Ok, on the board I have rewritten the various takes that thrive in the Preterist world.
I am more than fascinated by the number of ways each view adds to the whole spectrum of views while simultaneously being astounded by how much there is for all of us to consider from the minds of these believers.
Of course some things are disagreeable but that is expected. All I can say is that by and through studying these views I have been encouraged and enlightened in all things fulfillment – and the existence of them alone helps me see that I am not nuts.
Revelation 20 part VIII
May 27th 2018
Charismatic Preterism
Comprehensive Grace/Pantelism
Covenant Eschatology
Essential Body View
Evangelical Preterism
Fulfilled Revelation Theology
Full Revelation Bible View
Israel Only View
Literal Millennial Reign Preterism
Narrative-Critical Fulfilled View
Natural 2 Spiritual View
Perpetual Millennium Preterism
Post-Apocalyptic View
Synthesis Eschatology/Preterist-Idealist View
Temporary Ekklesia Theory
Okay, on the board we have some of the variational views related to Preterism – and last week we covered the first three.
Let me quickly cover the remainder beginning with the Essential Body View or number 4.
Then we will address the three biggie verses used to suggest a material resurrection – Job 19:26, Isaiah 26:19 and Romans 8:11
Soooo . . . the . . . .
Nature and Time of Parousia
Nature and Time of Resurrection
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture
Nature and Time of the Millennium:
On-going Salvation or Not?
What Continues Today?
Unique Characteristics of View
Essential Body View (EBV)
(Taffy Boyo)
EBV is an eschatological paradigm that interprets the “resurrection” from a full preterist perspective.
It allows the “RESURRECTION” language in scripture, including “body”, “flesh”, “dead”, “mortality”, “corruption”, “grave”, “dust”, “raised up”, “made alive”, etc — to SPEAK FOR ITSELF and strives to make sense of it in light of the time-texts AND the testimony of history.
EBV proposes, and this is really interesting and something that makes a great deal of sense to me, that the reason why God created “one” Middle Eastern man in approx. 4,000 BC was really a call to have that man (Adam and Eve) preside in divine “service” over the human race and to create through themselves a “HOLY PRIESTHOOD” which would “minister” to the “spirits” of those who “worship” God in the “heavenly country”.
Whilst this purpose was thwarted because of Adam’s “disobedience” it was then accomplished through Abraham because of his “obedience” and this explains why scripture becomes Israel-centric after the Fall as it is through Israel (and its promised Messiah) that God redeems the world back to Himself.
The EBV supposes that in and through this Nation and those who are faith-filled and who receive its Messiah (including those Gentiles who were adopted in) were gathered and saved to serve as the priests in God’s Holy Temple on high and in the continuing redemption of the world.
Nature and Time of Parousia: PHYSICAL (70AD) EBV proposes that Christ’s parousia and the “end” of redemptive history occurred PRECISELY when God said it would — i.e. when the “power of the holy people” was “completely shattered” by Rome (70AD).
Nature and Time of Resurrection: PHYSICAL (70AD) EBV submits that the “BODIES” of the saints were “RAISED” from the “GRAVE” and brought before Christ for Judgment at the parousia (70AD). But NOT the **entirety** of their Biological Substance, **sufficient only** to “COVER” their “spirits” before God and IDENTIFY them as His “holy servants”.
The HIDDEN nature of the eschatological “RESURRECTION” helps to explain the post-parousia ‘silence’ concerning this event and accounts for why the PHYSICAL remains of Israelites have been discovered in Jerusalem dating to the mid 1st-century.
It also accounts for the existence of Jewish Christians who lived THROUGH the parousia.
As with Christ’s “TRANSFIGURATION” on the “holy mount”, if the eschatological “RESURRECTION” was NOT visible to **ordinary** sight it would also agree with the Lord’s teaching that the “Kingdom of God” would “NOT come with OBSERVATION”.
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture:
PHYSICAL (70AD) EBV suggests that when we combine **scriptural evidence** WITH **historical evidence** and accept both at FACE VALUE, the most plausible explanation for the eschatological “RESURRECTION” was that the Lord “sanctified” a SMALL amount of the Biological Substance of His People to “COVER” their “spirits” before Him — the locus of which was probably in their “blood”.
