Faith without religion.
Unity and Faith Beyond Doctrinal Divisions
Live from Salt Lake City, Utah, “Heart of the Matter” with Shawn McCraney delves into worshiping God in Spirit and Truth. As we navigate through September 2015, a month some see as the beginning of the end, we remain focused on reason and understanding. This week, Don K. Preston joins us to discuss end times, offering three opportunities to engage and question biblical interpretations. A debate with Pastor Jason Wallace adds another layer to the exploration.
Our journey through Colossians emphasizes unity and love among believers, urging us to let go of doctrinal divisions. The message is clear: God seeks those who worship in Spirit and Truth, not those bound by fear or prejudice. We challenge all, from Calvary Chapel congregants to Latter-day Saints, to seek a unity of faith, focusing on Christ as the cornerstone.
Reflecting on our ministry’s history, we’ve addressed various religious perspectives, from Mormonism to Evangelicalism, always maintaining that true faith transcends institutional boundaries. The call is for a unity of faith, where love prevails over doctrinal differences. As we open the floor for discussion, we invite everyone to embrace this journey towards a unified faith in Jesus Christ.