Adams Road

Faith Journeys and Spiritual Transitions on "Heart of the Matter"

In "Heart of the Matter," Shawn McCraney explores faith journeys with Adam’s Road and Lynn Wilder, discussing LDS Church transitions and finding peace through scripture.

The Good News

The Simplicity and Purity of the Gospel Message

In "Heart of the Matter," Shawn McCraney urges embracing the Gospel's true message of salvation through faith, warning against distortions exploiting the vulnerable.

Acts 12:5-19 Bible Teaching

Faith, Prayer, and Divine Intervention in Acts 12

In Acts 12:5-19, Peter is imprisoned, but the early church prays fervently. An angel frees him, showing God's power. Rhoda humorously forgets to open the gate.

Acts 12:1-4 Bible Teaching

Acts 12: Prophecy, Persecution, and Early Church Dynamics

We explored Acts 12, focusing on early Christian prophecy, Agabus's famine prediction, the church's aid to Judea, Herod's persecution, and "Easter" in the KJV.

Acts 11:19-26 Bible Teaching

Antioch: The Birthplace of Christian Identity

In Acts 11:19-26, early believers spread the gospel to Gentiles in Antioch, marking a new era. Barnabas encouraged them, and "Christian" first emerged as their identity.

Jude Part 4 Bible Teaching

Jude's Warnings and Insights

In a teaching on Jude, the focus was on warnings for those straying from faith. Jude stresses building faith, praying in the Spirit, and relying on Jesus to remain steadfast.

Acts 11:1-18 Bible Teaching

Jesus' Return and the Holy Spirit's Gift

In a teaching session, we explored Jesus' return, distinct from His resurrection, with signs preceding it. Acts highlighted the Holy Spirit's role in uniting Jews and Gentiles.

Jude Part 3 Bible Teaching

Jude's Warnings: Deceit, Humility, and Consequences

In a recent teaching on Jude, we examined deceitful church infiltrators, likened to rebellious figures like Cain and Balaam, and highlighted Michael's humility.

City of Refuge

Remission of Sins and a Vision for a New Christian Community

In "Heart of the Matter," Shawn McCraney examines "Remission of Sins" in biblical texts, promoting faith rooted in love and open dialogue, beyond institutions.

Acts 11:1-18 Bible Teaching

Acts 10:42-43: Grace, Inclusion, and Transformation

In Acts 10:42-43, Peter testifies to Cornelius, highlighting Jesus as Judge and Savior. This marks a shift from law to grace, extending salvation to Gentiles.

3 John Bible Teaching

3rd John: Personal Connections and Community Values

In 3rd John, John praises Gaius for his dedication and hospitality, contrasts him with Diotrephes, and highlights the importance of personal connections and unity.

Acts 10:29-43 Bible Teaching

Peter and Cornelius: Divine Equality and Universal Cleansing

In Acts 10:29-37, Peter learns that God's cleansing through Jesus extends to all, urging us to view everyone equally and share the Gospel beyond barriers.

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