Galatians Chapter 3, Part 1

A Deep Dive into Galatians 3 and Its Implications

In this discussion, Delaney and Sean explore Galatians 3, touching upon the contrasting experiences of Jews and Gentiles concerning faith and the role of the law. Here are the four key takeaways from their conversation:

  1. Grace is Universal: Paul emphasizes that both Jews and Gentiles benefit equally from God’s grace.
  2. Faith over Law: Justification comes from faith, not from adhering to the works of the law.
  3. The Role of the Spirit: The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in imparting understanding and faith in believers.
  4. Evolving Understanding of Scripture: The interpretation of Scripture must consider historical context and the intended audience.

Premise of Galatians 3

The discussion begins with a reflection on earlier verses, leading to an examination of key themes in Galatians 3. Paul asserts that while he and other apostles work under the same grace, their audiences differ – Peter outreaches to the Jews, while Paul serves the Gentiles. The recognition of grace is pivotal, signifying that:

  • Both Jews and Gentiles receive grace equally.
  • Paul’s apostleship to the Gentiles does not diminish his equality in grace with the other apostles.

Faith vs. Law

The conversation digs deeper into the distinction between faith and law. Delaney wrestles with understanding the different expectations placed on Jews and Gentiles:

  • Jews: They must repent first because of their historical context with the law.
  • Gentiles: They have no previous understanding of law, thus simply need to believe.

The underlying message is that:

  • Justification before God does not come from obeying the law but through faith in Christ.
  • Paul challenges the Galatians, asking whether they received the Spirit by following the law or by believing what they heard.
ExpectationMust repent and adhere to the lawSimply believe in Christ
JustificationThrough faith and adherence to the lawThrough hearing and believing

The Spirit’s Role

An essential part of the dialogue centers around the role of the Holy Spirit. Sean emphasizes that the Spirit works directly with individuals, suggesting that:

  • People can experience divine influence without an intermediary’s authorization.
  • The Holy Spirit’s power is not confined to the actions of authoritative figures but rather is accessible to all believers.

Historical and Contemporary Implications

Historical Context is critical in understanding the scripture. The apostles operated within their unique circumstances, and today’s believers must recognize how interpretations can vary based on context.

  • Delaney questions how to convey these ideas to children effectively without dogma.
  • There’s a call to start dialogues based on reason and experience rather than rigid doctrines.


The discussion concludes by affirming the move away from relying solely on Paul’s authority or the authority of any single figure for spiritual understanding. Instead, emphasis is placed on the direct relationship each believer has with the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, Delaney and Sean encourage thoughtful engagement with scripture, urging listeners to recognize its historical context and the transformative power of faith.

In the words of Sean, “It’s about the spirit, not just scripture,” illuminating the core of their teaching approach. Embracing this perspective can lead to a more profound and genuine understanding of one’s faith journey.

