Making A Covenant with Death

In this episode of Heart of the Matter FULL CIRCLE, host Shawn McCraney delves into the topic of Mormonism, focusing on the idea of making a "covenant with death." He emphasizes his ministry's message of living by faith without the constraints of organized religion, which he believes ended in 70 AD with the fulfillment of Christ's mission. The episode critiques Mormonism as a controlling, manipulative institution, drawing parallels between the LDS church and other oppressive organizations. McCraney explores why many ex-Mormons continue to vocalize their negative experiences, comparing their reactions to those of individuals escaping abusive situations. He also addresses the esoteric roots of Mormon temple rites, warning of the spiritual dangers of adhering to such rituals. Ultimately, McCraney invites viewers to embrace a direct relationship with God, free from religious demands, while encouraging open dialogue and agape love in their interactions.

Teaching Script

Live from SLC, Utah
This is Heart of the Matter FULL CIRCLE and I’m your host, Shawn McCraney.

Just a reminder, since we started in on ministry in 2003, we have crafted an online go-to for people who are seeking to walk and live by faith without religion. When we say, without religion, we are not doing what a lot of non-denoms or freevangelicals claim to do in that vein – we really truly mean, FAITH WITHOUT ANY RELIGIOUS DEMANDS.

In our estimation, which we support via reasonable contextual exegesis of scripture, organized religion (at least in the name of Yeshua the Messiah) ended in 70AD when He overcame all things on behalf of His Father, returned as He promised He would and took His Church/Bride, which the gates of hell tried but could not overcome.

We maintain that the gates of hell have done nothing but overcome all religious organizations, from the Catholics, to Orthodoxies, to Protestantism, Mormonism and all others – especially the American Taliban, Five Point Calvinism.

We maintain that in and through His finished work God was reconciled to the world and that He has been calling individuals ever since to receive Him by faith and to choose to walk in agape love.

In the face of religion being subjective, personal and solely governed by the Spirit in each individual, we do promote learning biblical principles and that is what The Great News Network focuses on – supplying materially fulfilled biblical principles to freely help anyone seeking God in spirit and truth.

All that said, and hard as it is for people to accept or believe, we DO NOT judge what doctrines or beliefs people maintain nor exclude ANYONE from our community because they differ with us IN ANY WAY – except we ask all people try to engage with each other in agape love.

There is A LOT there – in literally seven or eight pretty substantial platforms and we invite you to check them all out, and see if there is anything there for you to benefit from.

Since launching an attack on Mormonism (and not on individual Latter-Day Saints, by the way) some of the standard responses from people who want to defend the LDS church have naturally come forward.

One of them is a favorite line active LDS souls will use against people who have left their ranks which is always delivered sardonically, when they say,

“They can leave the church, but they can’t leave the church alone.”

Citing a conference speech by Glenn L Pace in 1989.

I want those of you who use that thought killing cliche to maybe sit back and ask yourselves, “If this is true, why do you think it’s so?”

The thoughtless answer is because they have lost the Spirit, are sinning, or are riddled with guilt.

But try and think a little bigger – like when it comes to other venues of life – like a job:

When someone leaves a good respectable job they don’t bad-mouth it, they leave and offer a good opinion and praise for the company. Same with our response to governments, schools, marriages and the like.

But when someone leaves a despotic, controlling, manipulative scenario, one where they are taken advantage of, lied to and manipulated, the natural reaction is voicing – often repeatedly – the crimes of the entity in question.

In other words, they can’t leave the thing that abused them alone.

I mean, millions of people every year leave good churches or schools or relationships and move onto others and don’t ever bad mouth the former.

So first ask, why is it when almost ANYONE chooses to leave the Mormon institution the results are they can’t leave the church and their extremely negative views about it ALONE? Better yet, why do you think really intelligent accomplished people leave and don’t leave it alone – men like John Dehlin and Radio Free Mormon, or Fawn Brodie and the like?

Have you EVER considered that they are just like people who leave an abusive marriage, or job or government and want to warn others about the sinister nature of the institution that they abandoned?

Additionally, have you ever considered what the LDS Church does with its members emotionally, psychologically and in terms of applying totalistic methodologies to govern them? Or are you so blindly devout you are unable?

Think about these factors imposed upon members by the church and the culture of the church over and over and over again, like, Mormonism is the only true church on the face of the earth.

