Faith without religion.
The Garden, Death, and the Resurrection: Unpacking Misconceptions in Christianity
Bible, Resurrection, Death
In a recent discussion on 1 Corinthians 15, Shawn Delaney and Sha Delaney delve into the complexities of biblical interpretation, particularly focusing on the concept of everything being put under Christ’s feet. They explore the nuances of spiritual versus physical death, a topic that often confuses many Christians. Shawn explains that while Adam introduced spiritual death, physical death existed even before the fall, as evidenced by the natural cycle of life and death in the garden.
The conversation also touches on the controversial topic of the physical resurrection, which Shawn argues is often misunderstood within Christian circles. He suggests that the resurrection is more about spiritual renewal rather than a literal physical reawakening, challenging traditional evangelical beliefs. This perspective, he notes, aligns with the idea that Jesus promised eternal life through spiritual belief, not physical immortality.
The discussion highlights the importance of re-evaluating long-held beliefs and encourages a deeper understanding of biblical texts. By questioning traditional interpretations, Shawn and Sha aim to provide clarity and insight into the often complex and misunderstood teachings of Christianity.
Podcast Transcript:
I don’t get the Bible with Delany and
sha Delaney here Sean here and we talk
about uh the Bible uh as I teach it and
she is has been raised a Christian for
many many years Christian schools at
seta but doesn’t really understand the
Bible and she really represents the vast
majority of Christianity so we left off
what part in 1 Corinthians 15 we’re
going through 1 Corinthians 15 it’s
taking a while um and we are at around
verse 27 we’re going through that verse
24 to verse
28 chunk where he’s talking about um
everything being put under Christ’s feet
and also if you have questions you can
submit him at I don’t getthe
we are doing that yeah okay so the last
uh episode we were talking through what
first fruits meant and that brought us
into this topic that we’re going to keep
going with right now which is about how
everything is going to be put under
Christ’s feet yeah and it had us talking
about things like how
Calvinism has it somewhat right and
somewhat wrong if and then also just
categorizing the fulfilled perspective
which is where he comes
from in reference to this everything
being put under his feet so he goes on
verse 27 and
says for he has put quote has put
everything under his feet unquote now
when it says that everything quote
unquote has been put under him it is
clear that this does not include God
himself who put who put everything under
Christ right when he has done this the
son himself will made subject to him who
put everything under him so that God may
be all in all now before you do that I
just want to say if I didn’t say this in
the last time all of this
happens in uh when he uh enters into
Ministry it be it it doesn’t happen but
it begins he enters into Ministry he is
baptized he goes into the Wilderness
he’s tempted of the devil and he
overcomes that temptation
that was a beginning of him being uh
putting everything under his feet okay
and it continues on through his life his
death his resurrection his Ascension
into first into sh which PE Peter talks
about and then he goes to his father’s
right hand and he’s there until
everything has been put under his feet
he remains at his father’s side okay
until that time happens okay and then
when he comes out he’s reigning he’s
coming back in his glory it’s the
revelation of him as the king and Satan
at that time knows his time he’s known
since he uh lost at the cross he knows
my time is short in Revelation said he’s
R running around like a roaring lion
trying to get as many people as he can
back into his clutches but that was the
scope of his period in time after he
returns that’s done that’s why I say
Satan and all that is over
okay and so we part of what we’ve
brought up and it’s going to come up a
little bit later in this chapter is Adam
and Christ Adam starting so and
it Adam started death yeah for as an
Adam all die okay and that started a
when um things were accumulating to be
put under Christ’s feet I guess like it
was adding up yeah and things to be put
under Christ’s feet are like faults and
sins and Devils demons principalities
Powers warlocks all of that Dominion
Authority and power which is just like
anything that’s an idol even or
everything of the tree of knowledge of
Good and Evil yes but the physical world
is not that’s why we continue to die and
have toothaches and disease Etc that’s a
question I have but I’ll save it for
later when that part about Adam comes up
okay cuz so te like we just to clarify
we talked about this in the previous
episode but
it’s spiritual death that Adam brought
on yeah not physical so it’s spiritual
death that Christ
also fixes fixes not physical
well the thing about him is he does fix
the physical in and through the
resurrection but he doesn’t stop the
dying right yeah the dying still happens
but that makes me and Grady believe that
the dying was always part of the human
realm before the fall right okay that’s
what I mean that’s what I mean so there
was physical death well before the
problem is most Christians don’t see
that they think Adam introduced death
meaning physical psychological and
spiritual death okay physical too okay
but the reality is physical death
existed in the
garden because living things were dying
before the fall right pieces of fruit
were alive they were being eaten and
consumed uhhuh that was death so
Christians say there was no death There
Is No Death well you know well then how
are they even eating food and the tree
of life and all that what kept man from
dying was their access to that tree of
life okay that’s confusing like it seems
