Adam’s Road Ministry and The Micah Wilder Tragedy: The Important Story

Live From Salt Lake City, Utah, this is HEART OF THE MATTER FULL CIRCLE and I’m your host, Shawn McCraney. Let’s pray –

Our Approach to Faith

Our approach to the faith is captured under the website called the Great News Network .com.

“The great news network are people who devoutly care about God but want nothing to do with religion. Yeshua came to stop religion, not start one.”

Last Week’s Program Insights

So, let’s talk a minute together in the face of last week’s program. The average views we get for our weekly online program range from 300 to 600 views, with 2,700 being the most watched since our relaunch in May.

There’s a reason for this – we give no allegiance to religious groups, institutions, or to religious men or women playing church or perpetuating unsubstantiated Christian traditions. (We’ll get to a few of those before we go to the phones)


Testing and Changing Views

We test all things openly, deeply, contextually and we hold fast to what is best supported by the scripture and the Spirit thereof.

We change opinions when incorrect but have for the most part settled into what we call, the Fulfilled View which we think is pretty much unassailable from a full view of the text.

Invitation to Confront Our Views

We invite any religious leader to come here on the show and directly confront us with what they believe is the error of our views and to have their concerns addressed. But those in the faith feel more inclined to talk about us without understanding, you post and even secretly tune in to our content, but you refuse to be men and stand up and be counted.

Addressing Recent Criticism

So, taking full advantage of this recent (albeit temporary) uptick in our views because of the Adams Road event, we extend to anyone who verbally maligns, mocks, or criticizes us an open invitation. Email us with your info at

Open Invitation to Discuss

If you are equipped, we will fly you out to SLC round trip, all expenses paid, for you to sit right here on this stage and put your face where your mouth has been – we will record it for all to see.

Call to Religious Leaders

PhD? MDiv? Scholar of ancient languages? Pastor. Priest. Bishop. Pope. Reverend. Whomever. Whenever. You are invited. Not to debate – they are meaningless – but to talk and record.

The sad thing is none of you will do it. Because you are full of religious tradition and have chosen to trust men more than the living God.

Challenge to Local Critics

I’m talking to every one of you local managers of religion here in Utah and not only you pastors but Bill McKeever, Aaron Shafafalof, Jason Wallace, and those guys in Arizona including Jeff Durbin and James White – any and all other critics who will not come and talk with a brother but will, in God’s name, speak evil of everything we do and say, come, face me.

Criticism and Response

Some will say,

“We’ve done that and you will not listen. Come back. Show you’re a worthy biblical exegete, defend brick and mortar religion and your authority to govern it.”


But you won’t. Because you will lose face when confronted with reason.

The Adams Road Event: What Happened

Speaking of doing and saying, I want to make something clear:

I was in Hawaii for the entire month of April with my whole family when I was informed of the sad news of Adam’s road. During that month we were running billboards along the I-15 here in Utah to announce the return of HOTM FULL CIRCLE to air on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024.

Timeline of Events

From April 1 (or so) to May 7th, we sat on the Adams’ Road news, holding back so that the local religious managers in Florida, Utah, Kentucky could weigh in on how to handle this situation.

As we said last week, there was even a meeting held here in Utah with the appropriate players in ministry to the LDS who put their heads together to figure out what to do. At that meeting, by the way, full disclosure of the activities of Adam’s Road was withheld – another tactic of religionists – to speak in vagaries and subtle innuendo rather than straight-up talk that mentions oral copulation among males.

Reactions and Revelations

So we wait, and we watch. Micah publishes his letter of “remorse,” takes it down, republishes it redacted. We ask, “What is going on?” Crickets.

Weeks go by. I ask my sources and am told that there are fears of legal retribution in the air, fears of the LDS using the story to their advantage (how they could do that is beyond me since they created the mindset from their own beginnings), and concern for the sensitive feelings of the innocent harmed.

Caution and care were the operative words. Sound mature leadership is involved and at play. Crickets.

Breaking the Story: Our Reasons

May passes. June passes. We hear the work in Kentucky is progressing. Huh?

