John 12:32 Part 3 Bible Teaching

Total Reconciliationism: A New Perspective on Eternity

A recent teaching on "total reconciliationism" offers a unique Christian perspective, suggesting God will reconcile all, but not all will be saved from hell and the second death.

John 12:32 Part 1 Bible Teaching

Jesus' Words in John 12:32-33: Sovereignty, Salvation, and Free Will

In a recent teaching, we explored John 12:32-33, discussing Jesus' crucifixion, salvation, free will, and God's universal offer of salvation versus human choice.

John 12:25 Bible Teaching

Church Deconstructed: Prioritizing God's Will

Our teaching on "Church deconstructed" emphasized personal interpretation of religion, focusing on John 12:25. Aligning with God's will leads to eternal life and rewards.

John 12:4-11 Bible Teaching

Priorities, Love, and the Human Condition in John 12

In John 12:4-18, Mary anoints Jesus, sparking varied reactions. Judas's objection reveals his greed. Jesus defends Mary, urging us to prioritize God over money.

John 12:1-3 Bible Teaching

Mary's Alabaster Box: Devotion, Brokenness, and Divine Fragrance

In John 12:1-8, Mary anoints Jesus' feet with costly ointment, symbolizing devotion and preparation for His death. This act challenges us to offer sincere worship and embrace our brokenness, allowing God's strength to shine through.

John 11:45-57 Bible Teaching

Hebrews: Salvation, Miracles, and Divine Authority

In John 11, Jesus raises Lazarus, symbolizing spiritual rebirth. This miracle shows Jesus' power and evokes varied reactions, highlighting spiritual renewal.

John 11:36-44 Bible Teaching

Communion, Lazarus, and Personal Faith

A recent teaching explored communion's significance and Lazarus' story, emphasizing heartfelt faith, personal connection with God, and the transformative power of Christ's love.

Hebrews 11:1 Part 3 Bible Teaching

Understanding Faith: Insights from Hebrews 11 and the Practice of Communion

Shawn's Bible teaching highlights faith's importance in the Christian walk, defining it as confidence in God's promises and unseen proof, urging believers to seek God diligently.

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