10 Core Differences Between The LDS & Truth

Show Episode Script

Live from Salt Lake City, Utah, this is Heart of the Matter Full Circle and I’m your host Shawn McCraney. Let’s pray!

Ten Core Differences Between the LDS and Truth

Show 17: Ten Core Differences Between the LDS and Truth
August 27th, 2024

So finally, tonight, we are ready to get to the Heart of the Matter on Mormonism.

Personal Background and Approach

I have never been one to accept a superficial explanation of things that matter to me and go hard after understanding what I deem important. Because I was born and raised LDS and participated actively as a missionary and a temple-attending, seminary-teaching, local ward and stake-leading member for the first 40 years of my life, I have been determined to get to the root of things, the core, the heart of the matter of this religious expression and do not care one bit about hacking at the branches or getting views off the low-hanging fruit.

What makes Mormonism what it is and why is it unacceptable to me as a person who genuinely seeks out what matters to God is what we are doing here tonight. If you want spice, move along.

Tonight’s Summary and Foundation

Admittedly, tonight is nothing but a summary, and it is based on decades of study. You may not realize that we laid the groundwork out in weeks past in discussing the Two Trees, and I will now appeal to that imagery in illustrating how and why Mormonism is so horribly off the mark.

Before we do, let me say this with all sincerity – truly – if you want a church that works in this world in terms of functionality and has merit in terms of earthly application, and you honestly don’t care about God, His will and ways – join the Mormon Church.

The Uniqueness of Mormonism

Really. From my heart.

Some people say that Mormonism is a uniquely American religion, but I would reclassify it as the world’s best religion – hands down and without exception.

The Efficiency and Success of Mormonism

There is a reason for this which we will get to before wrapping tonight up. But in order to be real, fair, and utterly transparent – in the face of all religious history, again,


If you don’t REALLY care about knowing and following YAHAVAH according to His will and ways, but you are really, from the heart, only interested in this life, your children and your families’ earthly well-being and belonging to an organization to participate in and belong to, then join the Mormon church and follow its teachings and leaders.

There is no better-run organization. Period. That is why they are worth 500 plus billion dollars and are represented in some of the most persuasive areas of governance, including law, medicine, dentistry, accounting, and business.

The Spiritual Consequences

However, if you care about knowing and following God in spirit and truth and according to Him and His will and ways… I mean truly, then run like hell from Mormonism, and I say this based on the following differences found in the spiritual fruit from the Tree of Life and the dead Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Core Differences: Tree of Life vs. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Difference #1: Direct Relationship vs. Intermediaries


Is a direct relationship with YAHAVAH alone. Period. End of Story.

Extends numerous “intermediaries” that ostensibly represent Him.

When Yeshua obeyed the Law given to the Nation of Israel, then surrendered Himself up to death, the veil of the Temple was rent in two, amplifying His own words, “It is finished,” and evidencing that God is accessible to everyone.

The writer of Hebrews wrote:

Hebrews 1:1-2
“In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.”

Mormonism’s Departure from Biblical Truth

Mormonism ignores this plain biblical fact, along with numerous other factors, and extends to its members numerous mediaries (idols) which insert themselves between the direct relationship God has with all people through His Spirit faith, including:


  • A man-made totally unbiblical priesthood.
  • Temples with new veils reappropriated and put in place.
  • Men who call themselves prophets and apostles, elders, and most blasphemous of all, “high priests.”
  • And what they call, “Laws and Ordinances.”

Difference #2: Salvation by Grace vs. Salvation by Obedience


Everything – salvation, justification, sanctification, reconciliation, adoption, and all good fruit come by and through Him and Him alone.

LDS teachings claim obedience to “other” things are needed to please Him and to retain salvation and what they call, exaltation.

The contextual biblical message is plain, as evidenced by too many passages to list, but clearly concludes:


  • Salvation from sin was in and through His death.
  • Entrance into the Kingdom is by faith on His life and works alone, and not by our own.
  • That we are all resurrected by and through Him and His resurrection, and through no other power, and we live by THIS resurrection, not by our own works; and
  • That whatever “works” a human does is by and through Him and His spirit and not our own. (John 15:1-8)

LDS Teachings on Salvation

Their founding prophets proclaimed in 1842:

“We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.”

“May be saved BY obedience to the LAWS and ORDINANCES of the (LDS) proprietary gospel.”

And herein they MISS the fact that through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ all mankind has been saved from death, Satan, sin, and hell, and those who believe in Him will be saved BY HIM to the Kingdom above.

