The Dawning of the Right Soteriology

Live from Salt Lake City, Utah
This is Heart of the Matter Full Circle
And Im your host Shawn McCraney

Pray with me in His right name


With us tonight

In YESHUAS name.

Show 29 The Dawn of Right Biblical Soteriology
November 19th 2024

Just a note to thank the participants at our recent Christian Peace Initiative conference held last week-end.

Simply put, the speakers were outstanding and brought amazing content to the table. It was not orchestrated except for one tweak on my part but everyone spoke about what they personally decided. The Spirit was in abundance. Truth as shared.

Check it out if you haven’t seen it. You will hear from people who speak the truth in this age of confusion and lies.

It was on Saturday of last week where I realized that my work is done and that I can relax.

Am I stopping? Only in developments. I will continue to teach and share the findings we have discovered over these years of dedicated investigation but we have arrived.

For me it has been 58 years of studious observation about people, culture, religion and life.

It has been 42 years of personal seeking for God and for His truth to land squarely in my heart and brain.

It has been 27 years of walking in a direct relationship with the Living God, of leaving the LDS church, of becoming part of American Evangelicalism and leaving that as well.

And it has been nearly twenty years of publicly, openly refining, challenging, testing, rejecting and learning what is truly biblical and what are merely the religious traditions of man.

Tonight, I am so grateful to the living God, for the faithfulness of His Only Human Son, and for His mighty hand over all I have personally gone through to arrive.

The developmental phase of all we have done is over.

The answers are there, unmovable and trustworthy, vetted and understood by a handful of seeking souls.

Tonight, we want to summarize what we have discovered, what the end of decades of development means for us, and what we plan on doing from this night forward.

So, I want to openly invite anyone now or in the future to freely join in accepting what we see as a better, even obscured, biblically based soteriology.

GRAPHIC of word


The Greek word Soter means savior or a deliverer or salvation or saved so soteriology is the study of the ways people and religions describe how humankind is saved, or can be save either from sin, death, Satan, eternal punishment, or to heaven and the like.

We called this show, Heart of the Matter Full Circle because we believe that in many ways, shapes, examples and forms we have been orbiting around the vast world of soteriological claims, gathered what is sound,
discarding what is man-made and have ultimately returned very different people, very different Christians, than when we began.

The circle is truly full for us.
The foundation of Christ is now rightly being build upon.
Our justifications are evident to anyone willing to test them, try them and receive them.

And I have been abundantly blessed to personally have been able to watch all of our observations and determinations land and now begin to spring forth in the minds, lives and eyes of others.

Hundred’s, perhaps more accurately, thousands of people have been alienated by us in our developmental phase, many offended, some challenged, and dozens and dozens of souls hardened by our efforts and unfolding conclusions.

We’ve humbly had the same effect of Yeshua on the Pharisees, of a Martin Luther on the heart of devoted Catholics, of a Joseph Smith on the devotions of Protestants.

I want to apologize in Yeshua’s name for all of my personal failures, for my failing approaches and my way of addressing some things over the years.

My heart has been for being and speaking as close to the truth as possible, and I have always been willing to say what many people are unwilling to say.
I’e done this out of my love and devotion for YAHAVAH, for His Son and hopefully according to the Spirit.

With development over, we are now entering a phase of peace, of trust, of openly sharing, explaining and continued teaching.

I’ve never seriously attempted to concretely stand by anything until I was sure by the Spirit of God that what is certain in my mind cannot be assailed through either reason or contextual exegesis of scripture.

Too many individuals and institutions have failed me to approach what we have done in any other way.

Tonight,we stand around ground zero of incorrect or feeble soteriologies proffered and promoted as promises to unsuspecting souls.

Tonight, we speak of a hopeful future for the sacred faith on earth beginning here and flowing out into the ages to follow by His Spirit.

Tonight, if you have joined us in spirit and truth you are in the ground floor of all we have discovered coming to greater light and life.

The ground floor of what?

Of a right soteriology.

Allow a quick refresher of all the general soteriolgical positions that have long existed in the world of Christianity. We will do this through a little graphic.

I want you to imagine that each of the different soteriologies offered up by the Catholics, Orthodoxy’s, Protestants, and Restorationists groups are like different automobiles of different colors. They might generally look like this:

Having worked through all the soteriological views that have been in place, we are ready to compare and present our biblically-based findings.


You’ll first note that the symbol we use to illustrate our soteriology is not an automobile but an air freshener showing that what we conclude is NOT ANOTHER RELIGION but a symbolic air-freshener suitable for use ANYWHERE.

Education in the personal pursuit of Humility, Faith, Love and Mercy wrought about subjectively and through the Spirit.

Again, this soteriological tree can hang from the interior of any religious vehicle as YAHAVAH has had the victory through His Son, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. It brings the scent of His victory to all who see and receive it, bringing glory to Him for His Goodness, His Power, His Love, His Justice and the establishment of His Kingdom above. It signifies the end of material religion, the presence and power of the Spirit in the world, but acknowledges the ongoing need for more sound education about His victorious reconciliation with less emphasis on organized religion which claim to represent His soteriology.

