Matthew Chapter 27, Part 4 | Episode 49 | I Don’t Get The Bible

The Veil is Torn: Earthquakes, Resurrected Dead, and Pilate’s Seal

Temple curtain torn, Veil symbolism, Earthquake and resurrection

In a recent discussion, Shawn and Delaney delved into the profound events surrounding the death of Jesus, as described in the Bible. They explored the moment when Jesus gave up his spirit, leading to the tearing of the temple curtain from top to bottom. This act symbolized the end of separation between God and humanity, signifying that rituals and sacrifices were no longer necessary for divine access.

The conversation also touched on the myth of the high priest entering the Holy of Holies with a rope tied around his waist, debunking it as a fabricated story. They explained the significance of the veil, which was historically thick and served as a barrier in the temple. Its tearing was seen as a divine act, indicating that God was now accessible to all, not just the Jews.

Shawn and Delaney further discussed the earthquakes that occurred at the time of Jesus’s death, which reportedly opened graves in Jerusalem. This event was seen as a testament to Jesus’s resurrection, with some of the dead appearing to the living as a sign of the monumental change brought by Jesus’s sacrifice.

The narrative continued with the account of Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple of Jesus, who requested Jesus’s body for burial. The discussion highlighted the complexities of the timeline surrounding Jesus’s death and resurrection, particularly the preparation day and the Passover.

Finally, they addressed the actions of the chief priests and Pharisees, who sought to secure Jesus’s tomb to prevent his disciples from claiming he had risen. This led to the sealing of the tomb with Pilate’s seal, a measure to ensure the body remained undisturbed.

Throughout the discussion, Shawn and Delaney provided insights into the historical and spiritual significance of these events, offering a deeper understanding of the biblical narrative.


Podcast Transcript:

