Material Death, Spiritual Death

In the material realm death is the cessation of all biological function. Everything that was once materially observed or diagnostically reported as being animated and alive (either from the microscopic level or from the naked eye) stops completely.

That is physical, material, biological death.

It seems that human beings enter this world spiritually dead or partially so.[1] We might suppose that this state equates to the total inability to relate to YAHAVAH in any way or form without His assistance. Perhaps and for this reason Yeshua told Nicodemus that no one would even see the kingdom of God unless they are “born-from-above” or given new life from on high by and through the Spirit. He also said that He came that Man may “have life, and life more abundantly.” Abundant living might be described as life more evident, more “perisos” (in the Greek) more heightened, exceeding, amplified, high level. To have more of this life would mean a more heightened, more present, beyond-measure-life within or through the spiritual world.

When Jesus said that He came to give life more abundantly He could not have been talking about abundance of the flesh or things of the world – that would be antithetical to most of the biblical command. In fact, the presence of earthly abundance often stands in the way of abundant spiritual living. So, we know He was talking about giving a more abundant spiritual life, and if there is “more life” would be “more observable or quantifiable” under the microscope of God or by those who discern things through the eye of the Spirit.

This abundance of Spiritual life is what will pass on with people beyond the material grave. Because it is the result of “Christ in us” this abundant life will carry on eternally whereas the things of this earth will remain here, in the earth, where “moth and rust corrupt.”

The counter effects of material abundance to spiritual abundance might be illustrated in the following chart:

Material Earthly Abundance Spiritual Abundance
Operates on earthly principles Operates on heavenly principles
Has a life only here and now Has a life that exists beyond the grave
Wars against the Spirit Wars against the flesh
Chokes out Spirit Abundance Diminishes the Abundance in the Flesh
Provides immediate rewards Provides Eternal rewards
Are cheap by comparison Are Exquisite by comparison
Are promoted by the material world Is promoted by Him
  1. As a result of the human race “federal head,” Adam dying spiritually in the day he partook of the forbidden fruit. ?