Read the video transcript

welcome to I don’t get the Bible with Delaney and Shawn where we go through different books of scripture and talk about them as Delaney is starting to grasp some larger Concepts within the Bible as we’ve gone through several books now today we are in Galatians chapter 3 we are but before starting Galatians 3 I Revisited two a little bit and I I feel like the questions I asked weren’t good enough and I want to ask a couple more let’s do it okay um there’s a part verse eight starting so he says for God who is at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles yeah James cus and John those esteemed as pillars gave me and Barnabas the right hand of Fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me they agreed that we should go to the Gentiles and they to be circumcised all they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor the very thing I’d been eager to do all along um so it really is interesting to me that he distinguishes that God is at work in him separate from the others specifically to go to the Gentiles we talked about it but it just like I heard it in a different way um uh the way he distinguishes that work uh that God is working in him is through the notion of Grace like he receives the same Grace as them like for uh which is like how he proves it which I don’t know it just was interesting that he’s like I’m also qualified because I have the same Grace as you so I don’t know if that said something about Paul that he had to be like I have the same Grace as you to these people yeah it seems like he’s but remember we’ve talked about how Paul is constantly trying to remind them I am an apostle and when he says I’ve received the grace it’s almost like saying I’ve been given the same permission to do what you do yeah the grace the the the room to do it yeah um and then the the constraint that he had well the only constraint was that he continued to go to the poor yeah um it was a constraint but it was a reminder or like but that was the only thing yeah yeah they uh they because in Acts we read about the other thing being that they don’t eat meat offered to Idols that’s another thing that acts brings into the apostles agenda to work with the uh uh Gentiles okay why those why those things when working with the Gentiles because uh if they refuse to eat the meat that’s offered to to uh it removes them from the Pagan practices of uh what went on in the temple of Diana and Artemis and all these things is just that just don’t do it what they ate remember yesterday we were talking in it it’s the third thing that God mentions in the Old Testament of what is an Abomination to him what they ate so that’s still part of the culture and so the apostles said and also don’t let him eat me sacrific to Idols okay I think I’m just trying to have a better Gra grasp as I go on like what really like Jesus was for Jews versus Gentiles like it seems like he is different things and you you couch it in like I my assumption is you couch it in like Faith versus repentance like the Jews had something to repent for while the Gentiles just have to have faith yeah is that right yeah that’s right and and because the Jews have a history of having the law and God working with them so there was a lot given to them so his response to them was you got to repent first believe accept me as your Messiah but for the genti maybe the Gentiles I haven’t had as clear of a picture on until now yeah I mean a gentile had no law they had nothing no connection to God at all so they weren’t really I mean they were still in sin because what they did was against God and they had conscience right but they had NE they’re not even close to the same expectation in what was demanded of them to believe and receive Christ you know and it’s the same with us today you know there’s none of the implications that came with being a Jew in Jesus’s day that was a very very different thing and that’s lost unless you really step back and try to understand that you just think well I’m a gentile I read the Bible oh it’s to me and that’s not how to do it okay yeah um okay did that help yeah I feel like it’s like a longer I’ll probably like keep asking things about that as we go just what what the Gentiles maybe like Gentiles then versus now too like yeah I’m having a hard time thinking about it like just Gentiles are just about faith so why why are things even like them eating the meat and associating with the pagans why does that even matter well you have to remember the Jews had 1500 years of believing we are the only ones we’re the only ones God loves because God has kind of allowed them to think that if you follow me and you do this and you do that you are my people I’ll protect you above all other nations you’ll be Mighty so they were they were getting all of this I’m going to say rhetoric from God but it was all predicated on them being faithful and they weren’t and so that has to be included but if you take the fact that their faithful on believe that they were that special and Jesus comes when it becomes apparent that what that Messiah who was promised to them to do everything for them is going to now go to the Gentiles it would be like your father is a KKK member and you come home with a black boyfriend I mean it was so opposite of everything they thought about themselves M so uh Paul was specifically sent to teach why God’s approach to the Gentiles called the mystery that had been hidden before he says is now coming out and how it’s different than what the Jews uh expected and did and what and what was expected of them wow and and very very few uh pastors will see that they just don’t see it and if you don’t see it then you’ll teach the Bible as if what Jesus