Here is where their founder did what no other religious institution before or after has effectively done – He amalgamated a revised version of biblical Christianity with his revised version of Freemasonry, and created what he called, “the Laws and Ordinances of the (proprietary blend) of the LDS Gospel.”

This brings us to point number 3 on the difference between the fruit from the Tree of Life and the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is the Fruit of Mormonism.

The Spiritual Bondage of Law and Ordinances

Difference #3: Fruit of the Spirit vs. Obedience to Law


Operates by fruit of the Spirit

Operates by Obedience to Law


The scripture is clear that:

“The fruit of the Spirit is love;” (Galatians 5:22) and “where this spirit is, there is liberty.” (2nd Corinthians 3:17) along with all of the Law hanging on the two great commandments which, again, are love.

The Misapplication of Law in Mormonism

Law stands in opposition to both agape love and the liberty the Spirit of Christ bestows on all. While the notion that laws are necessary to live in a civil society is very apparent on earth, this notion does not translate spiritually and to the way YAHAVAH operates in Man.

Before God, laws – any kind – make sinners of us all. This is why Mormonism works so well “in this world” and why it is the best-organized religion on the face of the earth.

From the Tree of Knowledge come the Laws of attraction, the Laws of Gravity, the Laws of all Dark Arts, all rites and rituals, and incantations which operate by a system or body of Laws that if broken, “fail” and if obeyed, “work.”

The Deceptive Appeal of Mormonism

When LDS people covenant and swear to keep the laws and ordinances of Smith’s operation, it works, just like people who covenant and swear by other established laws of man – good and evil – work. But they only work here and now – and have zero purchasing power in the life to come.

Herein lies the greatest fraud of Mormonism – it promises returns to its adherents in the name and cause of God, but uses Laws and Principles that are actually opposite of what He clearly and solely established through His Son.

The Contrast Between Spiritual Liberty and Bondage

Difference #4: Spiritual Liberty vs. Spiritual Bondage


Increases spiritual Liberty in all who spiritually consume it.

Increases spiritual bondage in those who spiritually consume it.

So while the laws of Mormonism do work materially in this world when embraced, they lead to spiritual bondage here and beyond.

The By-Products of Mormonism’s Laws

Because “sin comes by the Law,” and operating on reconstituted laws and ordinances, those who do so become more and more wrapped in spiritual chains. While they offer liberty in this world, in terms

of freedom from addiction, debt, and divorce, the reality is those who live by them often become whited sepulchers full of dead dried bones, having little unconditional love for anyone and bound up tightly by the by-products produced by their allegiance to the system – by-products of judgment, pride, ego, arrogance, love for this world, and all the things that are fading or absent from those who look to God and God alone by faith.

The Spirit-Led vs. The World-Led

Difference #5: Broken Hearts and Contrite Spirits vs. Love for the World


Being Spirit-led and Spirit-fed produces in all souls “broken hearts and contrite spirits” that are NOT of this World.

The Laws of Mormonism lead to a love for “All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.”

Here we start to see the effects and outcomes of those who walk by faith in Him directly (and alone without any intermediaries) and those who walk by and live by the fruit of the Tree of KOGAE (in this case tonight, Mormonism).

The Material Focus of Mormonism

Even a casual observance of its faithful membership reveals a people who actually love this world and often in a most material sense. Not just nature and wholesome things, but the vast majority of successful Latter-Day Saints are infatuated with:


  • Fame (especially of their own)
  • Wealth (but executed carefully)
  • Status in labor and community (white collar pros)
  • Possessions (toys for self and family)
  • Travel and trips (the more the better)
  • Automobiles
  • Home size and number
  • Clothing (modest but cool)
  • Appearing cool but not embracing evil

Earthly vs. Heavenly Application

Difference #6: Heavenly Application vs. Worldly Application


Brings heavenly application here (in the heart) and beyond.

Mormonism presents worldly application with promises of heavenly grandeur.

It has been said that the founder of Mormonism “brought heaven to earth.”

The Diabolical Nature of Mormonism

While I see God doing more of this in and through the victorious world of His Son, this aim in Mormonism was a direct result of Smith taking restored Christianity and commingling it with reformatted Freemasonry, as Freemasonry, meaning speculative Freemasonry, has always been focused on making “bad men good and good men better.”

Herein lies the diabolical nature of Mormonism at its core – it literally represents, in its physical existence and earthly success, the dark fruit of death introduced to the world when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden Tree and chose to do things their way instead of God’s.

