Faith without religion.
Kingdom Within: Readiness and Vigilance
In a recent teaching, we explored the profound messages found in Luke 17:22-end, focusing on the themes of the Kingdom of God and the end of an age. Jesus, speaking to His disciples, emphasized that the Kingdom of God is not something to be observed externally, but rather, it is within us. This internal kingdom would be fully realized after the end of that age, which Jesus described as a time of great calamity.
The discussion highlighted the warnings Jesus gave about false prophets and false Christs who would arise, performing signs and wonders to deceive many. He cautioned His followers not to be swayed by these imposters, emphasizing that His coming would be as visible and unmistakable as lightning flashing across the sky.
Drawing parallels to the days of Noah and Lot, Jesus illustrated how life would seem normal until sudden destruction came upon the people. This serves as a reminder of the abruptness with which significant changes can occur, urging vigilance and readiness among His followers.
The teaching also touched on the concept of being “taken” or “left,” often associated with the idea of the rapture. However, it was suggested that this might not refer to an escape into the sky but rather to the suddenness of the events that would unfold, leaving some to face the consequences while others are spared.
Ultimately, the message underscored the importance of faith and preparedness, encouraging believers to remain steadfast and not be led astray by secretive or deceptive teachings. The Kingdom of God, as Jesus taught, is about living in the light and truth, ready for His return, which will bring both judgment and the fulfillment of His promises.