Faith without religion.
Signs and Readiness: Luke 21 and 22
In a recent teaching, we explored the profound and complex passages from Luke 21:24 to the end, delving into the signs of the end times and the return of Jesus. The disciples had asked Jesus about the timing and signs of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus provided vivid imagery and prophetic signs, emphasizing the urgency and unexpected nature of these events.
Jesus spoke of the distress of nations, signs in the heavens, and the shaking of both earthly and heavenly powers. These descriptions, often symbolic, were reminiscent of Old Testament prophecies about the destruction of cities like Babylon and Tyre. The imagery was not meant to be taken literally but served to convey the magnitude of the events that would unfold.
The teaching also highlighted the importance of being vigilant and prepared, as the exact timing of these events was unknown. Jesus likened His return to the days of Noah, where life continued as usual until the flood came unexpectedly. This serves as a reminder to live with awareness and readiness for His return.
As we transitioned into Luke 22, the focus shifted to the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus, including the plotting of the chief priests and the betrayal by Judas Iscariot. The narrative underscores the fulfillment of prophecies and the unfolding of God’s plan, even amidst human deceit and betrayal.
This teaching invites us to reflect on the significance of these events and the call to live with faith and anticipation, trusting in the fulfillment of God’s promises.