Faith without religion.
The Two Trees, Part 1
Hey listen, for those of you who are looking for more information, consider going to the
We have a verse-by-verse channel, a Yeshuan Channel, a HOTM channel, a channel for our Online Educational portal, Cult, and several other channels and expressions.
Outside of that, we have another website we want you to be aware of, and it is called, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls –
Here with us is Delaney McCraney to walk us through that place. But before we go to her, why have we done this?
My person is greatly misunderstood. Some think I am a good guy (not really, only in Him) while others think I am not a believer and the devil (only true in my flesh). has been hand-crafted by Delaney to present you with information from the donkey’s own mouth. In fact, we have 1-hour interviews, 3-hour interviews, and even a 7-hour interview broken up where you can find the real story and not the hype posited by foes, enemies, or the uninformed.
Delaney, walk us through
Addressing Ecclesiastical Issues
Before we move forward on our subject tonight, I want to boldly proclaim to you here and now that the answer – the solution to:
- Ecclesiastical abuse? Fulfillment.
- Molestations? Fulfillment.
- Individuals with differing opinions looking to co-exist in this world? Fulfillment.
- Biblical Understanding of the afterlife today? Fulfillment.
- Right eschatology? Fulfillment.
- Religious hate speech? Fulfillment.
- Bringing people of faith together in love? Fulfillment.
- An end of religious false authority? Fulfillment.
- An operating structure that truly serves others unconditionally? Fulfillment.
- The end of playing church? Fulfillment.
- Psychosis over death and hell, Satan and sin? Fulfillment.
All biblically based. All contextual. All fortified by what God says and not man.
Fulfillment, which honors God and Christ, proves their love for all, eliminates faulty interpretations, and leaves all naysayers of God and His plan in the dust.
Go to The Great News and test all things, holding fast to what is good.
The Real Plan of Salvation
Last week, when we covered the Real Plan of Salvation, I mentioned that it is our opinion, with all scripture considered:
The entire world since the death, resurrection, ascension, and return of Christ for His own has been reconciled to God and has ostensibly returned all of us, spiritually, to a Garden of Eden economy where each of us are choosing to eat from the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
I also stated that things were about to get DEEP – and that to evidence our ability to rightly approach and discuss Mormonism, among other things, we believe it’s time to take a deeper journey in our preparation.
So, ever since Yeshua reconciled the world to His Father and all people possessing something of Him in them similar to what was in Adam and Eve, we today are left to choose how we will live our lives. Let’s begin with some biblical fundamentals.
Biblical Fundamentals
When YAHAVAH brought the Nation of Israel out of bondage at Sinai, He gave that Nation something that the Jews refer to as “the Ten Words.”
Long story short, the Ten Words are when He said,
“I am the Lord thy God; have no other gods before me.”
These ten words are restated in the Great Shema of Deuteronomy 6 where we read:
Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: YAHAVAH our ELOHIYM is one YAHAVAH.”
And then Moses added:
Deuteronomy 6:5: “And thou shalt love YAHAVAH thy ELOHIYM with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
If we really think about it, there is nothing more to say to the ten words or the addendum Moses added to them in the following verse.
There is One YAHAVAH, and we should love Him, a single perfect plural, with all of our heart, all of our soul, and all of our might. PERIOD.
We maintain that these ten words are at the heart and soul of all that YAHAVAH seeks from people who seek to worship Him in spirit and truth through faith and love.
We suggest that to eat from the Tree of Life is akin, if done as He hopes, to having an eye single to Him, His will, His ways, coming in and through Him and Him alone.
Hear me clearly – looking to Him alone literally means without any other interlopers, mediators, on-earth insights or powers. It is Him. In this, there is no idolatry.
The Garden of Eden and Spiritual Allegiance
Last week, in the Real Plan of Salvation show, we explained that the scripture plainly describes God first creating the heavens and the earth, and we posited the biblically supported notion that there are, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 8:5,
1 Corinthians 8:5: “For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)”
We said that these gods are part of the created heavenly economy and that we understand very little about them. But what we do know is some of them have turned from YAHAVAH and openly made available knowledge of Good and Evil that man was never supposed to possess.
What this looks like, we have no idea – but the scripture makes it plain that this picture is a reality. So much a reality that Job speaks of a divine counsel, and Moses wrote of some of these heavenly sons of God breaking through God’s order and describing that:
Genesis 6:4: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
We read in Psalm 82:1 the following:
Psalm 82:1: “God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the elohiyms.”
And we even read of a tempter in the perfectly good garden God made for the first parents, who entered in (somehow) and tempted them with rebellion through lies and half-truths.
John the Beloved said in his day:
1 John 4:1: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
Daniel spoke of those who in his day appealed to these mysterious gods, saying:
Daniel 5:4: “They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.”
And of course, we all remember reading when the Nation of Israel were getting ready to enter into the Promised Land, that YAHAVAH says to them:
Deuteronomy 18:9-10, 12:
9 “When thou art come into the land which YAHAVAH thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto YAHAVAH: and because of these abominations YAHAVAH thy God doth drive them out from before thee.”
This directive they ignored, causing Stephan, the first deacon and the first early church martyr to say in his description of the nation’s forefathers in the wilderness:
Acts 7:42-43:
42 “Then God turned, and gave them up to worship ‘the host of heaven;’ as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?
43 Yea, ye took up ‘the tabernacle of Moloch,’ and ‘the star of your god Remphan,’ ‘figures which ye made to worship them:’ and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.”
Before we begin to delve into these invisible gods, spirits, angels, and demons offering, ostensibly, knowledge that made the man as God, knowing Good and Evil, I want to first talk about the other option available to all souls today, and even Adam and Eve at the start.
