Reaping What You Sow: Understanding the Consequences of Our Actions

restoration, reaping what you sow, spiritual maturity

In a recent discussion on Galatians Chapter 6, the conversation delved into the complexities of spiritual restoration and the challenges of maintaining faith while helping others. The dialogue highlighted the importance of restoring those caught in sin with gentleness, emphasizing the need for spiritual maturity to avoid falling into temptation oneself. The discussion also touched on the concept of reaping what one sows, a principle that remains relevant for both believers and non-believers.

The conversation explored the idea that spiritual growth and understanding come from faith and reliance on God, rather than adherence to religious rituals or the opinions of others. This perspective challenges the notion that accountability to others equates to humility, suggesting instead that true humility comes from prioritizing one’s relationship with God.

The discussion also addressed the importance of carrying each other’s burdens and fulfilling the law of Christ through love and faith. It was noted that while the teachings of Galatians were initially directed at the early Christian community, the principles of love, faith, and personal accountability continue to resonate today.

The conversation concluded with reflections on the individual nature of faith and the personal journey of spiritual growth. It emphasized the significance of examining one’s life and actions, suggesting that true understanding and fulfillment come from a sincere relationship with God and a commitment to living according to spiritual principles.


Podcast Transcript:

hello we are on hello Galatians chapter
6 Galatians chapter 6 the end of
Galatians I didn’t know it it was as
short of a book as it
is um so let’s get into
it brothers and sisters if someone is
caught in sin you who live by the spirit
should restore that person gently but
watch yourselves or you may also be
tempted um
what do you think
restoration meant to them restore that
person gently with bring them back into
fold bring them back to the full walking
in the faith not necessarily not
sinning like caught in
sin yeah I think he they want to restore
them to Purity and Holiness which was
which was required to be part of the
Bride okay and uh so I think it’s still
required today but it comes by faith it
doesn’t come by anything else but if
they were sleeping with a temple
prostitute or something they would have
to get that right okay and it says about
watch yourselves are you also maybe
tempted that’s such a fascinating line
to me yeah because like we are so frail
in our Humanity that when we go out to
Embark to save somebody in their
sin like you’re going to go stop
somebody from drinking you might have
one while you’re at the bar and get
drunk yourself yeah so that’s what I
think he’s saying there I could be wrong
but no it seems like that and it makes
me wonder about today a couple things
like you said PE it seems like this is
probably something people quote a lot
yeah or like like in their mind think
should be going on a lot
today and also it’s different um it’s
kind of opposed to what
you stand on sort of which is
like it is possible for you to go and
and help someone by the spirit out of
their sin and not make not have that
drink absolutely yeah and people will
think that’s not possible but it seems
like for most people it’s probably
pretty hard yeah to not fall into the
sin yeah and and that all has to do I
believe with spiritual maturity you know
it’s just like a man in the woman in the
military who has learned how to fight
how to be in Warfare how to do
everything they have more Liberty at
what they allow themselves to do than a
new Warrior a soldier yeah because the
new Soldier is subject to all kinds of
Temptations and trials and mistakes but
it seems like when you were maybe less
spiritually mature you were still kind
of arguing for that the Liberty to be
able to yeah because that goes back to
where we where I learned we are to
derive our strength from and it is not
through our
flesh it is through faith it is through
the spirit it is through God helping us
through to equip us to overcome those
Temptations so that’s why even while I
was immature in the faith I still
adhered to the idea that we don’t go to
we we we go to God to help us through
yeah um yeah it kind of like the
ministry it’s a question to me like
which thing comes first like you had
that sensibility innately before even
knowing about fulfillment and all before
knowing that this scripture isn’t
necessarily talking to us which
substantiates the original
like um impression that you had about
religion and the spirit and sin like you
had those Impressions before they were
substantiated because I was 40 years
LDS and I learned that all their ways
going and confessing doing this
following this going to the temple make
covenants all that doesn’t mean Jack
yeah I needed something that meant Jack
yeah and when I found that thing that
had had the power I said I give no power
to anything anywhere ever again yeah and
I literally did that and then there have
been times where you’ve
said that like technically you didn’t
have a Biblical knowledge to really back
that up at the time did you m what do
you think of that I think that that
shows that the biblical knowledge is
great because it refines the fine points