That there is a living Prophet who speaks with the living God and their allegiance to him is increased by them having their children sing, “Follow the Prophet, Follow the Prophet Follow the Prophet, he don’t go astray, AND that the adults sing, “We thank thee oh God for a prophet to guide us in these latter days.”
That the members are repeatedly reminded in talks, songs, videos, magazines and images that their founding prophet, Joseph Smith restored Jesus’ true church back to the earth.
That the BOM he crafted is true and a man would get closer to God following it than any other book?

Have you ever reminded yourselves that the Church tells them (and you, by the way) how to spend their Sundays, their Monday and Tuesday nites, and their Friday nites?

That they demand they attend the temples where they are further indoctrinated and commit to all that they have to the building up of the institution, that they should give 10% of their gross income minimally, that they should accept and fulfill their callings, that they cannot dress or adorn themselves as they want, and that they prohibit and define what they take into their bodies, what entertainment to watch – along with so many other intrusions which make a person loved and worthy before God

and then YOU smugly repeat this line as if they are to blame for being mind-screwed!!

I think the line should be rewritten to say, “we try to leave the church, but the church will never leave us alone.”

I mean this attitude born about by smug little LDS folks is also stated and repeated by all evil empires and institutions small or great.

Read Richard Wrights, Native Son, and see how the Communists did and do it, read, Raven and see how Jim Jonestown did it, or Waco by Jeff Guinn, or the work of Jon Atak on Scientology, or Robert Lifton’s insights on Communist China.

All of them, in their own way, say the same thing – they leave but they can’t leave us alone.

They are the failures, instead of them being enlightened, they have the problem instead of the monolithic empire of ill-gotten gains.

Mormonism operates on the EXACT SAME principles and its members possess the EXACT same response to those who have left these other groups.

The fact of the matter is, “the LDS church itself is the reason those who leave it, can’t leave it alone.”

That said, and as hard as this is for active LDS to hear or believe, Mormonism is much more sinister, dark and damaging to those who embrace fully and it is evidenced in two distinct opposite ways.


There is some substance to this and it all involves the forbidden tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the LDS temple rites and rituals, and its roots in esoterica, including all sorts of ties to dark arts.

Remember, the tree that God forbade Adam and Eve from eating, called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the very tree that Mormonism believes should have been eaten from because, in their minds,

Adam and Eve wouldn’t have known or learned anything if they refused to eat of it.
By eating it, they were then equipped to multiply and replenish the earth, and
By eating it, their eyes were opened, then became wise, and through opposition in all things, they were able to comprehend the virtue of Good verses the virtueless world Evils imposed upon them.

The LDS leadership, whom I referred to as warlocks last week, deserve that title because they build and place these temples all across the land, implore their members to become temple worthy, to attend these temples, and without any real substantive knowledge of what is going to transpire within them prior, are invited to agree to undertake all the oaths and covenants they make freely or to leave.

Well, their families are all there, friends, Bishops and the like, supporting them on their first time through, and without knowing before hand what they are agreeing to they are cornered into just accepting what is headed their way by remaining inside.

Now in these temples, at least when I was active and that to me is what matters because I did what millions of others did back in the day at the hands of the Empire, but in these temples they used to play a film.

And in this film, Lucifer plays a role in everything going on – not as a good being, he is certainly depicted as evil, but he will speak into the camera certain things.

In addition to instructing the temple attendees to put on their aprons, this actor, playing Satan, will at one point, turn to the camera (therefore the audience or temple attendees) and say the following words:

Satan in the LDS temple says, “I have something to say to this people, if they do not live up to every covenant that they make at this altar this day, they will be in my power.”

And then Lucifer is excused. And herein is where the fruit of Mormonism literally becomes the Fruit of Knowledge of Good AND evil.


Last week, using Presidents Nelson and Oaks as illustrations, we showed how living exactly by the laws and ordinances of Mormonism enhances the mortal material lives of their members.

Obedience to the Temple ordinances and covenants, faithful LDS people are rewarded by the things of this world, which I would even add, are obtained from the God of this world, whatever source of power that might be – it is certainly not YAHAVAH.

We can see how the Good from the fruit of the forbidden tree blesses the faithful and which is why I will say, “if all you care about in this life is what works for you, what blesses your family, and what is materially illustrated in your life, stay or Join the LDS church.