The Tree of Life
Note the distinctness of the fruit of each of these specific trees – the first is a fruit that lends to life. It is eaten in faith and trust in Him and Him alone – zero intermediaries.
Because Yeshua was “hung on a Tree,” and because He declared Himself to be, “the way, the truth, and the life,” (as in the tree of life) and because He also called Himself, “the bread of life,” we suggest that to eat of the Tree of Life
in the age of fulfillment today is akin to our spiritually dining on Him, His spirit, His singular way – and refusing to allow any other thing or source – to enter in. Ever. No matter how much it may even offer you.
Let me ask you all a rhetorical question – if there was a sure-fire way for you to succeed in this life, to be healthy in body, wealthy in material, or powerful or wise or intuitive, maybe uber creative or artistic in ways that defy all explanation – whatever it is – but that it is NOT the result of eating from the Tree of Life alone, would you seek after it, embrace it, use it to your benefit?
Things like The Law of Attraction? Incantations? Initiatory rites and rituals? Practices that are said to hearken back to ancient wisdom and Knowledge? Even powers from unseen realms?
Taking it down a notch, are you willing to share your allegiance to YAHAVAH with a love for money, health, wisdom, or good fortune?
True success in the proving ground of life, folks, is to exit this world having no other gods – of any kind – before Him.
All of us wander because we are human, and all of us, therefore, have sin, but only some learn to look to Him and Him alone.
Idols and Imposters
There are idols and imposters who offer themselves to us constantly in a grand sense of living, causing us to trust and rely on:
- World governments
- Education
- Human Philosophy
- Self-will and Determination
- The arts (and believe it or not)
- RELIGION, which we proved last week God Himself shook to smithereens at the return of His son.
Did you know that religion and its leaders are nothing but idols, folks, inserting themselves between the individual and human beings, offering up material shortcuts to walking in direct relationship with God and all that it entails?
Then, of course, there are the most obvious gods of our adoration and time:
- Sex
- Substances
- Self
- Materialism
- Money
- Pride
You know, like John said:
1 John 2:16: “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
But then there are the less obvious gods we serve, often without even realizing it, including the gods, spirits, and dark demons of:
- Fear
- Doubt
- Sin
- Shame
- Guilt
- Our own works
- Our own righteousness
- Our intellect
- Our wisdom
- Our philosophy
Finally, and in no particular order, there are the incomprehensibly strong and influential gods and spirits that operate effectively through invisible powers, including:
- Gnosticism
- Astrology, astronomy, and the Zodiac
- Masonic orders and freemasonry
- Ancient religions like Zoroastrianism
- Hermetic Laws and Jewish Kabbalism
- Rosicrucianism
- Occult practices found in many spiritualist thinkers and leaders like L. Ron Hubbard, Madam Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Rilke, William Blake, Thomas Merton
- Esotericism writ large
- Sufi
- Jewish Mysticism
- The Fourth Way
- Kahlil Gibran
- Eckankar
- Demonology
- Angelology
- Temple rituals
- The Law of Attraction
- Demiurges
- “As above, so below” rhetoric
- The Left-Hand Path
- Eckhart Tolle
- The Lesser Key of Solomon
- The Emerald Tablet and Hermes Trismegistus
- Alchemy
- Sex magic
- Ceremonial magic
- Satanism
- Lovecraft
- The Shadow
- Incantations
- Enochian Magic
And on and on and on.
The Nature of Shortcuts
What is all this stuff and how does it operate? Simply put, they are all shortcuts. Shortcuts to what? Knowledge of the gods. Even more specifically, knowledge God has of good and evil.
Why take a shortcut?
Because to obtain knowledge of things in and through God directly and exclusively requires FAITH, deontological allegiance, and therefore a willingness to suffer, and to possess a dedication that proves our gratitude and love for Him and Him alone.
See, that is what Adam and Eve took – a shortcut – bypassing the process that the living God wanted them to experience and endure as the best means for them to grow and mature.
By eating of the tree that gave them knowledge reserved only for the gods, it took them and made them as “God” in one fell swoop.
It’s like taking a brand new little leaguer and trying to put him in the pros, or giving War and Peace to an infant – it’s not God’s way of maturing those made in His image – it’s the way of Dark forces even if the outcome can be called good – especially if the outcome can be seen as evil.
Do the shortcuts work? Let me put it to you this way.
Shortcuts that oppose God’s way of maturing you are based on invisible laws – it’s the best way to describe them.
They do not function randomly or without information behind them. They are like the Law of Gravity – it works, and in order to rightly use shortcuts, a person has to understand the laws or the processes involved.
To those interested in finding out how to use them, yes, they seem to, and they have worked since the beginning of time. This forbidden knowledge appears to drive so much anciently in architecture, the arts, human wisdom, philosophy, and alternative systems to make men gods themselves through their ways.
But are they able to bring joy, a direct relationship with our Maker, or eternal life?
Not even close. Because it all leads to death. How? At the end of our lives, all shortcuts, all knowledge obtained by hook and by crook, comes with a price – and that price is it has no value or buying power in the kingdom to come.
Perhaps it has buying power outside the Kingdom to come, where death reigns – that is subject to debate, but when it comes to knowing, following, pursuing God in faith and through the processes He endorses, they mean nothing, zero, death.
Why share all of this? One, to evidence that there is an unseen world we do not understand, that there are those who have access to it through different means, and to help introduce next week’s show where we will begin to uncover the powers that helped create and now govern the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Let’s open up the phone lines.