but if the spirit of God is with you you
don’t need it yeah that makes sense like
been stable in your spirit since then
your flesh maybe not as stable and you
would fall in like be tempted and stuff
but as you grew stronger in your
knowledge your flesh was helped right
but the spirit isn’t affected as much
like you had that Spirit at the start
wouldn’t you say yeah I’ve had the
spirit since uh I was born and I think
everybody does and I just kept trying to
make it work the way people were telling
me to make it work and I didn’t realize
it’s all him and that’s our message now
so the do you think the knowledge of the
knowledge of the
word maybe I’m trying to really
understand spirit and flesh like do they
have any connection to one
another well I mean I don’t think we
could understand you know one without
the other in this world I think I think
we have to have both yeah to kind of get
things and understand them
completely but um it’s a tough that’s a
tough question
okay um okay so carry each he keeps
going carry each other’s burdens and in
this way you will fulfill the law of
Christ and the law of Christ is
love and faith
it’s both really the law is the perfect
Royal law is love but it’s
always uh couched by faith so but his
law is love but John makes it plain that
uh it’s believe on him and love as he
told us to that those are the two
Commandments which he gave is that
always called The Law of
Christ no James calls it the Royal law
of Liberty I think he calls it that yeah
love love is the law of Liberty in the
Bible I think if I’m reciting James
okay if anyone thinks they are something
when they’re not they deceive themselves
each one should test their own actions
then they can take pride in themselves
alone without comparing themselves to
someone else for each one should carry
their own load and he just told them
bear one another’s burdens yeah yeah and
said if someone’s caught in sin restore
that person like it’s a very weird it’s
it’s convoluted Paul we can’t understand
this high level stuff it thinks there’s
something when they are not they deceive
themselves each one should test yeah
what do you make of that it sounds like
on the one hand he’s addressing the
mindset you should have when you go to
help somebody who’s tripped up don’t
think you’re better than them don’t
think anything like that but on the
other hand he’s saying but those of you
who haven’t tripped up be there to help
them along the way and have this mindset
but don’t start thinking you’re better
than them because you’re going to get
tripped up by your pride and wind up
probably worse than the person and
whatever thing they did that’s the long
kind of trying to grab it yeah and the
pride to take pride in oneself alone I’m
assuming is like a good kind of Pride
like there’s a good kind of Pride for
then they can take pride in themselves
alone without comparing themselves to
someone else for each one should carry
their own load yeah he’s talking about
having that knowledge that you did it
you don’t have to tell anybody else it’s
between you and God you give God the
glory and you just walk humbly yeah and
you do it yourself you don’t need yeah
there is a sort like I there pride is a
weird word to use but there is something
that’s like very self assured about Fai
yeah that’s like I I’m it’s almost can
be an arrogance yeah it’s like a really
strange thing that people really misread
a lot especially with you they think
it’s it’s they have it backward
like they consider outward things to be
proud and they don’t they do that
without knowing the heart and the
overall context of how a person is in
every sense yeah do they always give God
the credit do they always deny being
lifted up do they always resort to him
and his Spirit yeah and people don’t in
a show or something like that or some
thing that I’m doing to entertain or I’m
angry or something they can’t read that
yeah but even just without the show they
don’t like that people
mistake accountability to other people
as humility they do which is like it’s
the opposite you’re being you’re not
being humble to God by putting other
people before him that’s right and so
you being like go God only I don’t care
about any of you I care about God yeah
is like so backward to
them they say you’re being proud they
always do that and I say how is it pride
to go to put my faith and trust in God
because God hasn’t set it up that way he
had Apostles and he had this and that
that’s what they use but they’re not
using it contextually yeah it’s it does
not make sense like it’s so
personal yeah okay um okay so
nevertheless the one who receives
instruction in the word should share all
good things with their
instructor and I wanted to know there
really quick
what like the word word the one who
receives instruction in the word would
be the word
of God you can take it that he’s talking
about the Old Testament because that’s
what the in the word to them because
they didn’t realize that their letters
were going to
become uh something new even though
Peter says Paul’s wor scripture the
bottom line is he’s talking about the
Old Testament and if you’re instructing
somebody in the scripture but the other
play on words which he’s perfectly
capable of making is that he’s talking
about instruction from Christ who is the
word made flesh okay okay so don’t be
deceived God can’t be mocked a man reaps
what he
SWS don’t skip
that it’s one of the most important