EBV further suggests that the NATURE of this Substance was “CHANGED” at the parousia to equip it for a “HEAVENLY” environment before it was “caught up” to Christ. [ SAME substance, DIFFERENT properties. ]
Nature and Time of the Millennium:
SYMBOLIC (APOSTOLIC AGE) As with the number “12,000”, EBV proposes that the number “1,000” was used SYMBOLICALLY in the Book of Revelation.
Because it related to a time when the saints were “beheaded for their witness to Jesus” it could NOT have represented ANY period in history **before** 30AD.
Therefore, EBV proposes that the ‘millennium reign’ SIGNIFIED the Apostolic Age (30-70AD). That is, the **transition period** between the “natural” and the “spiritual” when the saints “reigned with Christ” and “overcame” ALL opposition “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony”.
On-going Salvation or Not? NO BIBLICAL “SALVATION” POST 70AD “Mortality”/“immortality”, “corruption”/“incorruption”, “life”/“death” in a REDEMPTIVE context applied to the “BODIES” of God’s People, NOT their “spirits”.
Thus, EBV proposes that “salvation” from the “DEATH” of Adam by the resurrection “LIFE” of Christ CEASED when the DEAD were “raised up” and the LIVING “changed” at the parousia (70AD).
What Continues Today? There is a “CONTINUED DELIVERANCE FROM “WICKEDNESS” It is important NOT confuse what was required for God to create a “HOLY PRIESTHOOD” before His Throne with the need for those **not** called to divine “service” to be ACCOUNTABLE to their Maker. This view, the EBV say, is the error of the Israel Only view.
EBV proposes that “repentance from wickedness” STILL applies to the “sons of men” and that the “spirits” of those who do so will be ministered to by God’s “servants” in the “heavenly country”.
As with God who “is spirit”, scripture teaches that man’s “spirit” is the seat of his ‘higher faculties’. As it NOWHERE teaches the annihilation of man’s “spirit,” it must STILL “return” to God upon death so that it can be appointed to its “own place.”
Unique Characteristics of View: Summarized in the phrase, “SANCTIFIED BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCE.”
Notwithstanding advocates of modern hyper-spiritual ‘theories’ such as Covenant Eschatology (CE) and the Collective Body View (CBV), MOST accept that the **entirety** of Christ’s Biological Substance was “RESURRECTED” from the “GRAVE” and translated into Heaven at His ascension. (The key phrase they use is, “ SAME substance, DIFFERENT properties.”)
However, one distinctive characteristic of EBV is its proposal that the “RESURRECTION” of His fellow ”servants” ONLY applied to an **aspect** of their Biological Substance — sufficient only to “COVER” their “spirits” before God.
It supports this by proposing that the EMBODIED existence of Christ and His brethren in God’s HEAVENLY Temple was **prefigured** by the UNIQUE “garments” that “COVERED” the “High Priest” and the more modest “garments” that “COVERED” his fellow “priests” in God’s EARTHLY Temple.
Additionally, concerning 1 Cor 15:51-52 EBV proposes the following: “Behold, I tell you a MYSTERY: We shall NOT all **sleep** (see vs.6 for what Paul meant by **sleep** in THIS passage), but we shall ALL (“LIVING” and “DEAD”) be CHANGED. In a MOMENT, in the TWINKLING OF AN EYE, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the DEAD will be RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE, and we (the “LIVING”) shall be CHANGED..” (1 Cor 15:51-52). It’s clear that a “BODY” of “flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God” (vs.50).
In vs.51-52 Paul explains what was required BEFORE this could happen and refers BACK to what he said in vs.44-46 to describe HOW the saint’s “natural BODY” (psuchikos so?ma) would **soon** become a “spiritual BODY” (pneumatikos so?ma).
This would come to pass, he said, after it was “CHANGED” — (i.e. after that which is natural/mortal/corruptible was EXCHANGED for a that which is spiritual/immoral/corruptible.)
In other words, when the “IMAGE of the man of DUST” was EXCHANGED for the “IMAGE of the HEAVENLY Man” (vs.49). (ie, “SAME “body”, DIFFERENT properties.”)
