FBI RAIDS JP Miller’s House! | What No One Is Talking About | Mica Miller


The FBI raided controversial Pastor JP Miller’s house on Friday, November 1st at around 10:30 AM. After his wife, Mica, died six months ago, suspicions that he was involved or responsible started spreading and her family and friends have spent the last several months investigating and working tirelessly to bring #justiceforMica.

In this video, we share everything we know about the FBI investigation so far, but we also discuss an important red flag in abusive churches and cults that no one is talking about.


JLR Investigates! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpZoKAbfcFs&t=2547s
The Robbie Harvey – https://www.youtube.com/@TheRobbieHarvey

Previous Videos on Mica Francis and JP Miller:

Former Member of Mica Miller’s Former Church Speaks Out: https://youtu.be/0RdZn1j5VPg
The Deleted JP Miller Sermon, Part 1:

Cult Love-Bombing at Mica Miller’s Former Church: https://youtu.be/TofJkJp70V0

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