July is passing. Then Lila posts somewhere that she is going back to Florida to join the man she loves and then Sunday before last I get a call telling me that Micah is retreating back to his polygamous roots, that the Kentucky school house, designed for multiple wives, was full steam ahead, and that Maxicah were circling the wagons and standing with their team of warped-minded souls to take a stance.

Why We Acted

On Tuesday afternoon of last week, we knew we could NOT sit on this any longer. So don’t go around saying that we are doing this to profit off the views.

We did last week’s show for three specific reasons, and three specific reasons alone in the following order of priority:

  1. To try and reach into the heart of our brother Micah Wilder when we learned he was going backward and digging in;
  2. To break the story so unsuspecting souls within “Maxicah” might not be lured into his promotion of polygamy or their sexual deviancies which they seem to be saying is of God, and
  3. Because nobody else in the ranks of organized religion was doing anything (effective) about it.

Simple as that.

Our Conclusion on the Saga

And now that we have done our part – a part the religionist involved in the story for the past 9 to 5 months refused to do – we don’t want anything more to do with it after tonight.

We hope this is the second and the last time we will ever talk about Adam’s Road again but we stand strong in the face that we acted because nobody else would, that we did it from reliable information, and we did it out of love – for Micah, and Joseph, for Katie, for Matt and Steve and Jay and Lila, and for the tens of thousands that Maxicah took advantage of through hypocritical religious performances.

Our Mission in Ministry

We did not get into ministry to police people, we got into ministry to rightly promote a direct, unencumbered relationship all people can have with God through faith and love.

Promoting Faith Without Religion

And we biblically promote “faith without religion” subjectively lived.

So all the information on Micah Wilder is there. Share it, get it out to all the inhabitants of the areas they preached.

Hopes for Redemption

We hope and pray that Maxicah will break, that their financial world will crack apart, that whatever it takes, they will all humble themselves before a God who demonstrably patterned His way to live in the Garden, and how far afield they have wandered.

If Micah turns, changes his mind, and walks into the arms of our King, (the one he has said “is enough” but obviously was not) goes back to the wife of his youth, back to his three children and away from his poor mistress, and shuns the utterly dark influences introduced to them by an LDS predator, receive him with open, unconditional arms and without any strictures of religion.

The Beauty of Christ’s Finished Work

This is the beauty of Christ’s finished work – sin has been paid in full, but faith and agape love are the demand for all who seek Him.

The Real Story of Adam’s Road

That said, there is another story to the Adam’s Road saga. It’s the important story in my estimation as stories like Micah are a dime a dozen in this world and have spread relentlessly through religion since man put a cross or steeple on top of an enclosed room.

Heartfelt Contrition and Redemption

This is a story of what I see as heartfelt, humble contrition, of a man guilty before God who literally called out to Him directly to save him from His Sin and was heard; who recognizes that after nearly two decades of practicing religion without a conscience, He entered into a direct relationship with God and got one – filling him with peace that is not of this world.

Don’t like the ease with which God works on a willing soul – then deny the power of His Spirit and keep playing church.

Note that there was no religious leader present when this young man petitioned God for forgiveness. There was a godly wife and one earnest man looking to one God and receiving a new heart, forged in the Spirit.


Meeting Joseph of Adam’s Road

I caught up with him here in Utah yesterday afternoon. This is Joseph of Adam’s road.

See, Joseph went straight from his LDS mission to the “Maxicah compound of oral copulation” in Florida, which then lead to all the rest and got swept up with all things Max and Micah had established from the exact same spirit that the founder of Mormonism established the LDS church in 1830.

He went from one religion right into another, from his LDS mission where he learned to trust in Men, to joining a Christian band of men hiding from sin, to playing across the Nation in the vein of religious practice.

Admission of Past Mistakes

Every church that received them played into the charade of church playing of standing up and feigning righteousness with a hand extended for support.

Joseph admitted to me yesterday that he was just sort of playing along all those years instead of really being converted. I believe him.

See, sin in the life of religious people brings shame, hiding, and often no-need to confess so long as the sinner is not caught.