like my understanding that I that I know
I’m missing things is that it was that
Adam doesn’t didn’t
um would physically die does it say when
he ate that he will die like that’s when
death came in yeah it says in the day
you do it you will surely die okay so
but he didn’t die right that died 930
years later okay so that and that can
along with a bunch of other things is
why he it wasn’t physical death so he
was going to die and so he was going to
die and then he was still instructed to
eat of the Tree of Life which seemed to
me like him eating of the tree of life
is going to give him everlasting life in
the afterlife in the garden no as a man
in the garden he he ate of that tree and
somehow it served to keep his physical
components made of the Dust Etc alive
okay so that seems like what what the
other Christians are saying you’re
saying what other Christians are saying
that he wasn’t going to physically die
right but they say that was just his
State whether not because he no death at
all he introduced death that includes
physical and and Grady and I both
believe that’s not the case it doesn’t
say that okay all God says is the day
you eat of it you’ll surely die and he
does spiritually and he’s removed from
the garden it still like doesn’t fully
add up what to me
like the tree of life is keeping him
alive it’s keeping him from physically
dying that’s what we believe he and I
that’s what you believe yeah but eating
of the other tree didn’t physically kill
him right brought death spiritual death
but eating
of so it brought on spiritual death but
eating of the tree of life not eating of
the tree of life if that was what was
keeping him physically alive would have
physically killed him then not eaten it
would have ultimately physically killed
him is what which is why we believe God
put a tree of life there to nourish him
is in that Garden State physical state
so he would be replenished all the time
by eating from the Tree of Life and die
why did he because he was kicked out of
the garden and he was removed from
having access to the Tree of Life yeah
God put an angel of it and he said don’t
let him eat of this fruit anymore okay
because he’ll live forever in his sins
okay yeah all right get it and that’s
why physical death exist yeah for you
because we can’t we would be living in
our physical in our spiritual sins yeah
forever that’s terrible yeah okay okay
so he brought that
on and that whole thing was something to
be put under Christ’s feet right and all
the results of all that yeah so um and
seriously it is a marked difference
between what most people believe who are
of the faith they believe that um
um uh Adam and Eve brought in all death
including spiritual and
physical and that nothing died
beforehand physically until he ate of
fruit and when they say that what that
does is it makes all kinds of difficulty
for uh
dinosaurs petrochemical Origins there’s
all kinds of problems with it so by
saying look at he was designed to die
the Tree of Life preent prevented that
from happening and his removal from
access to that is why he died physically
and it was 930 years later and that
ticking clock seems to continually be
going down for us because he was pure in
a sense or whatever from eating that
tree and it took that long for it to
wear off is how I would put it is that
clear that is clear
and like it’s really wild to say that
there wasn’t death before that yeah like
I that doesn’t seem to come from
anywhere like where does that come from
because he says the day you eat of it
you shall surely die and and they say
well he didn’t surely die when he first
date of it that’s what you say back to
him but he ultimately did yeah yeah it’s
only because he didn’t have access to
that tree of life okay well I have to
because we’re in this chapter like it
says it the spiritual did not come first
but the natural and after that the
spiritual yeah yeah the first man was of
the Dust of the Earth the second man of
Heaven like he was going to die he was
of the Dust yeah and then he became a
Spirit by eating the it’s right it’s
like it’s almost like describing caveman
into human or something where it’s like
there wasn’t a spiritual aspect of
humans until Adam was given a tree to
eat from that gave him a spirit well I
would differ with that because God
breathed his breath into Adam and he
became a living soul and it was good it
was right he was directly from God Made
Alive by God but his physical makeup his
heart and his lungs and everything else
yeah that was going to die that was
going to die but he G God gave that tree
so he never would right but like that
body was made yeah and then God breathed
into it so it was like a thing that
would die like whatever it and then God
breath so that okay not the fruit but
the god breathing is him giving the
world Spirit yeah for the first time
igniting it with his breath of life yeah
yeah wow I’ve never thought of it like
that but that’s pretty amazing it is and
the interesting thing too about that is
um God breathing into him and him living
he had everything he had it all there
yeah and he could have eaten of that
tree as he wanted continued to live in
an edenic state that is similar to what
our view of Heaven is you know we want
to die and go to heaven where we live
forever and ever in this edenic state
where there is a tree of life you know
but it’s spiritually right so it was all
there yeah but but man the very first
couple said no wow cuz we are made in
God’s image and we want
our own power it’s like a teenager I’ve
been with Mom and Dad long enough yeah I
want to get out there and live yeah
which that just
wow that is not a talked about
perspective on just the start of not all
creation it’s not or the start creation
like not the universe just like God’s
interaction with us the garden is so
vitally important and here’s another
thing that what we’re talking about in