The Corinthians were already “stirred up” to expect that something would **soon** happen to the saints whose DEAD BODIES “slept” in the “DUST” but the “MYSTERY” Paul revealed to them here was that the saint who “remained” at the “last trump” would NOT have to “sleep” before he received his “spiritual BODY”. He would receive it along with the “DEAD” in the “twinkling of an eye.”
Now, as there are NO REPORTS ANYWHERE of a “great multitude which no one could number” suddenly VANISHING in 70AD, this MUST have applied to an **aspect** of the saints Biological Substance ONLY, not its **entirety**.
An **aspect** Sanctified by God to “COVER” their “spirits” before Him in the ENVIRONMENT they were destined to spend the “ages of the ages”.
Thus was “DEATH” “swallowed up in victory” and the saint’s “BODY” was equipped to “inherit the Kingdom of God” (vs.50, 54).
That is the EBV interpretation of all of this.
Evangelical Preterism
(popularized by Charles Meek)
Nature and Time of Parousia: AD 70. Which was “Jesus’ effectual divine presence in judgment.”
Nature and Time of Resurrection: AD 70. All those saints residing in hades at that time went to heaven in their glorified, immortal bodies.
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture: AD 70. This was related to Jesus’ final redemption of the saved/elect consistent with such passages as Luke 21:28; Hebrews 9:28; 1 Peter 1:3-9; etc.
Nature and Time of the Millennium: It ended AD 70
Is Salvation Ongoing Today? Yes
Universalism? NO
What Continues Today? Man’s sinful nature and his need for salvation, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness; God’s role in sustaining the universe, in salvation, and in judgment of nations and individuals.
Unique Characteristics of View Fulfillment of biblical prophecy enhances our understanding of classical Christianity; it does not detract from it. Say they: “We specifically reject: aberrant doctrines of millennialism (especially dispensationalism, which we think is a different gospel), fideism, nominalism, antinomianism, liberalism, legalism, and universalism.” And we specifically and forcefully reject the errors of “hyper-preterism,” which include five things they reject: (a) the idea that God no longer judges people after AD 70, (b) that God’s soteriological (salvific) workings ended in AD 70, (c) that man’s sin is no longer an issue after AD 70, (d) the “Collective Body View” (CBV) of resurrection–that resurrection is nothing more than corporate justification of Israel, thus over-spiritualizing resurrection such that heaven is on earth, or that heaven offers nothing better than what we have on earth, (e) that Christians must necessarily give up the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper after AD 70.
Fulfilled Revelation Theology
(Barry Dupont – Heady stuff)
Nature and Time of Parousia: image/glory of God in AD 70
Nature and Time of Resurrection: changing of the mindset/knowledge of the church body during the last days to the mind of Christ/finalized on the last day in AD 70
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture: changing of the mindset/knowledge of the church body during the last days to the mind of Christ/finalized on the last day in AD 70
Nature and Time of the Millennium: the time period of the last days when the old corporate mindset of Adam was losing authority and the new corporate mindset of Christ was being established and revealed completely, approximately the forty years between the cross and AD 70
Is Salvation Ongoing Today? yes and no….no in that salvation in FRT was usually in regard to not being destroyed in the lake of fire with its destruction of the authority of the mindset of Adam/the world. Yes in that the “fulfilled revelation” message about God revealed in Christ and his saints continues to be presented without end for humanity
Universalism? Yes and no….yes in that the “fulfilled revelation” of God applies to everyone, because in this view God’s love is unconditional. No in that only those in the setting of the biblical narrative had a need to get saved, and in addition only a few of that specific audience were saved.
What Continues Today? The fulfilled revelation continues today according to FRT. Anything that was apart of the “world” that was then passing away no longer applies. Anything that was specific to the church does not apply to those post Parousia. So things like sin, judgment, resurrection, baptism, the Lord’s supper, spiritual gifts, etc no longer continue according to FRT.
Unique Characteristics of View The FRT view sees terms like judgment, resurrection, salvation, death, life, and others quite different than any other eschatological view. However, I appreciate much of this perspective.