Genuine Belief and Contrition

But sin in the life of a genuine believer brings almost immediate contrition, immediate humility, and immediate transparency including open unadulterated cries for help WITHOUT a care for what men or people around them think!

Show me a man ashamed before men and I will show you a religionist who is most likely playing church. Show me a man contrite before God alone and unconcerned about what men think, and I’ll show you the heart of David.

Religion vs. Direct Relationship

As a reiteration consider the graphic,








Total Transparency



As I sat with Joseph over a fizzy-lifting drink in a napkin-less, unairconditioned local haunt near his LDS dad’s house, a good and caring Father, I watched and listened to the heart of a man who was free from his sin of 18 years.

Conclusion of Joseph’s Transformation

Is that enough? Of course it is. There is no need for anything else – including my witness of his transformation.

What can anyone say in the face of it? What I witnessed was what we read about through stories taken directly from the scripture.


It will take time for Joseph to re-establish trust with those he’s harmed, but that is a one-on-one situation and we are all in a place to love, receive, encourage, and support him as he navigates that road.

The point is his response was according to the text and spirit of the text and Micah’s response was also from the text but lacked the spirit, was wholly manipulative and from what I know, remains warped.

The Cautionary Tale and Victory

Micah is the cautionary tale, Joseph is the victory through God directly. Religion could help neither of them.

Joseph and the work of God now present with Him, along with the forgiveness of his dear wife, and the love extended to him by all involved, is what the faith is all about.

And not one bit of the credit should ever go to a church, religion, or Man. Only to the direct healing hand of God.

Wrapping Up the Adams Road Saga

We are going to wrap up the Adams Road Saga tonight by going through some of your comments to illustrate how much of a hold religion has on people today.

Their comments, while well-intended I’m sure, speak volumes.

The Lost Essence of Christianity

But before we so do, I want to reiterate something that we have almost lost in modern Christianity.

There is no such legitimate thing as a Christian culture – Christianity does not have Christian dress-codes, diet, art, or music – men have created such on the basis of Our King’s amazing Grace but the fact of the matter is these are all facets of playing Church but have little to do with the heart of an individual Christian.

Christianity’s True Identity

Christianity does not have a political party. It does not exist in buildings but exists only in the heart of Human beings who walk in spirit and truth.

Christianity is not captured in any religious expression, but can exist in any of them.

There is no such thing as a Christian education, a Christian concert, a Christian way of speaking, or a Christian way of living your life – again, men and women wanting to shroud themselves in such attempt to cultivate, promote and demand such things but none of it is mandated by the Living God.

The Core Principles of Faith

What is? Faith and love sought in spirit and truth. Period.

What we are addressing here tonight and what we addressed last week was the fallout from yet another Christian leader coming apart at the seams but none of it would have happened if people refused to play church and if all believers were expected and allowed to be utterly transparent but answering to God alone.

The churches just can’t let that happen. So, we’ll be back again – another child molested, another woman raped, all in the name of Jesus.

The Biblical Way Forward

There is a better – biblical way.

Show 14 Adams Road – The Important Story
August 6th, 2024

‘As you treat others, so shall you be treated’ my friend. You did not handle this properly. I’m upset at Micah as well. But until I sit with him, I can’t assume all those terrible things you said. Maybe that older man had ‘control’ over him and the others, I don’t know, but I do know the family is devastated, and a few of them were suicidal, which you seemed to welcome in the video. It just wasn’t the way to handle this, to beat someone over the head when they are down is evil. Sadly you have fulfilled that horrible old saying….‘Christian’s kill their wounded.’ Congrats on successfully achieving that.

Handling Criticism and Responsibility

Riots and mass movements that start destroying things without a thought (Hard and fast response is necessary). A robber that steps in and is treating others ruthlessly. Any situation or person that is behaving with heartless ambition – swift responses are required.

On the other hand, where there is a slow, unassuming person or event that is full of feelings and sensitivities, the response and reception of them should be slower and kinder, like with:

The elderly, children, the disabled, people who have had a bad day – there are a lot of emotions and a lot of feelings involved so the feminine fruit of the spirit.