In summary,

Captured and taught at the Great News Network, includes:


The heavenly realm and resurrection is an unmerited gift given to all souls through Christ’s finished work. Entrance to the New Jerusalem above is by faith on Him through His Spirit given to all souls through this reconciliation. Everyone subjectively chooses how they will live in the face of these gifts.


In the face of Christ’s victory, which includes the end of Satan, hell, death and alienation from God, the choice for every individual to be reconciled to God by faith is personal and subjective. It is by and through the Spirit of Christ in them, and the call upon all to receive and believe continues on after this life.


The world population has been returned to the Garden of Eden state SPIRITUALLY and every individual is now like Adam and Eve, freely deciding how to live, what to believe and what to do with their time on earth. RECONCILED SOTERIOLOGY can be adapted by any individual of any religious expression meaning Catholics can remain Catholic, Mormon’s can remain Mormon, Protestants Protestants while privately holding to this view. Certainly, this would make the individual out of harmony with every established religious organization, but we maintain that this soteriological choice is personal, private and subjective.


The Bible, in terms of active ongoing content, is a closed book. It tells all readers what, how and why God has done what He has done out of love for the world from Adam to Revelation. It is invaluable in terms of principles from the past, bearing priceless insights of Him, His will, His ways and His love.


Reconciled Soteriology is now in place and exists upon the following key elements:

  • Fulfilled Eschatology,
  • the Spirit is Primary
  • the faith entirely Subjective
  • all that matters in the spiritual life of every person on earth is faith and love.

The weight of our public searching is over.

The process of showing how we got to where we are is done and we are now and forever focused on where we ARE.

If you don’t like it, we will explain – but we will not defend nor recreate all of our reasons.

We’ve given them. In depth. And they are all available at the Great News Network under the verse by verse teachings, under the Yeshuan teaching and content, under the in depth CULT courses, in and through I Don’t get the Bible, and our Thursday Call-in Show and future Heart of the Matters which starting tonight will only air once a month – the first Tuesday of each month, starting with December 3rd 2024.

There will be no more debates, attacks, or disputes over doctrine, practice or
I will personally continue to grow in faith and love, and will continue to create content based on teaching, promoting and explaining RECONCILED Soteriology.

We will continue to work through the Old Testament, to finish the TVAR, and to try and complete other things on our collective hearts.

Those of you are encouraged to also create content which we will add to our body of work under the Yeshuan part of the Great News (get the app).

But we are seriously allowing the Living God to now make this approach known and accepted while we try to do our part.

In addition to what I’ve mentioned I am personally going to be focused on creating new educational course orbiting around Reconciliation which will all be available at Christian Ultra-Libertarians for Truth, housed at the Great News Network.

I want to add one final odd/weird/strange thing which you can freely take part in or not – there is no obligation, charge or any other reason than to actually cement this moment in time.

But its how I do things and here it is –

If you agree with this soteriological view as we have described it, called, RECONCILIATION and you want to belong to this launch of it, celebrated tonight, then send us an email, the following:


Your name:
Your city/state of Residence
And your year of Birth.

It would look something like this once engraved:


Shawn McCraney
Salt Lake City, Utah 1961

YOU HAVE UNTIL the end of this month of November to submit this information. If you don’t want to do this but accept RECONCILIATION – no problem. It’s just a art-piece to commemorate the arrival of His Great News.

I am then going to take this picture and embed it into this piece of black acrylic, then etch your submitted information below where it will remain as a witness until the acrylic melts.

This art will be held here in our lowly studio or wherever that may be.
No pressure. Just a memento of our collective efforts and that we have come to see Him and His victory in a light never before understood.

We are NOT a religion. Our soteriology is adaptable, free and available for any and all wanting better answers from the Bible about all that God is, and has done, for the world.

We fully anticipate that somewhere in the future – near or far – this form of belief will dominate the minds of all who seek and believe in God.

RECONCILIATION is the MOST biblical, the MOST contextual, the MOST just, fair, merciful soteriology which bears more of the fruit of the Spirit than all other forms of soteriology that have been created or proposed in the past.

We leave it in the hands of our Maker and His Spirit to move into the hearts and minds of others, now and in the future and to be used it as a general outline of what He alone has done.

We love all people.
We promote Him to all people.
And we add our names to this piece tonight even if we are the only ones on it.

God bless you, and we will see you Tuesday Night, December 3rd 2024 for the last HOTM of the year.

What a year it has been.

Heart Of The Matter

Heart Of The Matter

Established in 2006, Heart of the Matter is a live call-in show hosted by Shawn McCraney. It began by deconstructing Mormonism through a biblical lens and has since evolved into a broader exploration of personal faith, challenging the systems and doctrines of institutional religion. With thought-provoking topics and open dialogue, HOTM encourages viewers to prioritize their relationship with God over traditions or dogma. Episodes feature Q&A sessions, theological discussions, and deep dives into relevant spiritual issues.

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