our perspective does is it removes all
the joking and laughter and mockery that
comes upon Christians by scientists who
see the carbon dating and everything of
how old this freaking world is yeah they
because if you take the Christian
Perspective things have only been dying
for 5,000 8,000 years yeah no yeah yeah
just the whole fulfilled perspective
takes like the whole
universe and takes and like it’s a
really limited story of God doing one
complete thing and it’s like it’s like
one complete story in the whole universe
it’s like people on Mars if that exists
weren’t involved in this little Regional
story but that was a a whole he did all
of it through that story to affect
everything else right because if God is
involved in the
story and and the people who do his
will uh are involved in the story like
Jesus then the story is going to have
perfect Eternal ramification on the
Martian totally right yeah like God made
all this stuff yeah but he showed the
purpose of it through like a tail yes
working a real tale like it was a thing
that happened but it
was it’s so backward and like takes away
from it affecting everything when you
say that’s the only thing that’s ever
happened is that tale which is what
Christians do it’s like the entire
universe started at that
story and no one else exists the whole
The Arc the flood takes everything away
there wasn’t even a it just it makes it
so small kind of it is small I mean I
did I’ve talked about how the size of
the area that God worked in through the
whole biblical narrative is like the
size of a postage stamp on a football
field oh my gosh you know it it’s
nothing where he did it and that concurs
with him saying I do things through
small means I start really small I don’t
make it a big thing that’s how he works
yeah yeah
which also takes away freaking
everything that Christians are trying to
do now with bigness oh yeah like it’s
this small like this is how it needs to
happen for it to be real yeah gosh okay
um that actually clears up what I’ve
brought up several times over the last
episodes which is a need to describe the
ction and why Christians think it’s
physical like I have do have never
understood where that came from because
I didn’t know what the original story
was really but like it seems so strange
to think that our bodies are going to
keep going when everything about
Christianity is like not about our
bodies I know and someone just sent me a
copy of a letter from from one of our
critics who posted it online and he and
the critic said mcra doesn’t believe in
the physical resurrection and that’s the
Slam against me oh my gosh yeah you see
because they are so ensconced in this
worldview dude even not knowing any of
this yes it it seems so weird to have a
physical res yeah it’s just
stupid oh my
gosh and and it’s like it’s like the
logic of it is is okay so the Ancient
Mariner 4,000 years ago who drowned at
Sea M and then he was
eaten uh by the fish and then the fish
were eaten by other fish for 2,000 4,000
years but God wants those particles to
come back together to make him to go
into heaven which those particles if all
matter comes from matter they were
probably another body before that right
right the whole thing thing all of it my
gosh yeah the physical Resurrection is a
joke it’s a joke when especially when we
get to what Paul says about it this is
insane yeah and it’s the Keystone of the
faith and yet nobody understands it that
is in this is like I don’t get the Bible
is really interesting because it’s
coming to your understanding without the
previous understanding oh yeah like I
don’t H I came I had so much experience
in evangelicalism but I think I
represent most evangelicals who do not
know no what this stuff is it’s the
critics of you that know like not saying
there isn’t a physical Resurrection is
heresy or something but a normal
churchgoing person would know that yeah
and then to hear this it’s like that
makes no sense what they think and then
to deny the the the second coming oh
yeah is much easier because you say how
come the graves are all still full yeah
yeah how come my grandma hasn’t come up
and so you have this this stupid thread
that doesn’t allow for growth because
you stand on these certain things
they’re literally never going to come
around if they if they think all this
it’s never going to come it’s going to
take it’s going to take teaching that’s
all it’s going to take is teaching oh my
gosh oh my gosh
the whole thing this is just a letter to
a region segment of a letter oh my
gosh yeah but your guys are going to be
radically continue to open as we
continue to go that’s a that was a big
one the garden and the resurrection and
death through Adam and death and then
yeah okay so it it we are at 20 minutes
right now um and one final thing
remember that people will say no it’s
physical Resurrection Jesus gives that
well he gives it through the spiritual
Resurrection we receive which Paul’s
going to describe but when Jesus was
alive he said if you believe on me
you’ll never
die so we know that it’s not talking
about physical death at all because
everyone dies including the people his
literal apostles who saw him and all who
believe on him die
so we know that his message when he says
we’ll never die is not about these
bodies and it’s just you have to drive
this stuff home for people to start to
get it so we’ll stop and go to the next
one yeah that
that the Christians are um contradicting
themselves to constantly because
they believe that they’re that when he
says we’re not going to die it
means spiritually because they know we
die like they is that what you’re trying
to say like they they believe we’re not
going to die in a spiritual way yeah for
our death but they don’t believe that
for the resurrection right
like it somehow turns
literal that part that’s wild
okay okay we didn’t we got through one
verse but see you next time e