Community Reactions

For my language, delivery, tone and attack, we received:

FROM @pigetstuck
You might want to consider taking this down and reconsider how the message was delivered…
“I really do love them” … that didn’t come through….

Willow wrote
This so heartbreaking. I appreciate the warning to not play this in front of children. That being said, for the future, I urge you to consider how you present sin. Perhaps in the future, a simple explanation of ‘heinous sexual sins and deception were committed’ would suffice, as opposed to all the we all have different pasts and another brother or sister in Christ might struggle with sexual sin themselves and so much detail could be a stumbling block for them. And I get your heart and your anger but your message is somewhat lost in its delivery, brother. Galatians 6:1

@KyleWMyers wrote
Thank you for the information in the video. However, I believe you are in sin (also) and should repent and turn to God for salvation. Cursing, polygamy, etc. are sin- turn from your sin and towards Jesus Christ

4 days ago
Horrible story, but also horrible is Shawn’s foul mouth, and I don’t mean when he’s describing what happened! I guess the Holy Spirit does not convict him for dropping F-bombs!

1 day ago
The story you’re relaying is disturbing, that’s for certain, but I had to shut it off when you started screaming profanities and name-calling all the while asking what about the Spirit while you were engaging in sin? I’d like to turn that question right back at you. I have a hard time believing that you can scream and swear like that and not be convicted of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God is within you. First-time listener, and the last.

2 hours ago
Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 5:4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.

Reasons for My Approach

So, their complaints, again, sound reasonable, are certainly biblical, and are shared by souls who appear to want to speak the truth – but do they, or are they merely reciting what they THINK sounds biblical and right instead of what is actually biblical and right? Allow a non-religious perspective for you all to consider:

Here are the reasons I did what I did and did it in the way I did it:

Why I Spoke Out

My brother is in danger. I know Micah personally. He is a soft-spoken type who rarely brings on the ire of anyone. I doubt he has ever been spoken to that way in his life. But what has all the soft peaceable tones done to bring him back around? Nothing.

Religion plays the right words, the right tones, but ignores the fact that there are times

when nothing short of a verbal thrashing can break through to people who thrive in religious environments. If you think Yeshua or Paul didn’t do the same you need to rethink Matthew 22 and Paul’s words to the religious leaders of his day.

If you think my words are vulgar they are no more insulting or vulgar than numerous imprecations used by prophets and apostles and the Lord Himself calling people, the Sons of Satan, Vipers, liars, hypocrites, dogs, foxes, or how about the passages in the bible that plainly speak of sexual immorality in no uncertain terms (look how God describes the lovers of Israel being hung like donkeys shooting sperm like horses.

Authentic Expression

God does not hold back – that’s religion and its culture. He is direct and plain and illicit when it’s demanded.

Micah has had 18 years of Christianease which has done nothing. He speaks fluent Christianese without offense while offending himself and others with unspeakable acts. I, in the context of one or two shows, drop the very appropriate F-bombs and suddenly that becomes the focus. By who? Religionists.

I want to avoid hypocrisy at all costs.

One woman wrote that I am convicted of sin through the words of my own mouth because it revealed the content of my heart. She could not be more right! My words did reveal the content of my heart which was utter disgust by the attitude of a brother lost to his own imagination and hurting others in his wake. If that doesn’t make you shake with indignation for the innocent, I don’t know what will. I was HONEST with the contents of my heart. Would you all prefer dishonesty, feigning, playing holiness when I am not?

Hypocrisy in Criticism

And what about most of you hypocritically giving a pass to f-bombs in other settings? How many of you will wink at soldiers on the front line of a firefight screaming at each other with expletives as a means to protect and warn? Do you watch movies and give those a pass where an expletive is the perfect word? Or Music? When you hit your thumb with a hammer? Do you get a pass? And if you are perfect in your speech what about your judgmental heart of those who are not? How many of you give pro-athletes a pass on the field or court? How many of you give your favorite politicians a pass when they say things like, “when I see a pretty woman I can’t help but just want to grab them by the pussy?” Do you see how religiously minded you are? How hypocritical that mindset makes you? Get over this bs. Be real. Say what you mean and mean what you say and don’t make any excuse for it. If it’s done in love and with purpose, who are you to say otherwise?