The Temptation and Allure of Mormonism

It makes perfect sense that the LDS actually praise Eve’s rebellion, calling it a Fall upward and literally denigrate them if they chose to obey God’s will instead.

This fact places Mormonism at its roots as incomprehensibly dark. Think about the fruit it offers the world – is it not a replica of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life?

Does it not bear the very same ideals and images that the fruit possessed that tempted Eve? I mean, doesn’t Mormonism, as a visible whole, tempt people because they can see that it is:

“Good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise?” Genesis 3:6

The Difference in Spiritual Light

Difference #7: Light That Warms vs. Light That Never Warms


Increases Light that genuinely warms

Increases light that never warms

Eating from the Tree of Life alone brings about the inner warmth and certainty that only and exclusively comes directly from our Creator.

The Different Spirits of Mormonism and True Faith

It is an unconditional light that evidences itself in “peace that is not of this world,” whereas the fruit of Mormonism is always given in relationship to “the things of this world,” making the Spirit of Mormonism a very different Spirit than the Spirit of God.

Having been part of the LDS camp and then outside of it, looking to the living God alone, there is a spirit of the LDS faith which is nuanced but markedly different than what exists in the heart of those who are His.

The Glory Given to God vs. Man

That spirit moves the recipient to always give YAHAVAH the glory and praise and no other, whereas the Light of Mormonism gives the praise to men in their station, in the service they render, to men who call themselves “the Brethren,” and generally speaking, through emotional appeals.

The reasoned, seasoned, from-the-heart spirit from God is rarely based on emotions nor is it emotionally driven.

It is founded on principles deontologically adhered to and accepted because it is right and it is from Him alone.

Humility vs. Pride

Difference #8: Humility Out of Gratitude vs. Pride in Intermediaries


Straight-up humility – out of Gratitude to God alone for His Son who saved us from our sin and has given us new undeserved life.

Pride in and allegiance to all the LDS intermediaries.

Being a bit repetitive, these allegiances are to the LDS man-made intermediaries of Laws, practices, rites, rituals, garments, priesthoods, “praise for the prophet, new revelations, books” and the like. These are all a direct form of idolatry.

Spiritual Things vs. Spirit of Man

Difference #9: Spiritual Things vs. Spirit of Man


Spiritual things

Spirit of Man

Herein lies one of the biggest differences between Mormonism and those in pursuit of God alone – the very spirit by which they understand and interpret scripture, events, the meaning of Life itself, and the will of God.

Paul succinctly wrote to the believers at Corinth:

1st Corinthians 2:1-5
“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

The Wisdom of God vs. The Wisdom of Man

And then at verse 10 he adds:

1st Corinthians 2:10-16
“But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”

This mind of Christ is not of this world, it leads to personal liberty and change, it is found in Him and Him alone by His Spirit, its fruit is liberty, its fruit is selflessness, sacrificial and insufferable love; it is not conditional, it is not law-based but love-based; not fear-based but faith-based, and it is entirely different from the product of Mormonism, and frankly of all organized religion.

The Ultimate Difference: Life vs. Death

Difference #10: Leads to Life vs. Leads to Death


Leads to Life

Leads to Death

Understand clearly, that life, defined by scripture, is not found in the flesh or this world and all that it offers or affords. These things are ubiquitously described in scripture as death.

The Humanist Nature of Mormonism

The LDS system, constructed by an amalgamation of retrofitted scripture mixed with reformed Freemasonry, is of this world, of man, of the Spirit of Man, and works in the here and now, as evidenced by its power, wealth, and strength in the world.

It is truly and frankly humanist that uses the name of God as a cloak for its overall aims – power, control in the here and now, money, and offering nothing of value in the world to


A Call to True Faith

I am personally pained by the deception its devout, good members are under, as they are akin to people trying to climb into the sheepfold by some other way.

There is only one way – Him – directly by faith – there is no other way as all other ways will, guaranteed, lead to death.

That death means life outside the presence of God, outside the Kingdom walls, outside the New Jerusalem above, and outside a direct relationship with God here. There is absolutely no climbing in some other way.

We maintain that God is calling to all by and through His Spirit to seek Him directly and to listen to and obey Him and Him alone.

These are the ten differences between Mormonism and Truth.

Next Week’s Topic

Next week, I will personally and directly speak to the current LDS prophet, Seer and Revelator, Russell M. Nelson, and his replacement in the wings, Dallin H. Oaks.

Call in Thursday from 11 to 1 PM Mtn if you want to converse.

See you next week.