Faith without religion.
Overview of The Great News Network and Preparing for HOTM: Radicalized
A GAP between Full Circle and Next Years MONTHLY Shows which we will announce then.
Tonight is just a get together to wrap up the year, make some announcements about 2025 and the like and deliver what I believe is an important message.
Let’s PRAY!
Mags and Del
Show 29 Radicalized
Last of 2024 December 3rd 2024
First of Monthly
So, HOTM FULL CIRCLE is over and next month we will introduce to you all our monthly HOTM’s that we are calling RADICALIZED.
Look forward to that. Again, our audience has never been YouTube numbers, but we use YouTube to reach you all who are interested.
On our last HOTM Full Circle I asked for people who were in agreement with our summary of what we believe is a correct Soteriology to reach out if they wanted to have their names etched into a piece of art that will have a picture of a Third Reich Resister refusing to seig heil.
Out of over 10000 subscribers, we’ve had 378 views of that show and of the 378 views we have had 38 souls ask to have their names etched.
Most from the Western United States like Utah, Idaho and Montana, some from Texas, Pennsylvania, Alabama, but we also had Mexico, Hungary and Ireland.
We are so grateful for all of you, consider you the founders of this Soteriolical approach and are now embarking on sustaining and growing the GreatNewsNetwork.
Those who agree but had no interest in having your name etched are no different in our minds as we are a body of believers in the employ of Him and His Kingdom and realize it exists spiritually in the hearts and minds of all who seek Him in spirit and truth.
That said I want to talk for a second about what is coming up here at the Great News Network in 2025 and to then wrap up with a message super important to me and my heart as a Yeshuan.
Heart of the Matter Radicalized is going to be a monthly show/program where we will explore Speculative Ideas relative to the faith and all that Organized Religion has captured and dogmatically taught as certain.
It will be here that we are more freed up to think and move out into realms that may just bring more peace and unity between Science, Cosmology, Genetics and Faith – without taking one single ounce of glory or honor from the Living God or His Son – in fact, they way we see it, our perspectives will bring MORE glory to them and their Love.
We will discuss people put to death for personal beliefs like Galileo, Michael Servetus, Joan of Arc and much much more, breaking open the closed mindset of men and woman who, under the power and sway of biblical dogmatism, have allowed themselves to hate, malign and ostracize those brave enough to voice their opinions.
Understand CLEARLY the point of view from which we are coming – which serves as the Basis for all we do – and it looks like this:
[The Biblical Period – Genesis to Revelation]
A materially closed history of God reconciling the world to Himself through His incarnate Son.
Our approach is fully predicated on:
Fulfilled Eschatology
Reconciled Soteriology
Zero Ecclesiology, Religious Authority or Brick and Mortar Religion
Education on biblical principles applicable to the lives of believers today.
In addition to the subject of heretics and heretical ideas, we will delve speculatively into cosmology, elohims and demons, afterlife possibilities, drugs, sex, and other ways and means for supporters of the Great News to unify with science, psychology, medicine, technology, the environment and any other thing the faith has generally snubbed in the face of so-called right interpretation of the Bible.
So that will be our monthly Heart of the Matter RADICALIZED starting January 7th 2025.
Our second Great News Network expression as indicated by the chart is our weekly Verse by Verse teachings.
As you know we have worked through the entire Apostolic Record in the past (which are all available in the archives and through our GNN APP) and we have been working through the Old Testament since the first of 2023 (we are now in Deuteronomy).
We will continue working through each book of the Old Testament until completion, evidencing our love and dedication for the Bible.
Our third Expression has been sophomorically been named, CHRISTIAN ULTRA-LIBERTARIANS for TRUTH (or
This is our online educational school or platform where anyone can enroll and attend and choose from dozens of courses that explain things like:
End Times
The Resurrection
Hell and Heaven
And dozens of other fleshed out video courses.
We also have a leadership course we invite all to enroll in and take which is now in its second generation with a few souls already graduating.
By taking the cult leadership courses you qualify to then create content for our Yeshuan expression which we will talk about in a moment.
The Cult CAMPUS has been revised and is super clear and easy to use now and we cannot not HIGHLY recommend that people take a course or two and/or to even sign up for our leadership training.
With education replacing brick and mortar practice we believe that the Christian Ultra-Libertarian for Truth expression will continue to grow and explain out into the world as people come to see its value.
Our next weekly expression is called, I Don’t Get the Bible and that is where Delaney and I sit down and casually, as Dad and Daughter, work through different books of the Apostolic Record.
Delaney, though active in Christian circles since high school, is very much like here peers in she does not really understand the Bible – and so we sit and go through books of the Record together.
It is an open forum and we do not plan what we will say (which becomes obvious quickly) and I do NOT approach it like a Christian Pastor delivering absolute concrete answers.
Instead, we talk and speculate and laugh – a lot.
Then every Thursday, at 11AM mountain time Del and I host our fourth expression which is a live call-in program where we open up the phone lines to anyone to freely call-in and talk with me for as long as they want about whatever they want.
This replaces our HOTM call in portion of our show. In between calls, Delaney will read comments, questions, play music and openly discuss ministry things.
We hope those of you who enjoy our views will tune in, call-in, chime in and discuss whatever it is you would like.
Loosely connected to this call-in show is a thing called, DISCORD, which is an online place to chat with others so check that out as well. But beware – online chats have a tendency to draw what some describe as lurkers.
Then we have created TWO places where people in the Great New Network to promote peace and unity.
The first is called, The Christian Peace Initiative which is a place for CHRIST AFFIRMING souls from any denomination on earth, to come together irrespective of doctrinal differences, and to unite in peace, love and understanding.