says to the Jews in Matthew Mark Luke and John is as applicable to you and it’s not in the least yeah so you say that to suggest Paul’s equipping the Gentiles in a way that will like ease the hate that the Jews might have on them his book to the Romans Book of Romans is all about trying to explain how how they are one now stop the infighting because in Rome those who came and joined Christianity as Jews were fighting with the Gentiles who came to him without Judaism and they both had different views of what should go on so they were at each other’s throats yeah wow that is I’ve never thought of it like that like how terrible it must have been Jews think that these other people could just have what they’ve earned kind of even though they clearly did not they rejected what they earned yeah or you know but yeah it must have been reprehensible to a good Jew to see uh some guy come in and he’s eating pork and he’s uh he’s got a girlfriend on his a sidekick and all they have to do is believe this is terrible this is what is happening I mean we’re talking major we can’t even fathom it so the things the bride once again I have to always clarify the bride is Jews and Gentiles and but it was different the bride had to be pure yeah but it was different for the Jews of the Bride versus the Gentiles of the Bride on how to be pure is that correct it it is correct but the reality is the real qualifier to be pure for both Jews and Gentiles was Faith that’s as it was in the Old Testament and that is the thing that made either side Justified okay okay but the way that a Jew was told to show their faith was to First repent and then walk in that faith and because they had been given the law now once Jesus died and rose again maybe that narrative changed and maybe the conversation was a little different believe on the one that was sent you know and the law the law is in a place now in these groups and conversations where it’s starting to crumble and fade so while it’s crumbling people are still saying oh Sabbath day still diet still this and it’s it’s a it’s a storm that’s going on here between the lines um well then to revisit the example I always have a question about why do you use that as a really like sort of like a go-to example with people like the ratio chrisy kids of like you are a woman you shouldn’t be speaking in church if you think he hasn’t returned when like it actually wasn’t as much about like those laws were kind of like crumbling like you’re saying right is that right is that the right question to ask but I do that to show them you’re citing a book that you don’t have the right to site because it wasn’t given to you and you’re not living in that day and age so when so because The Rao Christy kids will say but the Bible says but the Bible says and I say okay so you’re going to you’re going to cite that Bible how come you if you’re going to cite it why are you speaking in church okay and it’s the best way to just show them quickly so so where do you draw the line right so what I am saying is let’s let’s not draw lines there let’s get to the reality this was not to us okay so stop citing the book as if it is to us now you don’t have the right do you think that starting with the thought that this book wasn’t to us is like one of the best starting points yeah and but the problem with it is it takes years of re of reformatting people’s thinking for them to say this Bible was not to us and so that’s why what we’ve done is such a protracted difficult long game because we’re trying to change and I’ve had people say well why even do that just let people go to church and they’ll come about their own and I say well I agree and and but we want to do something that’s effective we want to do something that will change children and how we teach them instead because if you do it backward and you don’t yeah yeah to say why even do that is so so sad like you’re you have the blessing of being able to put out this piece of artwork where he’s asking people to sign it and their responses are this has changed my life I love better because of it right like the long protracted thing is worth it because it without fail over 50 people at least are signing their name to say it literally changed their life so now the argument against this and with our rub against organized church is that people will say but you got to start somewhere and you have to teach children to start somewhere so you start with the Ten Commandments and and you start with this is what Jesus wants you to do and when they learn that you building that’s the justification and I say if we chose to start with this is written to a people before and we teach them from the ground up they will have a much better experience as a Christian than what we’ve had in the past yeah it’s it I mean even not starting with the Bible oh yeah you don’t that doesn’t seem necessary which is kind of gnarly to say but yeah I mean the way to start with kids is so beautiful in what we could do we won’t do it yeah what where do you start that’s such a weird question you start with reason with them like like when you’re out of the park and there’s a tree and they say tree and you say where do you think that came from and you open up a discussion and when you look at a potato you use you use natural reason with them to start to show them without them knowing cosmological argument that proves God why did you chose the potato cuz I’m thinking I’m just I’m just letting myself think of what do children eat and what are they doing and and then not to give them Dogma not to say well God did that you know what do you think you know because we’re we’re operating with kids who are at a different level now so we have to be smarter in how we’re doing it