living in faith and love, highlighting that even those who struggle with these issues can find redemption through faith.

They also explore the cultural and historical context of the early church, noting the heightened expectations for holiness among the early Christians due to the presence of Apostolic authority and spiritual gifts. This contrasts with the modern age, where faith is more personal and less publicly demonstrated.

The discussion touches on the sensitive topic of homosexuality, with Shawn explaining the various interpretations of biblical texts and emphasizing the importance of compassion and understanding. They also address the broader implications of sexual immorality, drawing parallels between physical and spiritual unions and the potential consequences of casual sexual relationships.

Throughout the conversation, Shawn and Delaney emphasize the importance of understanding the spiritual significance of Paul’s teachings, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own lives and relationships with God. They conclude by discussing the concept of the body as a temple, cautioning against misinterpretations and urging a focus on spiritual integrity over superficial judgments.


Podcast Transcript:

okay we’re on 1 Corinthians chapter 6
part three I’m Sean this is Delaney and
we are on the show I don’t get the Bible
I almost said I don’t get the
podcast which may be true
too what is this okay um so he just Paul
just said to the
Corinthians oh wait before I go there’s
a point where he talks about
the letter that they wrote to
him I forgot about that is is this
letter in response to another letter oh
I don’t know I didn’t I’ve never caught
that really yeah I’ve never caught that
that they wrote a letter to him maybe
someone Timothy delivered it the it’s
the start of chapter 7 which we’ll get
to but he says now for the matters you
wrote about oh wow I never I would not
have been able to say I knew that he got
me I caught him yeah I I brought that up
thinking we’d already talked about that
though I feel like you’ve said that not
them writing to him I’ve just always
been about him writing to them I
completely blank in my head about them
writing to him but I do know that he had
things delivered to him from other
people helpers so I don’t put that past
him but I didn’t know anyway okay well
it just kind of he gets really specific
in this
letter on things and I just that cleared
it up to me like okay they wrote to him
about issues they’re having yeah um okay
so he says Those Who indulge in sexual
sin wa he just said do you realize that
those who do wrong will not inherit the
kingdom of God so he says Those Who
indulge in sexual sin or worship idols
commit adultery are male prostitutes
homosexuality are thieves greedy people
drunkards abusive cheat people n of
these will inherit the kingdom of
God and so we have a we have a laundry
list of things that he says Those Who
indulge in those things that word
indulge in the Greek means those who
practice them consistantly it’s not the
EB and flow of hormonal upheaval it’s
not the drinking too much occasionally
it’s not any of that it’s someone who
lives for that yeah okay and them Living
For That
and according to our
past episodes like the whole thing is
about faith and love yeah so the issue
with them living for that is because
they’re not living in faith that’s right
and so someone could be actually
practicing that daily and humble and
broken because of it and having faith in
that time and it not be a problem
absolutely really in that time in that
time yeah okay you have to understand
that well I hate to say that so arrogant
absolutely try to understand that what
absolutely no you have to understand oh
uh I just hate that phrase
um the next verses are going to help him
help us understand so keep reading he
says if you do these things you won’t
inherit the kingdom of God such as you
were some of you were once like that
yeah I really I want to read this
version because it’s easy to read but
it’s also messing me up some of you were
once like that but you were cleansed you
were made holy you were made right with
God by calling the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our
God okay and so then what does he say
after that you say I’m allowed to do
anything but not everything’s good for
you and even though I’m allowed to do
anything I must not become a slave to
anything right so what he’s saying is
listen you were of that mindset to
practice these things you’re not
practicing them anymore they might come
up in your life but you have been
cleansed and washed and renewed by the
spirit of Christ you are a different
creature look to that image of what you
are and not to the former man that’s
what he’s saying so if some and and it’s
not even if I am sure there were members
of the Bride who were taken who were at
the moment he returned we’re involved in