Full Revelation Bible View
(Marthy Austria, aka Mati Kalubusan)
Nature and Time of Parousia: Literal coming of Jesus Christ when he was incarnated and born on earth. After his death and resurrection, he ascended to heaven (literal) but it also means he got “all authority in heaven and earth” and “exalted far above all heavens” and filled all things.
At 70 A.D. he came to Israel (both prophetically and historically) and destroyed Jerusalem and its temple (heavens and earth). Since Christ’s incarnation he was here on earth, He is present.
Nature and Time of resurrection: There are two kinds of resurrection but both are physical. The contrasts are not “physical” and “spiritual” but “natural” and “spiritual”. When a man is resurrected, he gets “spiritual” body of flesh and it is “spiritual” in contrast with the “natural” or “soulish” body that’s destined to die.
It doesn’t mean that his “natural body” in the grave will rise again but God prepared a “spiritual” body in the heavens for him.
(1) The resurrection of Israel. Israelites from both houses – the house of Judah (Jews) and the house of Israel/Ephraim (Greeks/Gentiles), who believed in Jesus as the Messias were resurrected/changed individually and corporately since Christ’s resurrection until 70 A.D. (at the last trump). And they were gathered as the Bride at the “New Jerusalem” in the third heaven.
(2) The resurrection of the saints after Acts. The believers in Christ (all men since Post Acts period) were changed/resurrected IN Christ.
This means when Christ rose again, they rose also, when Christ ascended and exalted they were also. It means their resurrection happened already as stated in Ephesians 2:5,6. They have their bodies (mortal) on earth when they were still alive, but since they believed in Jesus they received their spiritual bodies in them, and when they die, they put off the mortal body and put on the spiritual body and go to heaven “far above all heavens” even far above the New Jerusalem which was for “Israel only”.
Nature and Time of Gathering/Rapture: For Israel only, 70 AD. For believers in Christ (all men after Acts) or 70 AD, anytime.
Nature and Time of Millennium: Literal 1000 years (from David to 70 A.D.)
Ongoing Salvation? Yes, on going salvation for everyone who believes in the finished work of Christ.
This view says that according to prophecy: Salvation is for Israel only (including the Gentiles). Jesus came “to save his people from their sins”. Christ died for “our sins” (Israel only). Resurrection at the last day for Israel only.
But according to the mystery: Salvation is for all men. Christ’s blood is also applied to people who believe the gospel beyond 70 AD. This mystery was exclusively and progressively revealed to Paul the apostle of the Gentiles. And therefore salvation is not limited to 70 AD and Israel only.
Universalism? Not universalism. No universal salvation. Everyone needs to believe the gospel of Christ.
What continues today? Salvation/ eternal life/ immortality to all who believe the gospel of Christ. But no eternal hellfire/ eternal torment for unbelievers. Everyone who does not believe simply die a biological death and rise no more.
The Parousia (or the prophesied coming of Christ (for Israel church only) was fulfilled in the first century. But his “appearing” or “manifestation” with the present-day believers continues. (When a believer dies, he appears with Christ in the heavenly places).
Any Unique Characteristics of View: This view believes in “rightly dividing the word of truth” between ISRAEL in the past and the BELIEVERS today after 70 AD in the present and for ever.
Different plans and destinations for Israel and All men (after 70 AD). If not then there must not be Israel and God began the story not highlighting Israel. There is really for “Israel only” plan such as their laws, statutes, temple sacrifices, etc. But this Israel was divided into two: the natural and the spiritual. The old covenant and the new covenant. The old covenant Israel’s destiny was the earth. The New covenant Israel (church) were gathered to the New Jerusalem in heaven.
On the other hand, the present day believers don’t have any connection with the New Jerusalem or the covenants. They neither become spiritual Israelites or Jews, nor replaced Israel. There is still the Israel of God today but it is not on earth but in heaven, the New Jerusalem. The post 70 AD body of believers is gathered to the heaven “far above all heavens” where Christ is. Since Israel’s rejection of the gospel at the end of Acts, God turned to the Gentiles (now it is all men) and started the “fellowship of the mystery”. This fellowship of the mystery is for all men. It is the plan of God which he purposed before the foundation of the world, and is “throughout all ages, world without end”. No more law, sin, judgment. God is showing the exceeding riches of his grace toward us in eternity.