because the old way doesn’t work it’s never worked it won’t work anymore it didn’t work before yeah it was just that Society worked off of that so the adults were also bought into it but now it’s like Santa or something where everyone’s in on we just do this for the kids to like give them and then they’ll realize it’s BS and they’ll figure it out it’s like okay that’s terrible and we have had the fortunate blessing of seeing our kids our grandkids kind of cut on this a little bit you know and and I’ve seen them and I compare them to my siblings who have kids and what they were cut on and I see a just such a beautiful difference between the children yeah you know yeah there’s still a lot of fear and yeah it really is out of fear and I don’t blame parents for being if they don’t know better it’s scary right so that’s where you bring knowledge in um good stuff okay what there’s I had um one more thing from chapter 2 yeah I love this we who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles know that a person is not justified by The Works of the law um well I think I’m going to be asking the same question um like do do Gentiles need Grace as much as Jews do yeah they do everybody does yeah okay um okay for chapter three yep you foolish Galatians who has Bewitched you before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified I’d like to learn just one thing from you did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or believing what you heard are you so foolish after Beginning by means of the spirit are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh have you experienced so much in vain uh if it really was in vain so again I ask does God give you his spirit and work miracles among you by works of the law or by believing what you heard so also Abraham believed God and it was credit to him his righteousness right okay um first of all uh the premise of believing what you heard obviously here is essential to the faith yeah which is weird because when I read that I have such fear of that like I think there’s a shift there’s like an issue with religion today and saying don’t believe what you hear oh don’t you think that do you read it that way like well I mean there’s discernment I think they’re talking about that but but it’s like what you heard versus um works of La law like your experience like I’m trying to like really understand the difference between those like flesh versus what is the what is how would you describe the believing what you heard thing like a spiritual knowledge or something yeah it in Romans Paul will say faith comes by hearing of the word okay now that’s the hearing of everyone has different interpretations is it the hearing of the spirit that’s bringing the word to you is it the hearing of a pastor or a street preacher who’s teaching the word is the word Jesus and you don’t get converted unless you really hear the voice of Jesus in you I like that latter one better okay because he’s the word that’s the scripture he the word so I take when he talks about the hearing of the word that when a person hears Yeshua that is where faith comes from and you believe when you believe on that what he says which would be love which would be entirely spiritual and it would be believe on me and love that’s what it would be it’s believe on me first have faith on me when someone hears that spirit spiritually they hear a message they watch a movie something and in their heart they say I believe on him uh and maybe they’re reading the scripture hear a sermon whatever it is that is how you’re Justified before God that’s why Abraham was justified by believing before anything else he didn’t do anything else so that’s what Paul’s making clear and he says you foolish Galatians and he’s asking them how do you how did you come to this place what did you do did you do something pay something earn something or did you hear something and believe it that’s his point and now that you’ve believed it what are you foolish gal’s going to go do you’re going to perfect your flesh when you did it wasn’t your flesh that heard that’s the point of what he’s saying there well that is what is so striking is what Christians do not do today they’ll hear they’ll hear you saying for you for instance they’ll hear you saying something and they freak out and they say you don’t have authority you don’t have all these things that seem like works of the law to justify their beliefs kind of well what they would say to what you just said is but it was Paul who says we gave you the word Paul had Authority he could be trusted he was called by Jesus who are you well that but that like he’s asking Gentiles who like you’re saying they just they heard something in their community and believed it yeah well it was probably the words of Paul or it was from somebody who was sent to share that with them and that’s what Paul’s saying we shared the word with you what did you do you heard it and you believed so that’s the circular reasoning okay is that they say yeah and so but what churches have done is said we have our authority to speak the word and so our people should listen to us because we have it passed down from the first people or God appeared to us or I got my mdiv I see okay and so my response is the Bible shows that a Believer can be anybody to share a word and anybody can hear it and if the spirit moves it into them that’s fine it doesn’t have to be somebody with any kind of authority and do you think that that’s the case now since it’s been fulfilled absolutely not before so there was this thing that they’re talking about of authority on the word being passed at that time well I they have that Authority line going on but I think even a Bible reader who believes in