Subjective Christianity Anarchy is a response to Objective Christian Authoritarianism which might be best described as the visible, physical, brick and mortar religious institutions that impose themselves, their tenets, their memberships, their authority, their doctrines and their demands on individual souls within their circle of their respective influence.

Subjective Christianian proposes the idea that Christianity is an entirely subjectively experience that exists between the individual and the Living God through the Holy Spirit because of the finished work of Yeshua the Messiah. This view acknowledges that every individual is wholly responsible for the things they choose to believe and the things they choose do in their lives relative to faith and love.

Subjective Christianity is founded on the following historical perspectives described in the Bible which were first material, then spiritual.

  1. Material Creation
  2. The Bible is a compilation of some inspired words of God which reveal spiritual truths unfolding through a literal physical history of the Nation of Israel.
  3. This revelation has physical beginnings which ultimately leads to a wholly spiritual outcome.
  4. The physical begins with the account of the physical creation.
  • God related spiritually to an utterly free but fleshly Man. (Adam)
  • Man was given the chance to choose to believe God and love God or not. He chose not.
  • Man fell spiritually and became fully operational in his flesh.
  • The Nation of Israel was established upon physical economy, including
  • Physical blessings for physical obediences.
  • The Law through Moses
  • A physical Tabernacle.
  • The coming of a Promised (physical) Messiah.
  1. The Physical Messiah
  2. The physical culminated in the literal birth of God (spirit) with us (flesh) – whose name was Yeshua.
  3. He was the Word of God before the world was (and was) and being born of a woman becoming fully human.
  4. His Godhood made Him more than a man, His humanhood made Him less of a God.
  5. He lived a perfect physical life according to the will of His Father.
  6. He learned obedience by the things he suffered.
  7. He called twelve physical apostles whom He trained and taught.
  8. He did physical miracles as proof He came from the Father.
  9. He foretold of when that age of material religion would come which would co-inside with His return to take His Bride of faithfuls.
  10. He instituted physical rituals (baptism and Lord’s supper) for them to practice until He came.
  11. He then entered a phase where He would suffer physical and spiritual death as the Last Adam.
  12. By His physical stripes we are healed.
  13. He suffered spiritual death, which are the wages of sin, for the world, believer and not.
  14. He then suffered physical death for the same, and died.
  15. He rose physically from His grave.
  16. He revealed Himself physically to numerous witnesses.
  17. He ascended physically into the clouds with His resurrected body.
  18. An angel told those who witnessed it that He would physically return in the way He left (in the clouds).
  19. The Apostles are left to go into all of Israel and share the Good News with the Children of Israel.
  20. The Physical Apostles
  21. Yeshua personally taught them.
  22. They did not replace themselves as they were killed off.
  23. They were first-hand witnesses of his miracles
  24. They were first-hand witnesses of his death and resurrection.
  25. He gave them power and authority to establish His Church/Bride.
  26. The very gates of Hell would not prevail against what they established.
  27. He promised to return to save that Bride.
  28. They wrote instructions to the believers at that time and in that day.
  29. They were all convinced that He was returning soon, quickly, any time.
  30. As promised, the Church fell under the leadership of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
  31. Pentecost (The beginning of Subjective Christianity)
  32. Act’s is an account of the ebb and flow from the Physical to the Spiritual
  33. Acts is often used as the model for how to do church. Take exception to this used based on the following observations-
  • What they did was for that time in those circumstance and in the face of that unique culture.
  • There is nothing in the New Testament to suggest that it was written for anyone after Yeshua returned for His pure Bride.
  • The church Yeshua established (which would naturally be physical due to His coming to a physically based people (the Jews) would be saved from destruction in 70 AD when the former heaven and earth would be shaken so much that the only thing remaining would be unshakeable.
  • Once this “final shaking” took place ONLY that which was unshakable would remain!
  • We have to ask – since the death of the apostles, the arrival of Constantine, and the history of Christianity laid before us, could we say that any brick and mortar religion has been founded on unshakable things? Or have they all proven to be shakable?
  • We have to also ask, since the death of the apostles, has God (through the Holy Spirit) reached into the hearts of individuals and given them new life despite the failing actions of organized physical religion?
  • The Holy Spirit has done its work unfailingly (which is Spiritual) while the physical church has probably gotten more in the way of its work than anything else.
  • Once the Holy Spirit began to work the apostles continued, with power and authority from Yeshua to reach, share, warn and prepare believers in the first and only physical church on earth which survived constant attack until He arrived to take her.
  • Paul was called to share the Gospel with the Gentiles and their opportunity to enter in the church at that time (just as they were always allowed to enter in (by conversion) to the House of Israel).
  • At the advent of the destruction of Jerusalem everything (in heaven and earth) was shaken that could be shaken.
  2. As promised, Yeshua returned and heaped physical destruction on the physical economy of the former material (Old Testament) economy and on His own people who had both rejected Him and His apostles.
  3. The destruction of Jerusalem culminating in 70 AD was the end of the physical age. That destruction of the Nation of Israel was complete by 136 AD.
  4. The destruction in 70AD was the fulfillment of all Yeshua said in Matthew 24 and 25.
  5. Revelation was written to the Seven Churches in Asia minor and spoke to actual believers in that time, in that day, and in that age.
  6. It “revealed the Messiah and all that He said would happen in detail.
  7. These things included the Destruction of Jerusalem, which included the destruction of