Refusing Esteem for Self

To Refuse to be held up in high esteem.

Finally, my use of such words in such times as these serves to decrease myself before all men that he might increase. Do you need me to be your example when the Holy Spirit witnesses of Him who should be? I suggest that all people who claim Him should transparently admit and be their most sinful self in public so nobody ever gets taken in by religious charlatans? Right?

But you want poetic, words that echo your religious sentiments and liken one or two f-bombs to eighteen years of incomprehensible religious gaming.

All of you are sick in the fucking mind. You actually believe that you can look at another human being and call them out for sin when you are full of it – full of it – that’s religion. That is what religion produces.

You might say that I called Micah out. Not for his sin. Not ever for his sin. As proven, I have no right. But I am not a religious hypocrite and that is His crime. Feigning holiness. When neither he, you, nor I can come close to such a state.

You coward Shawn, you deleted my comment! Pastor Al

I was not personally involved in or aware of the sinful activities while they persisted, as a former member of Adam’s Road. Was shocked and devastated when this was all brought to light in mid-April. Prayers are much appreciated, as my wife and I navigate through this muck, and seek to process, heal, and move past this—by the grace and mercy of Jesus.

Wow, this is insanely wild. People need to stop idolizing these “leaders”. When I was reading his book I got creepy vibes from Max. I mean did no one else get those vibes? My husband and I were listening to it and gave each other the side eye with that relationship. I’m an exmo born again Christian for reference.

This is so incredibly heartbreaking on so many levels. I’m feeling a lot of grief today over this information. Those poor children. WHY WHY WHY would he share that information with them????? THEY SHOULD NOT KNOW THIS!

Micah has never understood the pure Gospel of grace. Evidence that he has would be that he knows the gospel. Several times Sean points out that Micah doesn’t understand his sins have been forgiven him through Jesus Christ. I agree wholeheartedly. I have had to flee the churches. They do not teach the Biblical Gospel and are puffed up by the Roman Catholic model of “worthy” leadership and confession to men of sins. Ultimately, they under bondage because they are not freed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Shawn… as always you are so much more keenly aware of the problems and issues CHURCHIANITY causes. These guys having been raised LDS still don’t get it. Faith is not faith in an institution. Forgiveness does not come from or go through an institution. Pastors and bishops who do this ROB a person from a true relationship with God. I’m still at a loss to describe what was going through my head as I was listening to this. Just UNREAL! Please do a follow-up when it’s right to. There’s NOTHING on the internet. It’s so deceptive of that church to require him to put out this letter, get the public involved, and then leave people disillusioned and wondering. So many exiting LDS hitched their wagons to Adam’s Road while they tried to transition out of the LDS and keep a relationship with God hopefully intact.

Thank you for your transparency and honesty Shawn. NeverMo here, came to Utah in 2011 and I’ve been witness to the religious (or atheistic) evolution of the state. My father-in-law was a pioneer in the Utah Post Mo Christianity world until his passing in 2017. He was friends with members of the Sept 6, and tried to make the Grace of Jesus a soft landing spot for those leaving the Church. (He taught in a small Church of Christ congregation in Orem on Center Street and went on to attend Centerpoint, SMCC, Southside C of C, anywhere!) I saw Adam’s Road, Richard Dutcher, Bishop Earl among others in Lindon several years ago- I liked all of them & their messages they brought to the community. SO many are affected by this awful betrayal: Main St Church of Brigham City posted their own statement. They have been a huge supporter of Adam’s Road. I have been through the darling town in Florida where their Bed and Breakfast/ home was. The church-sponsored school posted a glowing “goodbye to the Wilder’s” article before everything blew up. That’s interesting…..

I have no inside ties to the story other than having known about it prior to your broadcast—and thank you for covering it frankly. I hate to ask this, and wish no further pain in doing so, particularly toward innocent family members. But in light of the broad scandals facing the LDS church (bishops interviews and Scouting scandals), I’m wondering if these young men were preyed upon earlier in their youth.

