3 Ways Steve Lawson Exposed the Reformed Church | John MacArthur


Former Pastor and Ministry Leader Steve Lawson’s recent scandal, and the way it was handled, just destroyed the reputation of the Reformed Church, but it also exposed 3 harsh truths about their community and culture.

Will the Reformed Church wake up to these flaws or remain insolent in their doctrinal and intellectual pride? Only time will tell. In the meantime, we’re looking behind the Reformed mask and exposing the truth.

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Check out our friends in ministry:

The Great News Network: https://www.youtube.com/@thegreatnewsnet
Heart of the Matter with Shawn McCraney: https://www.youtube.com/@hotmtv

Additional Links:

Julie Roys’ Reports on the Steve Lawson scandal: https://julieroys.com/pastor-author-dean-masters-steve-lawson-fired-inappropriate-relationship/

Steve Lawson Had ‘5-Year Relationship’ with Woman in Her 20s, GCC Pastor Says

Steve Lawson Resigns from OnePassion Ministries; Questions Remain Unanswered

#stevelawson #calvinism #reformedtheology #churchtoo #churchabuse #churchscandal #christianchurches #christiancults #cults #churchcorruption #reformedchurch #johnmacarthur #masterseminary #trinitybiblechurch



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