FULL REVELATION BIBLE VIEW sees All Scripture is complete and all sufficient. It is the complete revelation. No need for extra- biblical revelation and or gifts/ visions/ dreams/ prophecies. It believes that all the gifts of Acts period (Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians) all ceased and stopped operating with the completion of the revelation of God written by Paul the apostle (the last apostle, it is not John). Therefore today those gifts don’t exist. There are no more apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers gifts. They all ceased.
There is no more need for water baptism, Lord’s Supper, circumcision or any ordinance for Israel and by Israel only
All prophecies are fulfilled and all the mysteries are revealed. And we stand only on the revealed ones and we study them diligently and we see further light though investigating.
Israel Only
(Rivers of Eden, Corey Shultz – and boy, this one is a doozie as it takes full Preterism to its ultimate hopeless conclusion. Hang on, now!)
Nature and Time of Parousia: Literal, historical Parousia (c. AD 70).
(however there is a variation on this by one Roger Beck who says that a “spiritual presence awakened by the preaching of the gospel until AD70).
Nature and Time of Resurrection: Individual, physical resurrection of all dead and living descendants of Abraham up to, and including, the apostolic generation. (with some variations from others)
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture: Individual, physical resurrection on the last day only (c. AD 70).
Nature and Time of the Millennium: Literal 1,000 years which represent the duration of the Davidic rule leading up to the Parousia (c. 900s BC to 0s AD).
Is Salvation Ongoing Today? No
Universalism? No universal salvation (hence, Israel only).
What Continues Today? Mortality continues for everyone who did not receive immortality on the day of the Parousia.
Unique Characteristics of View: The Preterist hermeneutic according to Israel Only is unique due to the fact that it is the logical conclusion to the Preterist hermeneutic. It leaves no loose ends in the Bible’s fulfillment in AD 70. As Israel was the only intended recipient of the NC (Rom. 11:25-27, Heb. 8:8-12), so were they the only intended recipient of the one time biological resurrection (John 5:28-29, Acts 26:6-8, Rom. 9:3-5) and gathering (Mk. 13:27, 1 Thess. 4:16-17, 2 Thess. 2:1, Rev. 21:12).
Israel Only concludes there are no on going rewards of the judgment such as eternal life, and immortality as they were fulfilled in AD 70 (Romans 2:6-7) and intended for a specific people at a specific time (John 6:39-40) and not after.
With the fulfillment of the Bible there is no such thing as Christianity today and all people cease to exist when they die because they are not promised resurrection from the dead or being gathered into the kingdom as those who were alive and remain did in AD 70 (1 Cor. 15:51, 1 Thess. 4:16-17).
There are no assumptions made about the Bible applying to anyone today.
Literal Millennial Reign Preterism
(Chad Kennow, Daniel Morais)
Nature and Time of Parousia: Siege of AD 70 physical appearances “chariots in the clouds” as recorded in Josephus.
Nature and Time of Resurrection: 1st Resurrection spiritual AD 70;, 2nd Resurrection spiritual AD 1096 and perpetual upon the physical death of the individual.
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture: AD 70 Spiritual change in relationship “in the twinkling of an eye.”
Nature and Time of the Millennium: Spiritual reign. Literal 1000 years from AD 71- AD 1071/1096 First Crusade.
Is Salvation Ongoing Today? Yes, continued salvation of the obedient believer.
Universalism? Not Universal, limited to those “In Christ.”
What Continues Today? The continued expansion of God’s Kingdom both on Earth and in Heaven.
Unique Characteristics of View Literal 1000 years post AD 70.
Narrative-Critical Fulfilled View
(Marcos A. Colón – hyper-spiritualized)
Nature and Time of Parousia: AD70, destruction of Temple. Some of the NT scriptures may have been written during or even after the AD70 events including Revelation and the Gospels. Either pre or post the event has scriptural significance as a horizon event in the Biblical Narrative marking the end of the old and the manifestation of the new.
