Faith without religion.
1 Peter Introduction Part 1 Bible Teaching
We explored Apostle Peter's transformation from fisherman to key Christian figure. Known for passion, he became a steadfast leader, spreading faith and hope.
We explored Apostle Peter's transformation from fisherman to key Christian figure. Known for passion, he became a steadfast leader, spreading faith and hope.
Join "Heart of the Matter" for a transformative exploration of faith, eschatology, and God's Word, fostering love and unity among believers.
In a teaching session on James 5:13-20, we discussed prayer, faith, and healing, focusing on prayer for the afflicted, joy in worship, and communal spiritual guidance.
Our study examined events post-crucifixion, focusing on Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Their actions fulfilled prophecy and highlighted faith in Jesus' resurrection.
Join us for a debate between Shawn McCraney and Matt Slick on "Perseverance of the Saints," challenging "once saved, always saved" and advocating love over rigid theology.
In James 5, patience, suffering, and prayer are key. Endure trials like Job, use wise speech, avoid oaths, and let prayer express faith. Live actively and show compassion.
We explored John 19:31-37, focusing on fulfilled prophecies. Jesus' legs weren't broken, fulfilling Psalm 34:20, and His side was pierced, fulfilling Zechariah 12:10.
Join us live from Salt Lake City as Shawn McCraney explores Calvinism's Irresistible Grace on "Heart of the Matter," sparking a thought-provoking dialogue.
In a recent teaching, we explored James 5:5-6, highlighting the rich's indulgence and urging believers to be patient, steadfast, and live by grace amid adversity.
In a recent teaching, we explored Jesus' words, "It is finished," meaning completion. His crucifixion ended the law's dominion, calling us to live by faith and love.
In a theological debate, Brother Matt Slick defended Calvinist limited atonement, while opponents argued for universal salvation, stressing context in scripture interpretation.
In James' final chapter, Christians are urged to be patient amid oppression, warned of the futility of hoarding wealth, and encouraged to focus on eternal treasures.
In John 19:23-30, soldiers cast lots for Jesus' garments, fulfilling prophecy. Three Marys stood by the cross. Jesus entrusted His mother to John, declared "I thirst," and said "It is finished."
On "Heart of the Matter," Shawn McCraney and Matt Slick discussed Unconditional Election, stressing love and understanding over division in Christian beliefs.
In James 4, we learn the power of words and humility. Avoid judging; love as Christ commanded. Life is fleeting; depend on God and do good, guided by grace.
Our study of John 19 examined Jesus' crucifixion, highlighting His journey to Golgotha, the transformative power of faith, and the importance of selfless love.
A recent blog challenges the Calvinist "Total Inability" doctrine, exploring biblical passages that suggest humans can choose God, questioning inherent spiritual depravity.
In James 4:5-10, humility and grace are key. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit to God, resist the devil, and seek His grace.
Our study of John 19 highlights Jesus' crucifixion, Pilate's fear, and Jewish leaders' tactics. Despite Jesus' innocence, Pilate yields, prompting reflection on God's sovereignty.
Join Shawn McCraney on 'Heart of the Matter' to explore the Gospel's simplicity, challenge Revelation's dating, and call for unity in diverse faith interpretations.
In John 19, Pilate finds Jesus faultless but the crowd chooses Barabbas, leading to Jesus' crucifixion. This highlights justice, mercy, and Jesus' ultimate sacrifice.
We explored James, contrasting worldly and divine wisdom. James urges believers to discern their wisdom's source and prioritize a relationship with God over worldly desires.
In "Heart of the Matter," Shawn McCraney challenges traditional views by advocating for an earlier dating of Revelation, sparking debate on its impact on Christianity.
In a recent teaching on James 4:1-3, we explored the contrast between divine and earthly wisdom, urging us to seek God's wisdom to overcome conflicts and live in peace.
In a teaching on John 18, we explored Jesus' spiritual kingdom, Pilate's "What is truth?" and the choice between Jesus and Barabbas, urging us to seek truth and light.
Join Heart of the Matter to explore faith's complexities, Mormonism, love, and truth with insightful guests and engaging discussions.
Jesus taught that His kingdom is spiritual, not earthly. Christians are called to transform hearts, embody His teachings, and reflect His love, beyond worldly power.
In exploring James, we noted the tongue's influence and the need for Spirit-led words. He warns against hypocrisy and urges seeking wise teachers who embody peace.