Excellent critique of this sad and deplorable story of the Adam’s Road Ministry. No one could tell it better than Shawn who did it passionately, sternly, and out of love. The most disappointing aspect of Micah’s public confession for me is that it failed to include direct apologies to those individuals within his own family who have been permanently scarred by his inappropriate actions. Micah’s hollow words reeked with hypocrisy. I hope he follows Shawn’s recommendation to abandon his ministry aspirations, don’t return, and live out his private life in obscurity.

This is a classic scenario. Where there are groups of people — organizations, be it church, school, government, what have you — sexual predators exist, find each other, and prey on the innocent (even when they’re 20). Where it is most rampant is where the institution entails positions of moral authority, for an inherent trust is inappropriately attributed to those members. Religious organizations are therefore prime pickings. My father is a police officer, and growing up, even though I am a devout Christian, he inculcated me with a prime overlay, which supersedes/is prioritized over ANYTHING else… and it is child safety. You don’t leave your kids alone with people. You just don’t. Once you’ve got that overlay — and yes, unfortunately, it gives you a jaded viewpoint — it’s the easiest thing in the world. And your precious kiddos are kept safe. Every 1 in 100 people is a pedophile, which

means you pass dozens of them every day. What’s worse, they are very goal-oriented, and they will work their way into positions that get them close to your kids. Where there are “Gomer Pyle” characters in your life… dear God, you HAVE to keep a suspicious eye on those folks. Guarding your family against pedophilia is as serious as protecting your kids from getting hit by a car in a parking lot. If you’re not aware of that danger, you’re not being honest with yourself. Safety in the parking lot, and safety against child predators, comes FIRST, before even religion itself. It’s a matter of staying alive, and keeping your kids’ hearts safe and well. Great talk, Shawn. Love it. —Hunter

Religion will love you if you conform to them, ask questions then they ease you out of that place.

This whole Adam’s Road saga is so sad. My wife mentioned and reminded us of that whole Lonnie Frisbee thing in the movie, Jesus Revolution.

