R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. with Grady Risley

Join Grady Risley on Saturday Mornings at 10AM MT as he navigates the depths of scripture with wisdom and clarity. In each session of the R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Open Forum Bible Study, Grady invites attendees to explore the truths of the Bible in context, delving into prophecy, eschatology, and the historical context of Israel’s journey. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a curious seeker, these Bible study sessions are designed to ignite curiosity, discussion, deepen your understanding of scripture, and strengthen your faith. All are welcome to tune in!

How to Join

Grady will be on zoom each Saturday Morning at 10AM MT. To join the zoom meeting at that time, click the button below!

To join the discuss, click the button below!