It’s principles work and if you are someone who can obey the covenants, with minor infractions only, you will be rewarded with all that it promises you in this life.

No different, at all, than when someone sells their soul to a force for wealth, wisdom, fame, power – and especially when blood is shed in the name of the oaths.

But that allegiance comes with a price in every circumstance and depending on the organization involved.

There is one way to walk and relate with the living God – it is by His will alone, and not via name it and claim it, not by the secret or the Law of Attraction, not by oaths and contracts with evil, and certainly not through Mormon rites and rituals.

That way is represented by the Fruit from the Tree of Life.

What most people do not realize, even their own members, is the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good is also a Fruit that bears and brings evil.

And so there are always evil outcomes from feeding on this fruit God did not want man to consume.

Even for the most obedient the evil can crop up in the loss of children, for others it’s the unending stress of living up to the covenants and contracts made – which is why Utah in a 2020 census was third highest, behind Idaho and Colorado, for adolescent suicide.

But the real evil, meaning the other side to Mormonism is the evil that befalls those who reject the contracts and covenants, walk from the faith, and embrace some other way other than a direct relationship with the living God, which, in my estimation, is the only real, lasting legitimate powers that can break the curse for rebellion.

I know, it all sounds quite mythical and mystical and spooky – but I’m not the one who crafted the covenants nor have Satan tell those who receive them that if they fail to live up to them that they would be in his power – the Mormon founder and its leaders did that.

And this leads us into my adult experience observing and examining the general directions and attitudes a majority of people take when they leave the LDS church.

(Or shall I say, the most common things they use to replace their former devotions to the Church).

Understand, I am not talking about people who went to the church for a while – I am talking about people who as temple attending adults walk away for any reason other than to seek God.

And these are general observances not hard and fast rules but they have helped me discover what works, in the long run, to break the curse side of breaking the covenants, and what keeps the curse alive and operating in the minds, hearts and lives of those who leave the church but just can’t leave it alone.

Now, I’m using a term that captures everything a former Latter day Saint once viewed as sin, and the range is wide.

It makes a lot of sense that this would be a reaction for the formerly law abiding, “trying to live perfect lives” LDS souls.

All around them they have watched as neighbors, friends and the world imbibe in all sorts of things the LDS prohibit and use as a means to validate worthiness.

But when the Church is seen for what it really is, (a fraud) all the restrictions such formerly followed can become obsolete in the minds and it’s an immediate pursuit of everything they denied themselves as adolescents and even as adults.

Them “turning to the world” serves to remind their family and friends who remain faithful of the dangers of leaving the church and the things they have heard all their lives, like, “If you walk from the True church you will be controlled by Satan.”

Some wise souls are able to see the wisdom in fidelity and sobriety on their own and live as they did when faithful members.

But for those whom the rules and laws of Mormonism served to keep them from these kinds of troubles, the first thing they do it hit the sauce, or the drugs or the sexual liberties they might feel they have missed out on.

I get this – really – but it does not lesson the pain they will sometimes inflict on those they loved and were faithful to while active.

And herein stands a super important reason HOW we reach out to LDS people, and what we offer them in exchange because if it is anything less that the power of God, we are doing them a spiritual, and at times, a material disservice.

We have said this from the start but are rarely heard – why a person leaves Mormonism is more important than if they do.

Interestingly, the Amish have wisdom in this area and how they confront this natural reaction to stern living and they do this with their teens who, around 16 years of age, enter what they call, “rumspringa,” which actually only means “adolescence” but is taken from a German word that means to “jump around.”

They justify this adolescent time of freedom on the basis that their teens are not baptized members yet and therefore are not under any obligation.

Some communities let their teens buy cars (which are forbidden to the adult members) or others choose to wear worldly clothes, and some are more liberal in they allow them to take part in various forms of teenage experimentation.

Mormonism allows some of this all along with their people but will not allow any of it in other areas especially related to sex, drugs, dress and other things.

What the Amish do is allow their teens who have grown up in the structure to test other things and then decide if he or she wants to come back, join the community via baptism, get married and live the faith with family. And many of them do.

Because the rigidity of Mormonism on certain worldly things (sex, drugs, coffee, tea and dress codes) starting very early in life, many members, adult members, when they find themselves having a crisis of faith, return to adolescent behaviors and like some adolescents, can’t handle the liberty and just fall apart.