We just held our first annual Christian Peace Initiative Conference where we had great speakers and presentations all aimed at interdenominational unity and peace.
We will be having our second annual Christian Peace Initiative in Fall of 2025 so get ready for that and if you want to present a paper there LET US KNOW.
The second place is even broader and we plan on having our first annual conference focused on this in August and we call this, A United Front, which is really nothing more than a place for all NON-CHRIST AFFIRMING souls in the world who walk by faith in God, a God, many Gods – whatever, to join in with us in peace, unity and love.
Because of fulfillment and our reconciled Soteriology, we maintain that faith pointed up in every direction is a good thing in this world, that the Spirit of Christ can and does live in many souls who have yet to realize that the light in them is from Him, and that along the way, Christians ought to unite in peace, love and understanding with them UNTIL they come to a complete realization of Him – which may occur in the afterlife.
So we are trying to get speakers for our first annual United Front Conference in Summer of 2025 from Judaism, Buddhism, the Hindus, Bahai, and every other presently NON-Christ affirming groups out in the world.
Stay tuned.
And this brings us to the last expression we offer at the Great News Network which we have labeled, Yeshuans.
As you can see, we have really tried, in the face of our biblically-based findings, to thoroughly educate, include, and unify all souls throughout the world who seek or follow God by faith.
We ardently maintain that because of the Victory of Christ, the very and only Son of the Living God, nearly 2000 years ago, that the whole world – past, present and future – are His, and He is calling for all to know Him and His name, YAHAVAH.
We openly love and receive all, allow all to believe and pursue Him as they see fit.
That said, however, Yeshuans – as a part of the Great News Network, are sold out completely to Yeshua the Messiah as God, Lord and Savior, Redeemer and the one in whom YAHAVAH placed all power and authority over heaven and earth.
That in and through His Son and His Son alone, His finished work including HIS faith, His Love, His Life, His Death, His resurrection from the grave, His ascension to His Father, and His return to take His Bride as promised some 2000 years ago, ALONE, does any human being gain entrance into His Kingdom or have access to YAHAVAH.
We do not vacillate nor equivocate on this matter in the least. Anyone can be part of the Great News Network. There is something for everyone always as this is the plan YAHAVAH had for the world and its reconciliation to Him.
But never mistake the foundation upon which we stand as Yeshuans, and that is all of this was and is possible because of Christ and His finished work.
Why the emphasis?
In creating and forming all that God has done I this model, we have had some people come forward, and feebly meander, in their communications, about Yeshua and His purpose, make-up and contribution to things.
In their desire to be or participate as a Yeshuan, they rumble around in their expressions and beliefs of Him, they equivocate in His deity and eternality, or they dismiss, often in some off-handed remark, about something that the Bible makes perfectly clear.
So let me make myself clear and one of the leader in the Great News Network and as a confirmed YESHUAN.
Don’t fuck with Him.
If you don’t believe or receive Him as Lord, Savior, King, and God with us – you have that right and you are due Christian love and acceptance in the wake of it.
But you do not have the right to muddy His person, His work nor His make-up with your indecisiveness and inability to make up your double-mind while taking on His Name.
A Yeshuan is EXACTLY that – an individual who is SOLD-OUT to Yeshua, wrongly called Jesus, and there is no doubt in their mind as to where they place all of their faith, all of their heart and all of their mind.
This does not mean a Yeshuan can’t question and test or even have doubts. But the fact of the matter is those who know love and follow Him do so without hesitation and in the face of any personal doubts or questions.
The scripture is plain on this and these are indisputable facts about those who place their faith on Him.
Don’t like this – I don’t care in the least because His condescension, birth, life-lived, suffering, death and resurrection – are far too noteworthy, way too important to the whole of all things human for you to step into His sacrificial offerings and twist them up.
No, a Yeshuan is a Yeshuan, they know where they place their faith and there is zero hesitation in doing it.
I hope that this is plain.
In terms of the Yeshuan expression at the Great News Network, there are committed, sold-out Yeshuans who are part of it that have created content and continue to create content for you to consider. Presently, they are
Danny Larsen,
Sarah Young
And Grady Risely.
Grady leads the Yeshuan group (remember, there is a great difference between leadership and authority as none of us have any authority but we do believe in strong leadership) and you can go to the Yeshuan part of the Great News Network and explore all that is there as well.
We expect more content from Yeshuan’s in the future. In fact, in 2025 you will notice that Grady Risely is going to be highlighted as the GNN go-to for any and all questions about fulfilled eschatology – to the point that you will have immediate online access to him to pose your questions.
In addition to all of this, you can plan on our hosting our first annual eschatology conference in Spring of 2025. We are so excited about this.
In the meanwhile, we will soldier forward on this end as we have endless items to create and produce which will be added to one or more of these expressions.
For the first time in decades, and because we have landed on what we believe is defensible and right, we are also going to begin to more proactively seek for monetary support.
Again, not from young struggling families, people on a fixed income or those not lead of the Spirit – not at all.
But we believe the GNN is worth maintaining and promoting and this takes money in this world – but money that is freely and cheerfully given.
We know that this addition will cause a percent of you to leave. That too, is okay. If after all of this you cannot see the justification to invite people to support us then you are probably in the wrong place.
Everything we are about is for Him, His glory, His honor and His Kingdom. We hope you have been able to see this first-hand and will freely take part in whatever part of the Great News Network you are led to explore.
We love you, we are grateful to you, and we ask for your prayers on our behalf to get the Great News out into this world.
We will see you January 7th 2025 here on HEART OF THE MATTER RADICALIZED.