that uh authoritative line would agree that in that day somebody could come to truth without somebody uh sharing it to them yeah yeah sharing it with them yeah if that was possible yeah then it just debunks the whole claims to Authority to me well it does but the problem is is in that Bible we have so much being shared by people with people who convert and that’s why Paul will constantly say we gave you this wisdom we were sent to do it in that day and age I believe they were and they were called because they were firsthand Witnesses but couldn’t it have been that like they shared it with someone and that person shared it with the next person sure and that means the authority is in the information not in the person the information has Authority they were firsthand Witnesses they’re more believable yeah on that information but like it can still be passed and someone gains that if someone walked by Jesus like the real Authority is Jesus who said the words yeah who sent his Spirit to bring the conviction yeah but we have an example for instance there was a Ethiopian guy who and he was sitting on the roadside and he asked I can’t remember who it was Phillip you know tell me what who is this Messiah who am I reading about Philip taught him he said I believe so they’ll use that the people at that time and their engagement with others was really important but that’s how the church grew that’s how we got so many people right but some of those people joined because of their flesh and some join because of the spirit and that has gone on ever since yeah right and then what do people today say about the spirit at that time like wasn’t the spirit like more even more powerful and like directly working on people outside of Paul and I think ABS absolutely but that’s not agreed it’s it’s it’s debated John MacArthur says there was no spiritual gifts today no none today at that time the did they think there were Spirit the spirit touching people without the person of authority wielding it the spirit was put in charge and so when was that acts right so all the Jews gathered under the law to come to uh Jerusalem 3,000 were converted and then they went home so we didn’t have Apostles going to every person’s house with each person who went home that’s how the the growth of the church got legs okay but that went through people it started through Peter but then it went through people right like was there the spirit just working on a person and they understood it are there stories of that well that’s the story of the guy at the road uh the Ethiopian who was on the side of a road and just was reading the Old Testament and was reading Isaiah and he said explain this to me who who is this and then so someone explained it okay so your question is trying to get to the point is do Christians believe that the Holy Spirit could have reached a farmer out in this field without anyone telling them absolutely at that time yeah at that time yeah cuz the spirit was put in charge but the way it it worked from all the recordings was that people were sharing that was the whole message go out and speak it it’s because by hearing it you can then decide Paul makes the point how can you believe what you haven’t heard it’s impossible he makes that point so that’s why the Christians say you have to go out and evangelize and share okay but I say that that is a Biblical tenant which was taught to them in that period and that’s how it worked because you know that’s just how God set it up I don’t know what else to say but I believe today people can come to Faith by watching a a porn movie and drunk yeah that the spirit now is that powerful and they will then say something happened and they’ll pursue they’ll hear and then their confirmation will come yeah so and the spirit the key point is that it’s not the freaking porn movie that’s has the spirit it’s the spirit working with people right it’s like Danny Larson says you know I was LDS when I came to know Christ no doubt but people say it’s because of the LDS church that’s called idolatry right yeah which so to wrap it up that is that perspective on how the spirit works is Idol is idolatrous throughout the whole Bible yeah so it’s idolatrous to say Paul is the one that wields the spirit that’s right it’s the spirit that’s right it’s Jesus and so we say I don’t give any credit to Paul and Paul would be the first one to say I agree yeah yeah right yeah it’s God and that’s the point we’re trying to make that’s why we are always you know being so self effacing you know it’s not me I know what I’m about Paul would say the same thing yeah and Paul trying to justify himself seems like it’s him saying the thing I’m telling you is valid because I got it from God not cuz I’m like he says things that are like dumb right that is so terrible to say like he he comes off at least in this translation as like you have Discerning ear you know but we don’t understand fully what he was speaking to so but it’s a Discerning ear because there’s times when he sounds arrogant as hell yeah it does it probably is a translation thing that too okay well stop there yeah long episode but I love it we’ll move on to the next thanks guys

I Dont Get The Bible

I Dont Get The Bible

Debuting in 2023, I Don’t Get The Bible is a podcast hosted by Shawn McCraney and his daughter Delaney. Together, they approach scripture with curiosity and candid discussions, questioning traditional interpretations and exploring the Bible’s relevance in a post-religious context. Episodes range from tackling specific passages to broader explorations of faith, always with a focus on making scripture accessible and relatable to modern seekers.

Articles: 141
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