– the temple

– their genealogies

– many of the physical members of Israel

– Israel’s priesthoods based on physical rites and rituals

– It reveal the antichrist who’s “number” (that was to be calculated by the Hebrew Gemetra) who may have be Caesar Nero or another.

This was the actual material “shaking of heaven and earth” which allowed for

  1. A body of spiritual believers to continue forth into the world forevermore.
  2. The establishment of the New Jerusalem, the New Heaven and the New earth (a new economy or administration.
  3. Christ would reign over the earth by and through the Spirit building His invisible church of believers.
  4. Spiritual Creation
  5. The apostles wrote letters and gospels to encourage and direct the physical church.
  6. These epistles/gospels were not available (as a wide and varied collection) until 250 to 275AD and even then only limited access was had at best.
  7. An actual canonized body of New Testament writings were not even agreed upon until at least 335 AD and again, this canon was NOT available to the masses of believers by any means.
  8. It would NOT be until the 1380’s in Wycliffe’s hand-written copies.
  9. Guttenberg did not print the first Bibles until the mid-1400’s.
  10. Wide distribution of Bibles did not occur until the early 1500’s.
  11. Early church Fathers were full of heresy and the establishment of brick and mortar church under Constantine was only the establishment of things that could be shaken.
  12. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodoxy have no popish apostolic line of authority that can be substantiated as the apostles did not replace themselves as they were martyred.
  13. These early expressions of “playing church” are proven utterly unacceptable according to what the Bible teaches and describes relative to purity, practice and doctrine.
  14. After nearly one thousand years of “shakey” Catholicism and Orthodoxy therafter, Martin Luther, lacking papal authority, sought to reform the material “church” from it’s errant stances. Failing, he launched the Protestant Reformation.
  15. The Protestant Reformation, establishing itself on numerous and growing divisions, would claim, sola scriptura, creating, in effect, innumerable divisions within the body of believers, schisms and infighting – all contrary to the unity of the faith which is only possible in the face of Subjective Christianity, led entirely of the Spirit, and without the input of any authority, flesh or blood.
  16. Every expression or attempt after the establishment of the Protestant Reformation have essentially tried to “resurrect” what God destroyed at the death, resurrection and return of His Son, and all of them, trying to “play church right,” have been an utter fail in doctrine, practice and history.
  18. God described, all the way back in Jeremiah 31:31-34, what His “New Testament” would be, saying,

Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

In addition to all of the above information, these passages clearly indicate that the age of material, objective religion ended, God is now directly working in and through the hearts and minds of individuals, and with Christ having paid the debt for the sins of the world, with His father reconciled to it, every person is free to live as they please and choose, and are responsible for the choices that they make.

The only service any collective could possibly do that is in accordance with these facts is to try and teach biblical principles to anyone interested, and to walk in faith and love.