something bad yeah we aren’t saved and
we aren’t damned by our actions we’re
saved and damned if we say damned by
lack of faith okay yeah and it was
that’s the case for the bride as well as
for us it is but I just can’t help but
feel because of the EB and flow of the
old and new because of them needing to
be one and unified and because they were
out from Apostolic Authority who
represented Christ for his little bride
I think the Liberty was less than okay I
just can’t help because when you
describe 144,000 men has never been with
women yeah we’re talking about a very
different world than what we kind of
face today yeah they were stronger in
their resolve to honor God yeah and so
that’s what I think has to be taken into
account okay but that’s me I could be
wrong I actually think Grady sees it
differently I think he sees them as all
still doing the same things we do today
saved by grace through faith
period i I don’t I’m think I’m I don’t
fully understand what you’re you’re
trying to say that’s different from what
Grady’s saying I’m trying to say there
was an expectation on them to be more
holy in their outward
because that was just culturally more
relevant that’s one reason second reason
the abundance of the Holy Spirit was
there manifestly with gifts and signs
and things to increase their resolve to
be strong okay we live in an age where
many people call it a secessionist
secessionist age where we don’t have
those gifts of the Spirit flowing out so
we become weaker in our faith and we’re
more subject to it they had every and
then they had living Apostles guiding
them and telling them yeah so all and
then they were within a generation and
even closer to people knowing Jesus
seeing him crucified seeing him uh
return from the grave and testifying
they had a lot that we didn’t and were
much as given much as required and I
just sense as I read it there was a
requirement on them to really live the
faith okay so like yeah so the same
thing as um like they also needed to
demonstrate their
faith like they had to demonstrate their
faith in order
like if they were faithful it would need
to be demonstrated sort of like they
couldn’t just have this personal thing
with God no and it be enough because
they were put like they would be killed
for it they denied it or sure like
issues yeah that were more heated than
to that I get your point and Paul’s
steeping stepping in even to legal
between I see that I understand that now
how you say it was different than
like and how the law that they
had plays in now like the
law the law was a way to show them the
best way to show Faith kind of like
which we don’t really have that now like
we don’t have these for like pressures
that we need to face to demonstrate our
faith we need to demonstrate our faith
personally by how we allow ourselves to
be changed we are the strongest force
against us now like that we won’t get
killed for it we won’t right you get it
okay because they face death every day
that’s really interesting and starvation
by the way can I take it one step
further I’m of the opinion that because
of all of this that was done by the
bride and the faithful Jews of old and
the nation of Israel Abraham Isaac Jacob
and there everybody who was faithful I’m
of the opinion that because because of
all that they did God today is more
removed from
us I am of the opinion he doesn’t give
us immediate answers spiritual
Revelations spiritual gifts all over the
place because we have to exercise even
more faith I see and I I people might
think you’re nuts I think it’s only
Equitable he’s giving them a whole bunch
of spiritual wonders and signs you know
that means they should be living up to
that we don’t get that so we can fall
more we can be L us and he’s just
looking for people say I trust that
you’re there in our world there’s so
many who say you’re not there you don’t
in that day most people who were Jews
were like you’re there yeah it’s like
that eban Flo picture is really helpful
because it’s like he was closer and like
the salt was more mixed in with the
fresh and they could like taste some
salt and then he had more they had more
expected because like they had more
evidence of him in that moment material
evidence which we don’t have we don’t
have it and it’s and he’s like so far
away that it’s only fresh water
everyone’s like there’s no God why would
you believe it and even just to say I
believe there’s a God is something think
Mir night with people over CU it’s a
miracle in this day and age of Science
and education and sin and all that that
anybody would say there’s a God and
choose to believe that’s why it says
he’s pleased by who decides that you
know and that’s what’s radical to me in
the faith today yeah that really
is it’s amazing yeah I have to I have to
ask even though I really don’t want to
but it I am
gay I have been for
years just
kidding we’ve all been waiting for him
we’ve all been waiting for my dad to