Disclaimer upfront. I know Micah, Matt, Joseph, Lila, and Alicia and others who work at the Edgewater and I love them all to pieces. Here are my thoughts. For what they are worth. Micah & Joseph: Here are these two young kids fresh from an LDS mission. In the LDS, it is taught that people get personal revelation i.e. prophesy… especially “seasoned” males get prophesy. (Look at the age of the LDS Apostles and the Seventy). So Micah & Joseph have believed in this prophesying all of their young lives. They were prey for Max who knew how to manipulate them! (Kudos to the young one who knew to bail from Max….but think of it….even he was willing to donate in a cup!! This Max was one skilled manipulator/predator).
Just coming from LDS and being young, Joseph was floundering and trying to catch on to a replacement belief system. He looked up to Micah who had been his Mission Leader. Micah is also quite charismatic. Micah still wanted/wants to be a leader and to be known for being righteous and worthy. It had been his identity since his parents converted to the LDS and is his Christian identity now. Micah went all out as an LDS youth. His being was/is caught up in being a zealous leader as that is being ‘worthy’ in LDS parlance. Max giving Micah a hotel and fostering a ministry/platform for him fed into Micah’s belief about himself…and his ego. Max knew his target and hit a bullseye. Joseph: Think about it. Any young 20-year-old male would know right off the bat if someone approached them saying “the L-rd told me you struggled with lust” was FOS! “Duh….tell me a young red-blooded male who doesn’t struggle with lust and racing hormones” and they wouldn’t fall for Max’s prophetic announcement. LDS are programmed from a young age to have adult men say they have received revelation about them and they accept it without question. To question authority is a huge no-no. “When the Prophet says it, it is over. There is no further question” is what is taught. So Joseph…I love his sincere heart….was a sitting duck.
Joseph is a very lovable, sincere, goofy, and loving guy. Add to this that his former Mission Leader Micah believed it and Joey didn’t stand a chance. He may have had that inkling that said something isn’t right here but as LDS they are taught to just follow the leader and put questions ‘on the shelf’ i.e. To tuck questions away and just follow blindly…And that’s what Joseph did. Put things on the shelf until the shelf collapsed.
Micah’s wife Alicia is a lovely young woman also raised in LDS. Alicia is very loving and giving. She leads with her heart. A Sweet, sweet woman! LDS women are told to obey their ‘priesthood head’. Before marriage that is their father. After marriage their husband. Women are supposed to be submissive in both the LDS ‘keep sweet’ and Evangelical Christian teaching. Alicia absolutely loves Micah and her children and would be ripe to follow him. I can’t emphasize enough what a sweet, loving, devoted, kind woman Alicia is. Polygamy was an open secret in LDS that nobody wanted to talk about but was still in D&C section 132. It was another thing to be put ‘on the shelf’. It wouldn’t be a huge stretch for someone to manipulate Alicia into going along with a trusted older man’s prophesy….especially one trusted by her very charismatic husband and her brother-in-law.
Now Add to the mix Lila who is from Polygamy royalty being a direct relative of 3 people who claimed to be The Prophet …the One Might and Strong…(Ervil, Joel, & Alma LeBaron) and whose relatives still believe in polygamy. She had a hx of religious abuse. She is sent to Adam’s Road in Florida to get away from whatever that abuse was. Lila is also very, very sweet, young, beautiful, loving, and shy. And, coming from such a long line of Polygamy. (Many of her numerous siblings still practice polygamy) she would easily fall into teachings where a form of religious ritual and polygamy was encouraged. I wonder if Max used aspects of LDS/FLDS ritual regarding his extra marriages & ‘sealings’. This was a situation just waiting for trouble without strong, moral teaching. And trouble it got! 18 years of stuff to unravel. Matt, Nicole and their child moved away from the Edgewater early on.
Matt was more mature being older than Micah and is very dedicated to his Christian beliefs and Christian study. He found mentors who steered him right. Matt is the salt of the earth, humble, loving, a devoted husband and father. I adore Matt. It still baffles me how Katie wasn’t included in this mess. Joseph must have known how much this would hurt her as would Micah. I believe they tried to protect her which also says that somehow they knew they were doing wrong but put it ‘on the shelf’. Katie’s innocent trust finally broke Joseph and he couldn’t continue any longer. Joseph really loves Katie. I think this is a situation all around where we need to foster Grace and Love for
everyone affected by this situation. I hold Max accountable as a predator. I also think egos need to be checked. I hope people get the help/therapy they need to get through this. And I hope those involved in Polygamy get a wake-up call. Yes, polygamy is in the Bible but look at all the heartache involved in the Torah stories of our Matriarchs and Patriarchs involved in Polygamy.
In the end, I love these folks dearly and still offer friendship and understanding free from judgment. G-d knows I have made my share of mistakes that I wouldn’t like shared on the Internet although I see why this was/is warranted. I’m glad for the way Shaun handled it and no qualms at all about F Bombs. Torah says nothing about this …the injunction was not to take the L-rds name in vain. Nothing in this podcast did that. I’m sorry I am long-winded. I hope my take may shed a little light on this issue and hope we pray for these people, continue to love them, and still share truth with them about their wrong behavior. G-d can and does forgive if we go to him. Thanks for listening.

Where did you get all of your information?

I am interested as to how you found out that level of detail. I have only started watching part of your video.
We’re can I find this information? Just so I can read it for myself

You also said David and the OT people didn’t have the Holy Spirit… that’s hilarious because God took His Spirit from Saul. David said take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Study to show yourself approved man.

Mormons are going to say This scandal is Devine punishment for apostatizing From the LDS church.

Heart Of The Matter

Heart Of The Matter

Established in 2006, Heart of the Matter is a live call-in show hosted by Shawn McCraney. It began by deconstructing Mormonism through a biblical lens and has since evolved into a broader exploration of personal faith, challenging the systems and doctrines of institutional religion. With thought-provoking topics and open dialogue, HOTM encourages viewers to prioritize their relationship with God over traditions or dogma. Episodes feature Q&A sessions, theological discussions, and deep dives into relevant spiritual issues.

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