all right probably one more of 27 all
right I don’t even know what part we’re
on four or five maybe why
not okay
so we’re at the part where Jesus just
gave up his
Spirit at that moment the curtain of the
temple was torn into a lot happens the
curtain of the temple was torn into
though from top to bottom why okay let’s
stop right there’s a lot to that
the Jews made their Temple Tabernacle
divided into three ways there’s a court
for the Gentiles to come and offer
sacrifice there’s the inner Court which
is where Jews only could go and then
there’s the uh I mean the holy of holies
holy of holies and that’s where the high
priest goes into offer blood and only
one can go in there and it’s that when
what you were just talking about in the
last episode
where what once a year they do the
sacrifice and God comes there yeah okay
okay now there’s a myth that goes on
that says they had to TI rope around his
waist in case he died in there because
nobody could go in there and if he
didn’t come out for a while but that’s a
myth it’s been made up so if you ever
hear a Christian say that know that okay
so between the holy of holies and the
inner Court was a thing called The Veil
and in the Old Testament that sucker was
like that thick oh wow yeah and it was
hung it was like a piece of carpet okay
and it covered the entrance into that
place okay so when Jesus died we have
now we have records of people saying the
veil was torn from top to bottom that
means it’s like God
say okay so what he was saying there
it’s symbolic of there’s no more
separation here between me and humans
there’s no more rights and rituals
there’s no more animal blood no no more
of this stuff needs to be the veils torn
in two I am accessible because of what
my son has done you are accessible to me
you can call out to me and I will hear
okay you don’t have to be a Jew that’s
what they have in Mormon
temples ve Veil ve veils they put a veil
back up so wow and you’re worthy to go
in you do the hand signals and
everything and when you do it right they
part the veil and you get to enter in
it’s a reappropriation of all this old
stuff to the new way right but it it’s
totally a mockery of what Christ did
does it speak yeah that’s unreal yeah
that’s like just plain ridiculous yeah
but does it speak of another Veil for
the bride in like the preparation time
for the apostles where they would apply
it to themselves no okay but you know
what’s interesting is Paul will later
say that Jesus flesh is the veil now
that we enter into the presence of God
through his
flesh it’s a
that makes sense to me yeah well that’s
why because you’re smart oh yeah yeah
you’re smart I mean most people here
them what how is that but it’s symbolic
it’s spiritual well it makes sense to me
yeah because of all this like if I heard
at the time I wouldn’t get it of course
but yeah so there’s the veil ripped in
two by what an
earthquake probably because there was
the earth Shook at that time and that’s
historically recorded okay there was
okay and guess what those earthquakes
did they broke open the graves for
people all the graes not all the graves
but some of the graves in uh Jerusalem
uhuh because they buried them in tombs
and sarcophagus and all kinds of stuff
right so the earthquake Shook and broke
open the graves after Jesus rises
Matthew’s going to tell us some of the
Dead were
seen yeah he they report later I don’t
know if it’s where it is but the dead
were were seen walking around
Jerusalem and it’s because Jesus rose
from the grave and it was a witness to
those Jews then Something’s Happened I
just saw Fred who died of a heart attack
down the street and he was walking
around what yeah they weren’t the first
to come out they had could only come out
later but the graves were broken open
when the veil was written too and so it
allowed the the dead to come walking
out I’m just telling you I I don’t
remember reading that you
will are you sure I’m positive think I
make things up sheas my children never
trusted I don’t see it I type the word
dead and nothing comes up except in
27 27 that it’s been 28 no or I’ve read
28 I’ll bet bet you right now it says
okay let’s
talk in Matthew yeah you think in
Matthew it says it I it’s in Matthew
yeah keep going what are we betting
we’ll get to it I don’t
okay um gave up his Spirit I’m going to
make sure it the Earth shook the Rock So
at that moment the curtain Temple torn
into the Earth shook the rock split the
tombs broke
open oh my gosh it’s the next
sentence this is so fun with girls
they’re so certain on their
certainties and as a dad you just have
to sit there and wait I feel like I
would have remember
that there’s the next sentence yeah the
bodies of many holy people who had died
or raised
alive they came so now that we cleared
up it is there I just want to say of
many holy people I just want to say that
these were people that had to have been
holy in that day for the simple reason
it wasn’t going to be Abraham or Moses
or David that came out why because if
they came out of the grave no one would
know who they were yeah yeah they would
know that they were dead yeah okay so it
wasn’t them it was just a sign for
people to say whoa the Prince of Life
must have died on that cross you know to
give more witness to them giving them
every chance to believe yeah okay I feel
like that’s weird to
me cuz Jesus is resur I thought Jesus
coming back to life was the thing that
made him different it is
but okay you have to understand how
Hebrews write they write like a movie
script they don’t like they don’t write
chronologically okay oh so you can have
flashbacks and forward facts and all
kinds of stuff in their writing so when
Matthew includes that the graves are
broken open and many holy people this is
after Jesus rose oh really yeah no
nobody came out of the Grave before
Jesus resurrected okay all right
so okay cuz yeah cuz I’m taking note of
the earthquakes too because there’s an
earthquake here when he dies yeah and
there’s an earthquake to break open
Jesus’s tomb later yeah so they’re
earthquakes but you think or maybe
they’re not yeah cuz it’s saying the
Earth Shook and the tombs broke open and
the bodies of the Holy people so like
you can’t really tell huh
interesting um they came out of the
tombs went into the holy city and
appeared to many
okay yeah I just wrote that that was
confusing to me so you cleared that up
so those who were oh when
theud those who were guarding Jesus saw
all this and said surely he is the Son
of God I said I won’t tease
said surely he is the Son of God and
others others were there including the
Mary and the mother of zeb’s son yeah
okay so we have a centurion say wow this
was true so not a Believer is like you
know mock him a little bit put him up
there oh wow that’s crazy