come out so
flamboyant that was I did not expect
that um but I thought homo did you say
however um I didn’t
think homosexuality was like
specifically mentioned in the Bible for
some reason why a lot of debate on that
today there’s a lot of Scholars who say
no it was really manboy love he was
talking about not men lying with men but
we have direct
passages When a Man Lies with a man or
you know it’s right there so some of
them are debatable but okay others
not and but it’s like likened to being
greedy which everybody greedy fun look
at the list like we hold gays up as
these puts it right in with being greedy
it’s so stupid worshipping Idols sexual
S I mean the first one is sexual sin
yeah like that’s anything and he gets
into that like it’s about men and women
sin like the sexual sin is anywhere and
then homosexuality is part of that
yeah um in that time yeah like Okay um
I’m allow okay so we read through all
that so now he’s
saying he’s pointing out that I’m
allowed to do anything but not
everything is good for you so
like I kind of didn’t realize even
though all the things Jesus said up
until now I’ve had this assumption about
the law in that time so I didn’t realize
that they had this idea that I’m allowed
to do anything like I feel like we might
think that sometimes with Jes
Jesus yeah they didn’t have that idea it
was because this was Corinth and and it
were Greeks that he’s speaking to people
who didn’t have the law too so he is
telling them you know you don’t live by
the law we’re dead to the law he brings
that out in Romans because the law
brings death like the sock example but
you you’re allowed to do anything but
it’s not expedient to do everything you
don’t want to become imprisoned by
something something so that’s how I
gauge how my activities is if something
is starting to imprison me then I have
to decide to back off because I’m
starting to idolize it more and like it
more than I do than I love God yeah
which is what he says is and even though
I’m allowed to do anything I must not
become a slave to anything yeah and if
everybody lived by that we’d stop
judging people you know and then people
say well what do you say to an alcoholic
I say let me pray with you and pray
God’s spirit will help you if it doesn’t
relax walk by faith because the sin’s
been paid for you know so we don’t have
to do that anymore
yeah I’ll also just never understand
who don’t see that someone who’s an
alcoholic is struggling oh I know it’s
not like they want to be a freaking
alcoholic yeah like they’re choosing sin
over goodness they’re wanting to be out
yeah and there’s a reason they’re
drinking themselves to death let’s have
a little compassion
yeah um okay so he says you say food is
made for the stomach and stomach for
food he says this is true though someday
God will do away with both of them but
you can’t say that our bodies are made
for sexual immorality they were made for
the Lord and the Lord cares about our
bodies and God will raise us from the
dead by his power just as he raised our
Lord from the dead don’t you realize
your bodies are actually parts of Christ
so I’m like again confused because um it
seems like several different things are
being said there several are and it’s
very tough to execute rightly okay yeah
I mean he’s trying to tell them in the
end you can’t take the body you’re in
and share it with somebody freely your
body wasn’t made for that kind of lenti
justness that Liberty MH and he goes on
and he’ll teach them that there’s
repercussions from living that way in
your body and he’s trying to make it
spiritualize that our bodies are part of
Christ that’s not a literal thing it’s a
spiritual thing and when you take your
carnal body and engage with an
unbelieving Temple you are joining
the body of Christ spiritually to her
okay and she brings in a spirit that is
not the same as what everyone else so
that’s his kind of his main
point okay and God will raise them from
the dead by his
power spiritually not
physically I say say spiritually I say
spiritually you think because he’s
talking about their bodies being one
with Christ yeah their bodies weren’t
materially one with Christ so it’s a
spiritual Resurrection but this isn’t
the place to do that it’s chapter 15
where we will get into that heavily
okay yeah um he’s going to lead to that
cuz he’s mentioned it already in the
letter yeah this the resurrection I it
really confuses me it won’t once we’re
done I promise you
okay well that all makes sense on what
you just said that the thing I’m hung up
on his resurrection stuff so
yeah um okay we’ll probably finish this
chapter now with a few more verses so
should a man take his body which is part
of Christ and join it to a prostitute
this is what you’re saying now never and
don’t you realize that if a man joins
himself with a prostitute he becomes one
body with her the scriptures say the two