things to remember as a Christian no
matter what no matter what you’re saved
you believe you will reap what you sow
yeah and we can’t get around that fact
that in front of God we reap what we
sow he has benevolently removed our sin
brought on by Adam’s fall in our flesh
and our weakness from us but we will
reap what we sow as Believers as
non-believers as human beings don’t
don’t think otherwise and so many people
they ignore that yeah um I it is so
overwhelming that when reading all of
this how individual it is oh yeah
like they Christ religion has taken the
very few things that aren’t even written
they’re like the the mechanism that made
the Bible which is like several people
involved whatever that makes them think
it’s so when reaping what you s it must
be their you’re not accountable so then
you’re going to reap what you sow
because you aren’t accountable to
somebody and you’re going to fall into I
don’t know like they don’t it is so
individual and and reaping what you
SE still exists in like fulfilled
eschatology sure and subjective Christ
like more so even like people really
don’t hear that you say that because
hell is over
yeah no they think they think it’s a
it’s a walk in the park for some reason
it’s actually far more uh sobering it’s
sobering what we’re talking about here
you you are accountable you have to face
what you’ve done with yeah you have to
count you you’re you have to F and if
you don’t take this seriously you will
never really understand what we’re
trying to do yeah because if you think
that you can go around and use God name
for evil yeah and you do all kinds of
wonderful works but you’re a jerk if you
think that you can exclude the things he
holds up high as
unimportant and that it’s okay if you
focused your whole life on making money
because you took your family on nice
vacations you can forget it he is
absolutely just and uh that does not Rob
uh us of our
responsibility um to do right
and to try to do good and he knows what
our hearts intentions are and I live by
it and and people might say oh he does
it I do and I might fail but that’s
based off what it says there and I trust
it so when people think oh everyone just
goes to heaven you know we’re talking
about Concepts we don’t have a hand
handle on but when it says everybody has
been forgiven for their carnal sins yes
yeah yeah like to be forgiven by God
doesn’t mean we don’t feel the weight
like we have to reap what we sew with
ourselves we have to face ourselves in
this stuff like he’s forgiven us but
maybe the punishment or not punishment
but the the thing we Face later is
ourselves I’m almost convinced of it
yeah yeah and and and so you’re seeing
now and we all anybody who is mature
like Socrates the unexamined life is not
worth living
if you don’t understand and examine who
you are and what you’re doing in this
life I think you’ve wasted your time
yeah you know and and so I’ve taken it
seriously to try to do that stuff and
figure out what is real what is not and
you’re making some great points here
well and it’s never too late either you
could take a 90-year-old man who’s lived
his life in sin and he hasn’t cared and
he learns about what really is going on
and he lives for one day with a heart of
trying that’s all that really matters
yeah that’s the whole that is why it all
makes sense like Jesus
came he forgives God forgives but that
does not mean that we don’t feel the
weight of ourselves and all it could
take is one day of someone feeling
immense pain from what they or whatever
it is seeing life for what it is and it
took them their whole life to see it
basically all it took took the thief was
one period of time to say remember me
that was enough yeah we forget all of
that yeah
yeah it makes so much sense it’s really
hard to
stomach the way people see it it’s hard
more and more it’s pretty rough but then
that is something that is uh biting you
because if it turns on you for evil and
you start looking at people with evil
then it’s beating you again no yeah at
the moment it’s not necessarily that it
has been before but it’s more just
like you want to just like slot people
yeah like shake their head and be like
what look at it differently but so if us
uh sinful Mortals think that imagine
what God’s thinking yeah you know that’s
so true and the solution is not the
sharp reproval that Paul is warning
against he says be gentle and bringing
people back don’t be of your flesh and
harsh you know because you are just as
capable of doing whatever they’ve done
um yeah it’s said a man reaps what he
SWS what whoever whoever SWS to please
their flesh from the flesh will reap
destruction whoever SWS to please the
spirit from the spirit will reap etern
etal life let us not become weary in
doing good for at the proper time we
will reap a harvest if we do not give up
therefore as we have opportunity let us
do good to all people especially to the
especially to those who belong to the
family of
um that’s a good qualifier you do good
to everybody but especially to those who
are yeah and people might go wow that’s
preferential well but that again was to
the bride yeah you know now if everybody
been reconciled we should have that for
everybody yeah
um and reaping eternal life at that
time I mean I hate to be that do this
but like could all of this be for that
time that’s a really good question
there’s a lot of people who think that