Nature and Time of Resurrection: The nature of the resurrection as a narrative device functions as a figure of exaltation and vindication of the persecuted and martyred saints. The resurrection motif provided hope and encouragement to hold fast til the end in the midst of tribulation. The message is that at the end it doesn’t matter how bad things looked God would vindicate and grant victory to his followers.
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture: Spiritual. The gathering in the OT was literally restoration into the land and the covenant. That pointed to the realization of the fullness of the Christ-consciousness identity.
Nature and Time of the Millennium: Narrative device that served as an reaffirmation of vindication and victory of the saints.
Is Salvation Ongoing Today? The word salvation have different connotations. Traditionally is understood in terms of afterlife punishment or reward. This is not the case in this view. The Bible specially the OT talks about salvation in terms of deliverance from oppression and restoration into the covenant with God that would bring peace, justice, blessing and prosperity. This is the kind of salvation related to the covenant language and relative to the blessings and curses established in that covenant.
Other connotations of salvation is spiritual enlightenment. More appropriate to talk about salvation in those terms instead of the framework of sin consciousness in which the Biblical narrative developed.
The view goes even farther, saying: There has never been actual separation from God but the scriptural revelation unravels in that perception up to the point of fulfillment where that consciousness is shown inadequate and nullified.
If we are “saved” today it means salvation from the ignorance of God’s love and union.
Universalism? Universalism is a futurist eschatology framed in the traditional view of salvation explained in the last question. It is perceived as such by those who still understand salvation from the traditional framework standpoint.
But if Man has never been separated or doomed to be separated from God it’s a moot point.
In terms of the Biblical narrative and fulfillment not everybody “got saved” at the end, because some were vessels of destruction that “perished” as their identity in the old system was voided.
Today we might say that in terms of our “standing” and true identity in God nobody needs salvation in the sense it is traditionally understood.
However, we need enlightenment to be “saved” from spiritual ignorance.
What continues today?
God unconditional and inescapable love.
Unique Characteristics of View: Consideration to the possibility of post 70AD NT writings. Doctrinal and ideological openness.
Were gonna wrap our time up with what is called the Natural 2 Spiritual View.
Natural 2 Spiritual View (a name that pretty much summarizes the perspective but one I personally detest because of how its written – just saying) (Jen Fishburne)
The Natural 2 Spiritual View asserts that there are at least two layers to everything in Scripture – a natural layer and a spiritual layer – and that they are two sides of the same coin.
Most other preterist views will take EITHER a natural (literal or physical or having to do with nature or even carnality, or all Israel) approach, or they will spiritualize everything.
The Natural 2 Spiritual View asserts that both the natural AND the spiritual are necessary, and that the natural always points to the spiritual.
In order to understand the spiritual, we must understand the natural foundations in Scripture first.
The Natural 2 Spiritual view also asserts that there are both a corporate and an individual aspect to everything spiritually, and to many natural matters as well.
The corporate always includes individuals, and the individuals within a particular group make up the corporate.
Nature and Time of the Gathering/Rapture: Feast of Trumpets (7th month, 1st day, AD70)
Spiritual, corporate fulfillment of latter harvest, separating the wheat from the chaff, in AD70, when all believers were gathered together from the four winds at the last trump as one bride to stand on the sea of glass in heaven. This was also the first resurrection of the righteous before the millennium. This was the call to get ready for the imminent wedding.
Naturally, this was the corporate salvation (deliverance) of the saints from the “wrath to come” (seven bowls of wrath).
Spiritually, this is when we all become a new creation today, individually into the corporate body.
Nature and Time of Resurrection: First Resurrection: Feast of First-fruits (at Yeshua’s death, burial, and resurrection, AD28)
Natural, corporate fulfillment of first resurrection when Yeshua unlocked the gates of Hades and the spirits of the dead saints were reunited with their “dry bones” in a physical, earthly body resurrection (Matt. 27:52-53).
They were later given a heavenly body (spiritual).