are united into one but the person who’s
joined to the Lord is one spirit with
him and that’s where I got caught up cuz
I’m like the yeah like it’s likening
having sex with relationship with God
which one they seem
like very different
they’re actually really really similar
okay okay so now I’m going to get you’re
going to get embarrassed now yeah okay
listen uh I I think it was boltman who
said or it could have been some but he
said in Christ everyone’s
female okay because he enters you males
do the entering right but even a male so
that’s a very sexual kind of thing the
unity between
a male and a
female replicates the unity that God has
with his
son when we share in
experience uh it it’s a fellowship
that’s called coia k o i n coia means it
means Fellowship that’s where we get the
word quitus from have you heard quitus
interrupt this yes I’ve
heard okay so coia is the word for Union
and fellowship it’s where we get the
word communion from so when people take
communion they actually are having
spiritual intercourse they believe with
God because he’s entering them more
powerfully and they’re engaging with him
and the Catholics tie that to that why
they that’s why they do communion at all
these different
churches the idea and just to get a
little bit more graphic is like when
someone has an orgasm they they lose
contact with themselves to the point
where they might even say and people
many people do whether they believe in
God or not oh my God oh my God there is
a spiritual connection when people
engage sexually with one another that is
overlooked by the world today now some
practitioners of sexual immorality have
tapped into that you know they’ve got
got into all that a Kundalini Indian
stuff you know and all that and there’s
something to it but that is the reason
why God says don’t
Unite with a bunch of people or with
others who are not part because you’re
spiritually as well as physically
becoming one with someone who does not
believe like you and all those things I
just kind of mentioned meld into there
being a problem and how to articulate
that problem I haven’t really thought
about but those are some of the
principles about what he’s talking about
we are a body of Believers you know we
all make up different parts of the body
of Christ here on Earth don’t have
relations with outside bodies and I
really think it’s an important bit of
advice you know yeah that makes a lot of
sense I
my yeah I think me saying they were
different was only
very superficially like one is a
material or
physical thing one is not and I
specifically thought they were different
because of this where he’s
like he’s what I thought was conflicting
which you’ve cleared up which is like
bodies like physical bodies
versus spirit ual like a physical
Resurrection or spir like there’s
there’s a lot of confing things
happening and he does that because he’s
talking kind of about both yeah but he
doesn’t nail it down he just says it and
you have to kind of think through it
yeah BEC yeah CU okay but I totally see
what you mean
um I just heard this is I ha I kind of
hate when people do stuff like this
where they’re trying to prove like
biologically things of God but I heard
that women’s DNA changes from men men
that they have sex with yeah and and
they get uh protection from the sperm
they get antibodies and other things
that liken them more and more to the man
yeah let me tell you something there is
great wisdom in God’s advice and that’s
one of the big ones we have just
discarded and we think there’s no
ramification to it it’s like the there’s
no victim it’s a victimless crime it’s
not and you see people who have indulged
in that and haven’t turned from it and
live by it they get routed they really
do but they don’t see it to way in the f
Way in the future after years of doing
whatever they’re doing so it’s very hard
to raise kids because they think oh no
all my friends are doing it there’s
nothing going wrong nothing’s happening
we’ll use condoms BL blah they don’t
realize the destruction that’s going on
in the soul yeah and it’s a loss of
Integrity where the warp and we thread
of their Union uh with that one person
end and then they get torn apart and
broken up by another and then torn apart
and broken up by another so it’s an
endless discussion but he’s he’s on good
stuff and it seems like the the the
alternative to both like
casual sex life or perspective and
Casual with God or you know is like
apathy like people who don’t realize it
later in life or do and decide to
not a sign that life doesn’t have much
meaning almost like they seem like the
yeah yeah so
or yeah there’s like a there’s an apathy
that comes with it by default I guess
and you can go down that road even
further because if you show me somebody
who um who
um interpret sex as a non-vent and
Casual they will also interpret the
product of sex as a nonevent and Casual
yeah I see that and so that’s what we