yeah like how could they not they they
they drive in even harder after this all
the coll they talk about collusion they
drive hard like go here and here’s our
Alibi and here yeah so Joseph oh it just
notes that Joseph of
araa had himself become a disciple of
Jesus and goes and asks to take Jesus’s
body and he lets him he’s a rich man and
he’s part of the Sanhedrin which was the
ruling Council of the Jews oh and he was
a disciple of Jesus Oh secretly probably
like uh Nicodemus who was also of that
Council who came secretly so we know
that among the Jewish leaders there were
some who believed but usually they’re
described as but fearing men they would
secretly come oh it’s all right
sad those people make me sad
um okay like ch um what did you say he
was a part of the Sanhedrin Sanhedrin
yeah and like that was um when it refers
to Chief priests and Elders that’s him
so he was of the people that put him to
death he was of that group but he
probably wasn’t saying crucify him
crucify him he was probably sitting
there yeah watching the proceedings all
right okay yeah how big is this group
big I mean I don’t know how
big you could be anything from 30 to 60
or something like that a lot
okay and then the chief priests and
Pharisees told pilate that
he announced wait what am I
writing well that Joseph took the body
wrapped it and clean linen and cloth
plac in a new Tomb that he had to cut
out of rock rolled a big Stone in front
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary S were
sitting there so then the next
day um the one after preparation day
what does that mean the day after
preparation day so
it’s okay I can’t get into it because
there are so many
not consistent facts about when he died
on what day and because of the Passover
was a special Passover pass over they
had Passover they had special Passover
they had Sabbath days they had special
Sabbath days they and so they had
preparation days and so it’s kind of
convoluted on how to see like I some
good friends believe that he died on
Wednesday not good Friday you know
there’s all sorts of things and then he
rose again on Sunday you know so I I
can’t even go in it because there’s so
many different views all I’m saying is
that there was a preparation for the
celebration of the Passover that went on
um and during that time jesus’ body
stayed in the Tomb or they or they came
to prepare his body because they
couldn’t do it on the Passover day they
had to get him in the Tomb Before Sunset
that was part of their burial laws so Jo
Joseph said put him in this tomb and
then they came to dress his body
properly afterward
okay and by the way the linen that Jose
Joseph used there’s something called the
Shroud of Turin and it has this
emblazed imagery of a guy who looks just
like Jesus on it and many people appeal
to that as being a viable evidence of
his material existence that his
illumination burned that into the cloth
and like Calvary Chapel here they
believe that’s a material sign of him I
don’t put any Credence in it I it could
be but I don’t no way am I going to look
to anything material to prove anything I
find it a lesser Faith to say I need
that too yeah yeah but that’s the linen
yeah okay
um okay so wait just to be clear though
like we had a big talk about how he died
on the day of the Lambs being killed
that’s for for sure for sure but this
stuff about the preparation day it’s all
kind of that stuff isn’t yeah it could
be you you kill the lamb then but then
you have to prepare the lamb you have to
cut the fat and the bones and you have
to get the all the herbs and all the
table ready and everything else so okay
I don’t know that it went you do all the
preparation kill the lamb and cook it e
it I don’t know the chronology of all of
those things but I guess I just mean
because the other stuff we don’t know
does that mean that we don’t know that
he was actually killed at the time of
the the Lambs being killed well we we go
by faith at the records uh correct and
the record says it was at the third hour
and we know from the Old Testament that
at the third hour that’s when they would
do it and the Jewish rabinal writings
from that time all P describe the third
that third hour being when the Lambs are
killed okay that’s really important to
use these the timing of everything yeah
okay um and then
finally the chief priests and Pharisees
went to Pilot sir they said we remember
that while he was still alive the
deceiver said after 3 days I’ll rise
again so they kind of prepare for that
yeah um they give order to the tomb to
be made secure until the third day
otherwise his disciples may come and
steal the body and tell people that he’s
been raised from the dead and eventually
they use that again and as the excuse
that they did that yeah to seal the
thing would mean to put the uh pilot
seal wax seal on the on the TBE and to
show that he’s in there he’s dead if
this Seal’s broken then someone’s messed
with it it’s like Michael Clayton just
like it the seal on the CRI
SE wow that’s
true I just have had never seen known of
that idea of a seal like on the door to
tell if someone broke it yeah that’s why
they always Kings would send with their
signant ring they put the wax signate
ring and send it and if the person got
it and that was broke they knew it was
oh and only he has that rat ring so you
know it okay no one can repeat it and
you know it was on the ring a little
face I can’t a p PE below it punch his
Pilot oh my
gosh a little you got to
have oh man
um and the LA this last deception will
be worse than the first yeah cuz they’re
saying the first deception is he’s
walking around saying saying that he’s
God the last deception is he’s risen
from the
grave we don’t need
that it’s they like speak so
transparently it’s classic it’s like a
movie this is really like a movie MH
okay and pilate answered take guard go
make the tomb as secure as you know how
so they went made the tomb secure put
the seal on the stone posting the guard
that’s chapter 27 that’s beautiful how
we doing on time we are at at 16:30 all
right well we cut it short give a
benefit got a break today yeah um submit
questions at I don’tthe if
you’d like we’ll answer a few now all
right bye bye

I Dont Get The Bible

I Dont Get The Bible

Debuting in 2023, I Don’t Get The Bible is a podcast hosted by Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney. Together, they approach scripture with curiosity and candid discussions, questioning traditional interpretations and exploring the Bible’s relevance in a post-religious context. Episodes range from tackling specific passages to broader explorations of faith, always with a focus on making scripture accessible and relatable to modern seekers.

Articles: 142
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