First Resurrection of Revelation: Feast of Trumpets (7th month, 1st day, AD70, BEFORE millennium)
Natural, corporate fulfillment of first resurrection of the martyred/righteous saints at the beginning of the millennium – those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their forehead or their hands (Rev. 20:4-5), those who belong to Christ (I Cor. 15:23). Their spirits were released from Hades and given a heavenly body (spiritual).
Second Resurrection of Revelation: Feast of Trumpets (7th month, 1st day, AFTER millennium)
Natural, corporate fulfillment of second resurrection after the millennium – the rest of the dead not raised before the millennium (Rev. 20:5, 12-14), of both the just and the unjust (Acts 24:15). Their spirits were released from Hades and given a heavenly body (spiritual).
Spiritual transformation from death in Adam to life in Christ as we mature in our spiritual walk on earth (Col. 3:1). Natural, individual death of believer today is resurrected in a spiritual body in heaven (Rev. 14:13).
Nature and Time of Parousia: Ten Days of Awe/Wrath between Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement (7th month, 1st – 10th days, AD70.)
Natural, corporate fulfillment when Yeshua came to judge Jerusalem with the bowls of wrath.
Spiritual, corporate fulfillment in AD70 when Yeshua came to “save” all those who believed and overcame until the end.
Spiritual, corporate preparation of the bride for her wedding.
Spiritual fulfillment when Yeshua had victory over Satan and his demons, over the Jewish religious worship system, and over death and hades.
Nature and Time of the Millennium: Feast of Tabernacles (7th month, days 15-21, AD70)
Natural, corporate fulfillment began in AD70 (AFTER those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their forehead or their hands) (Rev. 20:4-5).
Spiritual, corporate wedding of the Messiah to His bride.
Spiritual, corporate reign of those resurrected saints in heaven during the “thousand years.”
Spiritual fulfillment applies to the ever increasing kingdom of God today.
Is Salvation Ongoing Today? Yes, we can enter into a relationship with God the Father, and with Jesus His Son, today. It is not the “salvation” of the first century, however, which was a natural deliverance from the tribulation and a spiritual deliverance from the Old Covenant into the New Covenant. We still need deliverance from our own wickedness today. (I LOVE this view as it really resonates to me and my present understanding of scripture).
Universalism? They quote: It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment (Heb. 9:27).
EVERY knee shall bend (in worship), and EVERY tongue shall confess to God (Is. 45:23). The spirit returns to God who gave it (Eccl. 12:7).
Those are the only things that apply to ALL mankind. (LOVE THIS TOO)
What Continues Today? We are all born in Adam, and we are all given the opportunity to be born in Christ. The body of Christ continues to grow, as does the kingdom. We still need to be delivered from our own wickedness, and to put our trust in Yeshua, who is the only way to the Father. Eternal life, which is simply having an intimate relationship with the Father and His Son, is still ours.
Israel built the house that we live in today. We must enter Israel’s things and accept Israel’s Messiah for our own. Every law and commandment that was given to Israel has both a natural principle that is for our own “good,” and a spiritual principle that guides us in our spiritual walk.
We are not “under” Israel’s Law, but under God’s eternal law of love, which is unchanging, so the principles remain unchanged. All the good is always good, all the bad is always bad. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but He completed His plan of redemption THROUGH Israel on behalf of all mankind, so that people from EVERY nation may worship the one true God, and have a relationship with Him now.
Celebration of all that God has done in keeping all His promises and redeeming Israel on behalf of all mankind!
Unique Characteristics of View: The Bible is one continuous story.
The Bible is all about Israel, but the purpose was that God chose Israel to fulfill His plan of redemption in order that ALL mankind would come to Him.
There is a primary fulfillment in all of Scripture that mostly involves Israel and/or the first century believers. But there is also a secondary principle that applies to us today in many aspects of Scripture. It is vital to understand the difference.
There are at least two layers, two meanings, one natural and one spiritual, for everything in Scripture. The natural always points to the spiritual.
One layer was fulfilled by Israel and her Messiah; one layer is for us.
The Bible is focused mostly on the corporate story, but has individual correlation for many aspects.
We must see the “end” of Israel’s story through the Feasts of Israel (the above list is incomplete of what happened during the fulfillment of the fall feasts).
And we are going to stop here.