have and so the idea is not to attack
people who have had abortions the idea
is to teach people better why it’s
important to not get pregnant in the
first place unless it’s with someone
that you love and are you’re going to be
with for life
it sounds oldfashioned but it’s not no
it’s becoming like I was definitely more
convinced of the other
perspective before getting closer to
like child having and now
like the apathy that is people have with
children is like really getting to me
like that and I can see that yeah what
you just said is seems like the root
yeah cause of that it’s like and then
when you look at a little innocent child
like we watched that movie last night
when you look at an innocent child and
you think of parents who are apathetic
toward it it’s such a disservice to The
Offspring we bring in that disservice
can get mitigated by people who choose
to be
monogamous but we we always want to do
things our way they’re just all so
correlated like you I I love kids and I
got pretty apathetic to children and
having them for a while because of
associations with the way sex is seen
yeah yeah or like spirituality is seen
yes it was also about I would question
sex but like I didn’t really Venture
that way a lot like I just but
understanding Spirit spiritual things a
certain way lead you to seeing children
a certain way it is so
that’s why those dark spiritual forces
or gray spiritual sources or fun
spiritual sources they always will
amount to selfishness and that includes
the way that you treat
children for sure and it makes sense why
like pedophilia or children trafficking
or whatever is like one of the first
things in like badine of civilizations
yeah yeah yeah children are are are so
important and I understand why we have
the approaches we do within
evangelicalism toward abortion and
things but I think we’re hacking at the
wrong tree yes exactly like
obviously no one wants to think of a kid
dying in a womb if it is a kid but
right um there’s just a couple more
verses let’s just finish it off that
from run he says run from sexual sin no
other sin is so clearly affects the body
as this one does what does the I mean
the body he could be talking about the
body of a person he could be talking
about the body of Christ you know I
don’t know I do have a theory though
I’ve known several women who have had
abortions and I think there’s a element
of obesity in later age that’s tied to
women having abortions when they’re
young that’s really interesting maybe
I’m a mystical magical fool I could be
but and I know that I’ve known guys who
are uh prolifically involved sexually
and as they get older their health goes
down pretty pretty pretty quickly I
might just be Hocus Pocus I have that
potentiality but I wonder about it when
he says that the King James says it
differently and I don’t know how it’s a
sin against the body is that what he
says there no sin clearly affects the
body as much as this one does oh for
sexual immorality is a sin against your
own body your own body yeah yeah yeah
and we’ve lost that in this day and age
too but I’m not
sure and then don’t you realize that I
mean we’ve lost it but people have taken
don’t you realize that your body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in
you and was given to you by God you
don’t belong to yourself for God bought
you at the high price so you miss honor
God with your body that your body as a
temple thing is really thrown out a lot
in other ways that make me want to die
yeah so people appeal to it but in
really backward ways really and then
there’s Christians who appeal to it you
can’t eat that your body’s the temple
yeah shut up Jesus said it’s not what
goes into the mouth it’s what comes out
take it in context yeah yeah it does not
mean that at all it he’s like explicitly
talking about sex this whole chapter
yeah and then that’s where it says your
body is a temple and people are like I
just saw freaking Tik Tok about it
comments like what happened like why do
women not work out like aren’t they
supposed to treat their body like a
temple and these dudes that just want
like a fit woman I like okay that is so
backward a misappropriation of scripture
out of context right yeah really is so
now you’re ready for that one I
am okay thanks everyone long episode but
thank you we see you next time

I Dont Get The Bible

I Dont Get The Bible

Debuting in 2023, I Don’t Get The Bible is a podcast hosted by Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney. Together, they approach scripture with curiosity and candid discussions, questioning traditional interpretations and exploring the Bible’s relevance in a post-religious context. Episodes range from tackling specific passages to broader explorations of faith, always with a focus on making scripture accessible and relatable to modern seekers.

Articles: 141
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