it’s all for that time there’s nothing
for us any Spirit any I see and U that’s
what Israel only is all about they
become hard lined it’s just for the Jews
it’s all for the Jews it’s but there are
too many passages that show God so loved
the world
Cosmos you know it wasn’t that God just
loved the nation so there’s passages
that show it’s for us too yeah the whole
new testament is for the Gentiles mostly
yeah a lot of it
and it’s I just mean
like the reaping what one SWS sort of
stuff but it’s seems like it it seems
like we still reap what we sow like even
in this life sometimes to some degree we
to we have to face our decisions or you
don’t and you stay high you stay drunk
you you stay in illicit
Affairs to hide from that
reality right but I see but that doesn’t
mean because we don’t see in this
lifetime doesn’t mean that the
dysfunction or whatever isn’t there oh
not at all the lack of seeing it
probably means it’s more there
so I I when I say we’ve we reap it we
sew it in this life or whatever we reap
it in this
life I think it comes in in this life
like even if you’re ignoring it there
will be dysfunction around you from that
sure don’t do you think I think in some
cases yes and in some cases no okay I I
see uh I see people reaping stuff that
brings them to a place in their life and
I see other people apparently skating
Scot free from lives of complete
selfishness yeah that’s true yeah I mean
but what I would say and this might be
uh prejudicial is that God for his
children he will let you reap what
you’re doing here here and quickly yeah
yeah if you are living by the spirit
you’ll start to reap it here oh yeah big
time that’s what the whole at Point LMA
people would talk a lot about like I
don’t even know what it means but like
Kingdom like Kingdom stuff happening now
like bringing the kingdom to this earth
sort of thing like it could start now
and it does kind of make sense to me to
some degree like you’re starting
what you would be doing in the afterlife
when you start yeah spir totally
spiritually but yeah they think it’s
materially think it’s a material Kingdom
but I would agree with Kingdom now in
terms of you’re part of it here yes like
and you’ll feel the way you’ll reap
you’ll grow you’ll do all the things and
you’ll carry with you the things of the
Kingdom that you established
here back they will be with you and what
is that it’s the love you know and so if
you loved you’re going to go closer to
that Kingdom at least but if you didn’t
you will reap what you sow right yeah
and we don’t call it h i don’t call it
hell I just call it here’s your reward
there’s nothing in the basket that’s
right yeah we’ve had callers recently on
the Callin
show talking about that where it’s like
why speculate on that and it’s like
there’s a huge part of all of this that
is and this it’s described by that
reaping what you s in this life like
there’s a reason we live this way it’s
not just like everyone’s forgiven why
even talk about it it’s like there’s a
lot to talk about still even when
everyone’s yeah and like like the LDS
Mormons they do a great job of teaching
the principle of reaping what you sow
materially if you save you’ll have money
if you don’t drink you you won’t be an
alcoholic if you stay faithful so
they’re really good at the
material application of that and they
try to include the spiritual but it
doesn’t they somehow there’s a big
disconnect in all that there really is
so you really learn how to be a proper
citizen being a latterday saint but your
heart is is wrong it’s arrogant and and
that’s why it’s not Material it can be
and it’s why you know they look down on
people people who aren’t honoring their
Temple cuz they smoke cigarettes they’re
going to reap what they sow what may be
true but that doesn’t make them lesser
in the eyes of God and that’s where the
Mormons make the mistake it’s a
perfect con because you don’t know what
someone does with their life right so
like like people we know will blame
their children Falling
Away by them not living the Covenant
well enough or something and it’s like
they can just assume you haven’t lived
the Covenant well because they don’t
know what you actually do with your life
yeah it’s actually even worse than that
if if you have a problem you haven’t
been living the Covenant because the
blessings are yours it’s insane yeah
where it’s problems hit people no
despite what you Doh like your child can
get hit by a car and die and you could
have lived a great life and and then you
can judge everybody else for being like
they just haven’t lived right then it’s
like s it’s like the freaking Salem
witch trial it’s like just assuming
they’ve yeah it really is wow
um let’s end this episode and finish the
chapter in the next one and then finish
talking about the ministry and stuff
sounds good all right thanks everybody
thanks guys

I Dont Get The Bible

I Dont Get The Bible

Debuting in 2023, I Don’t Get The Bible is a podcast hosted by Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney. Together, they approach scripture with curiosity and candid discussions, questioning traditional interpretations and exploring the Bible’s relevance in a post-religious context. Episodes range from tackling specific passages to broader explorations of faith, always with a focus on making scripture accessible and relatable to modern seekers.

Articles: 142
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