Again, this makes the family and friends remaining faithful to the church really believe that Satan has captured them when it reality this is just another side of Mormonism – its dark side – or the evil side of its fruit of Good and Evil.

From what I am told, the LDS church has eased up on some things that were heavily imposed when I was there from birth to forty years of age, but at the same time, they have also tightened up on things that they formerly worked with people on.

Of course, all of it just religion that has NOTHING to do with the Great News given the world through the Victory of God’s Son.

For this reason, we implore members of the LDS church to remain active and faithful if the alternative is embracing a godless life where you help destroy the lives of others.

I am not saying that this is the destination of all people who leave Mormonism but I’ve seen enough to know it is a reality.

Next week we are going to continue to explore the paths ex-Mormons take after leaving the LDS church with most of them just being a continuation of the destructive curse they signed off on when they make their temple covenants.

At this point it looks like this:


Listen, while we wait for your calls (if there are any) we have a live call in show that happens every Thursday from 11AM MTN to 1PM.

Just call in at this number, we will ask if we can record you, and we will openly talk about anything – anything – you want.

Personal questions.
Arguments or disagreements
A personal story or anecdote

My Brother Grady and I realize that we don’t get calls from people in disagreement to often because for the LDS

They are probably afraid I will bite their heads off – it could happen if you have a hidden agenda but if you are open I’’ be the same.

But the evangelicals and Calvinists will rarely call in because they know they only lose if they do.

They KNOW we gain anytime they try and so they don’t. Simple as that. So we invite any and all – here and then on Thursdays to call in and present what you have to say!

Every Thursday from 11AM MTN to 1PM.

Mark thy Calendars!

On Friday and Saturday, November 8-9th 2024 we are hosting our first annual, Christian Peace Initiative conference.

The title?


We have a host of speakers that will be in attendance, plan a panel discussion and will open our place up (very limited seating) here in Murray Utah to anyone who wants to attend.

More information to come, but we will zoom the conference and record it.

If you want to attend in person you must let us know in advance so we can reserve a space for you by just sending us your name and the number in attendance.

Friday night we will have our keynote speaker, the salt of the earth Pastor Larry Norris Sr.

Then Saturday we will hear from speakers from 8am to around 3. A free lunch will be served.

So mark your calendars and we look so forward to this!

I am going to be very bold here. It will sound arrogant and proud to some of you. I do not intend for this to be the reaction but have learned from experience that this is often the result when I speak honestly.

We have searched and scoured the scripture for what is contextual, true and good to offer all people freely (unless it is a course at our online college).

We have given over a quarter of a century in this pursuit out of love for you and we have zero qualms presenting it to you today.

Our standards of embracing what we present are as follows

Is every view supported by a contextual view of the Bible that can be proven with sound, reasonable evidence.

Do these evidences stand up to scrutiny and present themselves as superior to all other forms of religious tradition without bias and do they trump tradition without fail?


Do the value of our findings, as compared to the LDS and all other religious forms that claim biblical allegiance –


Honor the Living God and His ways over all other approaches?
Does it lead to more freedom and liberty in the life of the recipient, and not less?
Does it allow for divergent thought, differences, and disagreement on things even historically seen as essentials.
Is it free in terms of time, money and participation (unless it is an online course – which are also free to those who can’t afford them)?
Does it reduce bondage and servitude to false religious authority and church playing in the lives of those who embrace them?
Does it encourage subjective views and personal decisions over objective demands and group think?
Does it lend to more agape love in those who receive it rather than less?
We submit that our approach can stand up strongly in all of these areas and if you are looking for FAITH without RELIGION, check out:

And with all of that, join us Thursday with a live call, Sundays at 10am for verse by verse teachings, and/or next week here at Heart of the Matter Full Circle.

Heart Of The Matter

Heart Of The Matter

Established in 2006, Heart of the Matter is a live call-in show hosted by Shawn McCraney. It began by deconstructing Mormonism through a biblical lens and has since evolved into a broader exploration of personal faith, challenging the systems and doctrines of institutional religion. With thought-provoking topics and open dialogue, HOTM encourages viewers to prioritize their relationship with God over traditions or dogma. Episodes feature Q&A sessions, theological discussions, and deep dives into relevant spiritual issues.

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